New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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By the same token, the noobs often have no respect for folks that have been here a very long time. Much longer than me. I don't even count myself in their group. Spammers and trolls abound. The rep system is a self defense of sorts. It has worked for a long time and I choose to be here for the discussions and people. If its not for you, that's cool, just don't expect us to change the world for you.
Use and abuse of the rep system can be entertaining.

But seriously: WTF?

There's more discussion of rep than there is about how fucking mindless the President's programs and actions tend to be.

Let's focus on REPpin' The ONE. A vote for Mitt is a neg rep for the incumbent! :clap2:

I say, Pres. Obama needs 5 Red Medals on Election Day!

Vote him out.

Limit one neg rep and one pos per Election, per office holder.

The use of socks is strictly forbidden. Voter ID is mandatory, motherfuckers!

Thank me.
So one can very quickly assume that this new neg rep rule is because a few whiners, the ole wheel that squeaks gets the grease rule, that have ruined it for EVERYONE, and I think most that have been here awhile know exactly who those, (BDBoop), people are.

But with that aside, this new rule is very extreme, and with new members that virtually NEVER read the rules, it's unfair as well as extreme.

One, to wipe out what took YEARS for most here to acquire for what could be an HONEST MISTAKE is unjust.

Two, for admin to assume every person on the board, old and new, is going to be aware of this rule is ludicrous.

Three, if this abortion is to stay however, then it should be written into the board software so that it's just something you CAN'T DO, as you CAN'T pos rep someone more than twenty times in twenty four hours, then you shouldn't be able to neg rep someone more than twice in 48 hours. If one limit can be written into the board software, then so can the other. Why impose such strict, over the top, outlandishly unjust and unfair punishments? Is it a trap? Is it a joke? What's the reasoning? Who thought this atrocity up? I think you will see people leaving the board, and for sure those "supporting memers" will fall off. Not a smart way to run a board.

This is a big mistake.

My two cents.

In my opinion... all new changes to the rules... should be added into the rules as set forth. That way newbies can read the rules as they stand and not have to wade through all of the amendments as stickies.

I know there is an add on to do mass PMing to new members... and i think the rules should be added into a welcome PM....

Hi so and so... welcome to the USMB.... if you have any questions feel free to ask the mods or consult the rules... and give a link to the rules

I also think a mass PMing to ALL members of this new rule would be a good idea.

thems is my two cents

thanks...and no kiddin'. i have no idea what thwe rules are or where to find them or even what a stickie is, and i've read the rules and regs. i went to find out a question i had on copyright infringement and there was a discussion on it on some stickie, but it was closed, and i never found my answer.

maybe if they has a link to what the rule changes are or like you say, update them periodically.

the way i figure it, it is entirely my responsibility to know and understand the rules, but it is the administrators and moderators responsibility make thst possible and, uh, i dunno...maybe even easy
So one can very quickly assume that this new neg rep rule is because a few whiners, the ole wheel that squeaks gets the grease rule, that have ruined it for EVERYONE, and I think most that have been here awhile know exactly who those, (BDBoop), people are.

But with that aside, this new rule is very extreme, and with new members that virtually NEVER read the rules, it's unfair as well as extreme.

One, to wipe out what took YEARS for most here to acquire for what could be an HONEST MISTAKE is unjust.

Two, for admin to assume every person on the board, old and new, is going to be aware of this rule is ludicrous.

Three, if this abortion is to stay however, then it should be written into the board software so that it's just something you CAN'T DO, as you CAN'T pos rep someone more than twenty times in twenty four hours, then you shouldn't be able to neg rep someone more than twice in 48 hours. If one limit can be written into the board software, then so can the other. Why impose such strict, over the top, outlandishly unjust and unfair punishments? Is it a trap? Is it a joke? What's the reasoning? Who thought this atrocity up? I think you will see people leaving the board, and for sure those "supporting memers" will fall off. Not a smart way to run a board.

This is a big mistake.

My two cents.

In my opinion... all new changes to the rules... should be added into the rules as set forth. That way newbies can read the rules as they stand and not have to wade through all of the amendments as stickies.

I know there is an add on to do mass PMing to new members... and i think the rules should be added into a welcome PM....

Hi so and so... welcome to the USMB.... if you have any questions feel free to ask the mods or consult the rules... and give a link to the rules

I also think a mass PMing to ALL members of this new rule would be a good idea.

thems is my two cents

thanks...and no kiddin'. i have no idea what thwe rules are or where to find them or even what a stickie is, and i've read the rules and regs. i went to find out a question i had on copyright infringement and there was a discussion on it on some stickie, but it was closed, and i never found my answer.

maybe if they has a link to what the rule changes are or like you say, update them periodically.

the way i figure it, it is entirely my responsibility to know and understand the rules, but it is the administrators and moderators responsibility make thst possible and, uh, i dunno...maybe even easy

Oh, and reabhloideach is a massive douche bag.

Use and abuse of the rep system can be entertaining.

But seriously: WTF?

There's more discussion of rep than there is about how fucking mindless the President's programs and actions tend to be.

Let's focus on REPpin' The ONE. A vote for Mitt is a neg rep for the incumbent! :clap2:

I say, Pres. Obama needs 5 Red Medals on Election Day!

Vote him out.

Limit one neg rep and one pos per Election, per office holder.

The use of socks is strictly forbidden. Voter ID is mandatory, motherfuckers!

Thank me.
It's a diversion...:eusa_shhh:
Nope. Sorry. I don't get negged anywhere near enough to bitch.
LOL...yeah well. Apparently that hasn't stopped you. Can't help but notice the big GOOSE EGG under Rep Power on your post.

And apparently, there are several more like you whose Rep Power is a direct reflection of their lack of SELF CONTROL!!!

In my opinion... all new changes to the rules... should be added into the rules as set forth. That way newbies can read the rules as they stand and not have to wade through all of the amendments as stickies.

I know there is an add on to do mass PMing to new members... and i think the rules should be added into a welcome PM....

Hi so and so... welcome to the USMB.... if you have any questions feel free to ask the mods or consult the rules... and give a link to the rules

I also think a mass PMing to ALL members of this new rule would be a good idea.

thems is my two cents

thanks...and no kiddin'. i have no idea what thwe rules are or where to find them or even what a stickie is, and i've read the rules and regs. i went to find out a question i had on copyright infringement and there was a discussion on it on some stickie, but it was closed, and i never found my answer.

maybe if they has a link to what the rule changes are or like you say, update them periodically.

the way i figure it, it is entirely my responsibility to know and understand the rules, but it is the administrators and moderators responsibility make thst possible and, uh, i dunno...maybe even easy

Oh, and reabhloideach is a massive douche bag.


lol...and my fan base grows.

i mean, i wanna sometime master the fine art of "tough guy" posting just like you...

kinda like "from tiny acorns", huh? from massive douche bags, really big tough guys grow.

hey, liability. this is a message board. ya don't scare me. and those negs really hurt, babe.

i like you. you're funny.

Use and abuse of the rep system can be entertaining.

But seriously: WTF?

There's more discussion of rep than there is about how fucking mindless the President's programs and actions tend to be.

Let's focus on REPpin' The ONE. A vote for Mitt is a neg rep for the incumbent! :clap2:

I say, Pres. Obama needs 5 Red Medals on Election Day!

Vote him out.

Limit one neg rep and one pos per Election, per office holder.

The use of socks is strictly forbidden. Voter ID is mandatory, motherfuckers!

Thank me.

are you like running for the board diety or something, thinking everyone should post where you want. that was a really intelligent comment you made about the elections. we get it. you hate obama. cool. whatev. but how many different ways do you think you can say it before people get bored. ya had me at two.

oh...and i'm a massive douche bag. (just thought i would save you the trouble of repeating yourself and spare others from your persistent redundancy.)
If you have to neg someone twice in a 48 hour of 2 things is happening.............

Either (a) you really have a problem with someone and think that by negging them twice in 48 hours is going to either make them quit, or they will come to your way of thinking, or (b) they're too stupid for words, and by negging them twice in a 48 hour period, not only have you expressed your displeasure, but you've also shown that you're too stupid to let others neg them.

Either way, you're an idiot. The rule should stand, but give them 1 warning before killing their rep.

We're on the same page on this. If I believe what I've been told, there are members with very large rep who do get on somebody's case and do intentionally try to neg rep them into oblivion. And even thougn I very occasionally think somebody deserves that, I am sure that the one under siege does not.

And thought the consequences here may be that those who get their jollies by being a bully will be encouraged to spread the misery some more, I still am delighted with the new rule.

BUT. . . .members, new ones coming in, and old ones coming back, need a fair chance to be familiar with the rule before they lose their rep privileges forever. One warning should be given.
I neg rep on ocassion, but we are fortunate to have far more posts and posters to pos rep.
Honestly, I almost NEVER even look at the Forum where the rules and changes are posted. I wouldn't know about this new rep policy if somebody had not specifically called my attention to it. If I had been away for a week or two and came back after all the bruhaha had died down, it is highly unlikely that I would know about the new rule. It is also highly unlikely that I would violate it anyway, but it would be really unfair to impose it on some unsuspecting soul who did inadvertently neg rep some jerk 47.9 hours apart. Without giving them one warning I mean.
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I am completely comfortable with a "one warning rule" on this.

I think that is fair.
I'm not talking about one warning per incident, but one warning period just to be sure the member knows about the rule. I think that is reasonable.
my guess is that the dumb ass libtard wack jobs like Rdean, TM, Dickless Fuck and Conservaderpshit whined like little fucking babies, and this is the result.

Too bad they can't understand if they were not such complete fucking douche-nozzles, they wouldn't GET the shit negged out of them.
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