New Mexico Gov Thinks Climate Emergency Erases Citizen's Rights

The best thing a leftist does for our country is being open and vocal about their true aims and policies…..that is why we need to thank this New Mexico Governor……she just showed us how medical emergencies are going to be used to take away our guns…..

Of course, she is a democrat…..and she has now made it impossible for other democrat party borg drones to tell is that using a “medical emergency,” to ban and even confiscate guns is a right wing conspiracy theory…..

The democrat party is going to ban and confiscate guns if they get the power to do it…..the useful idiots here in U.S.message board who tell us we are crazy to believe that are either really stupid, or lying…..

Having lived in New Mexico for a few years, I usually keep up with the news there but have been remiss of late and this story got by me...

It appears as though, based on the criteria (No person other than a law enforcement officers or licensed security officers shall possess a firearm either openly or concealed within cities or counties, averaging 1,000 or more violent crimes per 100,000 and more than 90 firearm-related emergency department visits) in the order, the only area that will currently be effected is the city of Albuquerque and the county in which it is found, Bernalillo. A little more than 1,000 square miles. It will be interesting to see if this stands up to the court challenges given it's unconstitutionality...It even goes against state laws.

Pretty much everyone in ABQ and "supposedly" even the head of the State Police have in one way or another stated they will not be enforcing this illegal order. I suspect Girshan is playing to the anti-gun orgs and donors with political posturing maybe trying to set up an unnecessary and wasteful debate platform that will ultimately cost money and go nowhere. This is her second term, she is a lame duck so has nothing to lose.
I can't believe the bitch Lujan Grisham did that!

What's the use of having a Constitution at all then?

USA is falling deeper than we thought it could ever fall!
The best thing a leftist does for our country is being open and vocal about their true aims and policies…..that is why we need to thank this New Mexico Governor……she just showed us how medical emergencies are going to be used to take away our guns…..

Of course, she is a democrat…..and she has now made it impossible for other democrat party borg drones to tell is that using a “medical emergency,” to ban and even confiscate guns is a right wing conspiracy theory…..

The democrat party is going to ban and confiscate guns if they get the power to do it…..the useful idiots here in U.S.message board who tell us we are crazy to believe that are either really stupid, or lying…..

They're desperate and overreaching these days, are they not?

Backtracking fast on Twitter and everywhere. The Left is losing HARD
They're desperate and overreaching these days, are they not?

Backtracking fast on Twitter and everywhere. The Left is losing HARD

It's only over reaching if we can stop them...otherwise they are simply taking control.
It's only over reaching if we can stop them...otherwise they are simply taking control.

This one has already been stopped, both politically, culturally, and logistically. Law enforcement will not enforce it.

We need to take our Ls and also, take our wins. We are very, very good at Eeyore-ing but very bad at recognizing when we are winning.

She lost. Big.

We won.

Take the win.
The best thing a leftist does for our country is being open and vocal about their true aims and policies…..that is why we need to thank this New Mexico Governor……she just showed us how medical emergencies are going to be used to take away our guns…..

Of course, she is a democrat…..and she has now made it impossible for other democrat party borg drones to tell is that using a “medical emergency,” to ban and even confiscate guns is a right wing conspiracy theory…..

The democrat party is going to ban and confiscate guns if they get the power to do it…..the useful idiots here in U.S.message board who tell us we are crazy to believe that are either really stupid, or lying…..
They'll do whatever they want and dare us to do anything about it.

What are you willing to do to stop them?
Don't kid yourselves - if they thought they could get away with it,. every Democrat Chief Executive would do this.
Newsome, Green, Murphy, Hochul - woudn't waste a second.

When I refer to bed wetters as jabbering retards I am NOT JOKING, and there is the proof. I'm kind of surprised they didn't put a helmet on her considering how much her head jerks around. This foaming at the mouth bolshevik sociopath ranted for nearly 3 minutes there and made basically no sense at all. I just hope there is a serious protest with thousands of rifle toting civilians daring a mother fucker to try.

That bitch is out of
The best thing a leftist does for our country is being open and vocal about their true aims and policies…..that is why we need to thank this New Mexico Governor……she just showed us how medical emergencies are going to be used to take away our guns…..

Of course, she is a democrat…..and she has now made it impossible for other democrat party borg drones to tell is that using a “medical emergency,” to ban and even confiscate guns is a right wing conspiracy theory…..

The democrat party is going to ban and confiscate guns if they get the power to do it…..the useful idiots here in U.S.message board who tell us we are crazy to believe that are either really stupid, or lying…..
My governor has handled some things reasonably well but has made idiotic decisions and been a tyrannical dictator in others even as her own hypocrisy was evident more than once. So I am not surprised at this latest move to use tragic, senseless acts by criminal elements to suspend the Second Amendment despite the fact that it isn't those who regularly open carry or the CCW permit people who are committing the crimes. I suspect her ruling will be overturned in court fairly quickly.

Lujan Grisham has been an enigma when it comes to crime. She supports Albuquerque and Santa Fe being sanctuary cities but has not pushed for New Mexico to be a sanctuary state. She refuses to aggressively go after dangerous gangs and illegal migrants but has been pretty strong on support for strengthening bail laws to keep dangerous/violent offenders in jail as they await trial.

I do get tired of the 'woke' and 'aggressive left' going after law abiding or obviously harmless people while turning a blind eye to those who are dangerous, malicious, illegal, etc.

The WEF is testing emergency powers to see what they are capable of ordering their democrat operatives to engage in.

Get ready to see "emergency powers" used in other weird ways in the near future.

WEF = Democrats&Lindsey Graham
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