New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Well, how about this. They see a completely innocuous post by me, and come and shit on the thread - why, again. Why is this something that is acceptable and logical in your mind (just like shitting on people with neg rep because one has a bug up their ass about those evil bastards daring to show up on this board!!!)

It's bullshit. And it's like being in a kindergarten class full of kids that need a nap, listening to the whining that has been going on all damn day. "I'm sorry, Jimmy but no. You don't get to shit on Daniel just because you feel like expressing yourself."

I thought everybody'd be over that malarkey by now.
Maybe some don't like spam, ya know?

Look, Boop. I have no problem accepting the fact that some folks will always disagree with me. I have no problem telling others with whom I disagree that I DO disagree. I have no problem telling a clear moron that they are exactly that. I also have no problem telling a pig that they are a pig.

Then we have this situation: I rarely agree with Jillian, for example. I bet Jillian rarely agrees with me. I've never negged her. She has never negged me.
Ever wonder why?

lol...i've been here since march but have only really been posting for less than two weeks and jillian is wonderful. i mean, in those two weeks she has only neg repped me twice, but she has always leaves such constructive comments, and reinforces them. the first time she said "regards" but the second time she negged me, her response was brilliant. she said "regards" again. now, who would have thought to reinforce the first bit of advice by giving it over again.

and her friends are wonderful too...another high roller who neg me on a rotating basis, it seems, and i really got to thank high gravity for teaching me the ropes of this board...leave pithy one line comments and be as crude and as vulgar as i can.

i try to positive rep them as much as i can, but the "spread it around" rule and the "no more than five per day' rule is messing that up. i think the only two negs/day is horrible. i mean that...and jillian has certainly raised my opinion of people in such exalted status as hers also.

guess what, jillian. don't care a damn. don't have to. bring it, girl. i am unrepentant and i have never yet been put in my place...but keep trying.


is saying that about a mod breaking the rules. well...

guess what. don't care a damn. don't have to.

(now why the hell would jillian ever ding you, si modo, even if what you say about her and your constant disagreement is true, you could ding her back and equally. no brainer on why neither of you ding each other.)

No, it's not breaking the rules, but thanks for pointing out how daring you are. I would never have known otherwise.

It was back up to 20 within hours of being dropped. Enjoy.
lol...i've been here since march but have only really been posting for less than two weeks and jillian is wonderful. i mean, in those two weeks she has only neg repped me twice, but she has always leaves such constructive comments, and reinforces them. the first time she said "regards" but the second time she negged me, her response was brilliant. she said "regards" again. now, who would have thought to reinforce the first bit of advice by giving it over again.

and her friends are wonderful too...another high roller who neg me on a rotating basis, it seems, and i really got to thank high gravity for teaching me the ropes of this board...leave pithy one line comments and be as crude and as vulgar as i can.

i try to positive rep them as much as i can, but the "spread it around" rule and the "no more than five per day' rule is messing that up. i think the only two negs/day is horrible. i mean that...and jillian has certainly raised my opinion of people in such exalted status as hers also.

guess what, jillian. don't care a damn. don't have to. bring it, girl. i am unrepentant and i have never yet been put in my place...but keep trying.


is saying that about a mod breaking the rules. well...

guess what. don't care a damn. don't have to.

(now why the hell would jillian ever ding you, si modo, even if what you say about her and your constant disagreement is true, you could ding her back and equally. no brainer on why neither of you ding each other.)

whoa, clearly you don't care.

not any more i don't. i mean, i believe in seniority and all and respecting my elders and people with experience, but this board is weighted way to much for abuse of new people.

what pisses me off about it is that a lot of rooks take this rep point stuff seriously and they think it means something...i know people who do. they won't speak out on their own behalf because of this good il' boy set up where all the ancient curmudgeons rule the roost.

i don't know...i probably won't be long for this board anyway. it really is a well run board and all with a lot of good features and with a lot of good people on it also who i should have acknowledged more...but look at this thread. most of the input is coming from people who have been here awhile and the young bloods don't even know this thread exists.

so yes...i really do not care, at least about what some big shot muckity muck is going to do to me. give me negs please, because i have a little bro who i love dearly and who posts in this board and has been for a long time. he is a good kid and it just isn't right that i would have more point doo dahs than he does given our relative time served. he has never said a cross word to anyone.

The reason people are weighing in (and you ARE missing a lowby or two in your count) is because it's a community that they have belonged to for a very long time. At least two of them used to have different user names, so have been here even longer than it would appear (Swagger and KG). When you call someplace your cyber home, you honestly give a shit what transpires there.

Your take on things is a bit simplistic.
I think in my whole time here I've negged two people not in retaliation to a neg they gave me. I have a MAD Neg in Return 100% of the time (well unless I really said something stupid and probably deserved the neg) so I have no horse in this race.

Also, I have no one on ignore.

No one.

you sure about that Pilgrim?
Use and abuse of the rep system can be entertaining.

But seriously: WTF?

There's more discussion of rep than there is about how fucking mindless the President's programs and actions tend to be.

Let's focus on REPpin' The ONE. A vote for Mitt is a neg rep for the incumbent! :clap2:

I say, Pres. Obama needs 5 Red Medals on Election Day!

Vote him out.

Limit one neg rep and one pos per Election, per office holder.

The use of socks is strictly forbidden. Voter ID is mandatory, motherfuckers!

Thank me.
It's a diversion...:eusa_shhh:

I adamantly refuse to discuss the election and only the election for the next several months. Diversions have become a necessity.
Nope. Sorry. I don't get negged anywhere near enough to bitch.
LOL...yeah well. Apparently that hasn't stopped you. Can't help but notice the big GOOSE EGG under Rep Power on your post.

And apparently, there are several more like you whose Rep Power is a direct reflection of their lack of SELF CONTROL!!!

Sorry, what goose egg. And why are you yelling about self control!!11!!!eleventy111!!!11!?
Notice which group as a whole is whining the hardest?

So the far, far right is resentful they can no longer neg rep the opposition to impotence and enforce a political philosophy on the entire board.

The USMB Hive has been poked with a little prick and they feel fucked?


Too funny. I remember the abortion nurse saying "You'll feel a little prick..." I said "That's what got me here in the first place!"

Its just another tool in the chest. I can get a lib to neg me twice in 48 pretty easy. Melts have that effect.
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