New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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You can give out 20 negs a day. You just can't hit the same person two days in a row. That barely qualifies as a 'restriction.'

If it is less then what it once was... that is a restriction of the rules.
Can I make a suggestion?

Let people pos rep as much as they could before, but limit neg reps to 3 per day - or even 1.

You are lagging behind a bit.... We have 20 reps to give out... but restrictions on negs.

I haven't read through the entire thread, or read through all the rules yet!

It seems to say we can neg as much as we like, just not the same person in 48hrs. If that is the change, then I don't see much wrong with it.

That is about the size of it..... rep, pos or neg is 20 a day. But you can only neg the same person every 48 hours.
This thread is a stitch. The OP is talking "disasters" and that the rules are "draconian". :lmao:

Then others are in some sort of utopia about the changes.

Funny extreme views of something that is not all that different, except for quantities, than before.

clearly, the logical non-drama way is to compare staff reacting to feedback by users to the appeasement leading to wwii. :clap2:

sanctimonious fraud in this very thread said:
IMO, it seems silly to leave a board because of rep. But, leaving a board because of staff mentality of appeasing whiners - yeah, that works.

Cuz appeasement has such an awesome historical track record."
You can give out 20 negs a day. You just can't hit the same person two days in a row. That barely qualifies as a 'restriction.'

That sounds fair enough. I rarely neg anyway, so I doubt this rule will affect me.

Same here. You really have to work at it to get a neg from me, but it can be done.

Thing I'm concerned about is that I don't want to see anybody getting in trouble because the reps from the previous day don't show up on your CP and it's been 47 hours and 59 minutes or something.

Really, I wouldn't put any restrictions on negreps. I think the system we already had in place pretty much prevents repwarring anyway.

We're fixing something that wasn't broken.
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If you have to neg someone twice in a 48 hour of 2 things is happening.............

Either (a) you really have a problem with someone and think that by negging them twice in 48 hours is going to either make them quit, or they will come to your way of thinking, or (b) they're too stupid for words, and by negging them twice in a 48 hour period, not only have you expressed your displeasure, but you've also shown that you're too stupid to let others neg them.

Either way, you're an idiot. The rule should stand, but give them 1 warning before killing their rep.
You can give out 20 negs a day. You just can't hit the same person two days in a row. That barely qualifies as a 'restriction.'

That sounds fair enough. I rarely neg anyway, so I doubt this rule will affect me.

Same here. You really have to work at it to get a neg from me, but it can be done.

Thing I'm concerned about is that I don't want to see anybody getting in trouble because the reps from the previous day don't show up on your CP and it's been 47 hours and 59 minutes or something.

Really, I wouldn't put any restrictions on negreps. I think the system we already had in place pretty much prevents repwarring anyway.

We're fixing something that wasn't broken.

I wouldn't neg either with a 123 pt. neg hit, people would just laugh at you.

I like the restrictions for now. We need to see whether it works and slows the abusive neg reppers down a little.

I can only speak for myself.... i read "new posts". I am not looking to see who it is, what forum it is... left or right. Its in new post. So your threads comes up and comments are made. I doubt cg and si sat and waited for your threads to come up. It may feel that way if they did not agree with you.

I am using lakota as an example....he is quite the whiner. So you saying to PR... basically.. i thought you were leaving is your hat ....there is the door... its no different then others saying it to lakota.

as i said.... just saying.


Well, how about this. They see a completely innocuous post by me, and come and shit on the thread - why, again. Why is this something that is acceptable and logical in your mind (just like shitting on people with neg rep because one has a bug up their ass about those evil bastards daring to show up on this board!!!)

It's bullshit. And it's like being in a kindergarten class full of kids that need a nap, listening to the whining that has been going on all damn day. "I'm sorry, Jimmy but no. You don't get to shit on Daniel just because you feel like expressing yourself."

I thought everybody'd be over that malarkey by now.
Maybe some don't like spam, ya know?

Look, Boop. I have no problem accepting the fact that some folks will always disagree with me. I have no problem telling others with whom I disagree that I DO disagree. I have no problem telling a clear moron that they are exactly that. I also have no problem telling a pig that they are a pig.

Then we have this situation: I rarely agree with Jillian, for example. I bet Jillian rarely agrees with me. I've never negged her. She has never negged me.
Ever wonder why?

lol...i've been here since march but have only really been posting for less than two weeks and jillian is wonderful. i mean, in those two weeks she has only neg repped me twice, but she has always leaves such constructive comments, and reinforces them. the first time she said "regards" but the second time she negged me, her response was brilliant. she said "regards" again. now, who would have thought to reinforce the first bit of advice by giving it over again.

and her friends are wonderful too...another high roller who neg me on a rotating basis, it seems, and i really got to thank high gravity for teaching me the ropes of this board...leave pithy one line comments and be as crude and as vulgar as i can.

i try to positive rep them as much as i can, but the "spread it around" rule and the "no more than five per day' rule is messing that up. i think the only two negs/day is horrible. i mean that...and jillian has certainly raised my opinion of people in such exalted status as hers also.

guess what, jillian. don't care a damn. don't have to. bring it, girl. i am unrepentant and i have never yet been put in my place...but keep trying.


is saying that about a mod breaking the rules. well...

guess what. don't care a damn. don't have to.

(now why the hell would jillian ever ding you, si modo, even if what you say about her and your constant disagreement is true, you could ding her back and equally. no brainer on why neither of you ding each other.)

Well, how about this. They see a completely innocuous post by me, and come and shit on the thread - why, again. Why is this something that is acceptable and logical in your mind (just like shitting on people with neg rep because one has a bug up their ass about those evil bastards daring to show up on this board!!!)

It's bullshit. And it's like being in a kindergarten class full of kids that need a nap, listening to the whining that has been going on all damn day. "I'm sorry, Jimmy but no. You don't get to shit on Daniel just because you feel like expressing yourself."

I thought everybody'd be over that malarkey by now.
Maybe some don't like spam, ya know?

Look, Boop. I have no problem accepting the fact that some folks will always disagree with me. I have no problem telling others with whom I disagree that I DO disagree. I have no problem telling a clear moron that they are exactly that. I also have no problem telling a pig that they are a pig.

Then we have this situation: I rarely agree with Jillian, for example. I bet Jillian rarely agrees with me. I've never negged her. She has never negged me.
Ever wonder why?

lol...i've been here since march but have only really been posting for less than two weeks and jillian is wonderful. i mean, in those two weeks she has only neg repped me twice, but she has always leaves such constructive comments, and reinforces them. the first time she said "regards" but the second time she negged me, her response was brilliant. she said "regards" again. now, who would have thought to reinforce the first bit of advice by giving it over again.

and her friends are wonderful too...another high roller who neg me on a rotating basis, it seems, and i really got to thank high gravity for teaching me the ropes of this board...leave pithy one line comments and be as crude and as vulgar as i can.

i try to positive rep them as much as i can, but the "spread it around" rule and the "no more than five per day' rule is messing that up. i think the only two negs/day is horrible. i mean that...and jillian has certainly raised my opinion of people in such exalted status as hers also.

guess what, jillian. don't care a damn. don't have to. bring it, girl. i am unrepentant and i have never yet been put in my place...but keep trying.


is saying that about a mod breaking the rules. well...

guess what. don't care a damn. don't have to.

(now why the hell would jillian ever ding you, si modo, even if what you say about her and your constant disagreement is true, you could ding her back and equally. no brainer on why neither of you ding each other.)

whoa, clearly you don't care.
Maybe some don't like spam, ya know?

Look, Boop. I have no problem accepting the fact that some folks will always disagree with me. I have no problem telling others with whom I disagree that I DO disagree. I have no problem telling a clear moron that they are exactly that. I also have no problem telling a pig that they are a pig.

Then we have this situation: I rarely agree with Jillian, for example. I bet Jillian rarely agrees with me. I've never negged her. She has never negged me.
Ever wonder why?

lol...i've been here since march but have only really been posting for less than two weeks and jillian is wonderful. i mean, in those two weeks she has only neg repped me twice, but she has always leaves such constructive comments, and reinforces them. the first time she said "regards" but the second time she negged me, her response was brilliant. she said "regards" again. now, who would have thought to reinforce the first bit of advice by giving it over again.

and her friends are wonderful too...another high roller who neg me on a rotating basis, it seems, and i really got to thank high gravity for teaching me the ropes of this board...leave pithy one line comments and be as crude and as vulgar as i can.

i try to positive rep them as much as i can, but the "spread it around" rule and the "no more than five per day' rule is messing that up. i think the only two negs/day is horrible. i mean that...and jillian has certainly raised my opinion of people in such exalted status as hers also.

guess what, jillian. don't care a damn. don't have to. bring it, girl. i am unrepentant and i have never yet been put in my place...but keep trying.


is saying that about a mod breaking the rules. well...

guess what. don't care a damn. don't have to.

(now why the hell would jillian ever ding you, si modo, even if what you say about her and your constant disagreement is true, you could ding her back and equally. no brainer on why neither of you ding each other.)

whoa, clearly you don't care.

not any more i don't. i mean, i believe in seniority and all and respecting my elders and people with experience, but this board is weighted way to much for abuse of new people.

what pisses me off about it is that a lot of rooks take this rep point stuff seriously and they think it means something...i know people who do. they won't speak out on their own behalf because of this good il' boy set up where all the ancient curmudgeons rule the roost.

i don't know...i probably won't be long for this board anyway. it really is a well run board and all with a lot of good features and with a lot of good people on it also who i should have acknowledged more...but look at this thread. most of the input is coming from people who have been here awhile and the young bloods don't even know this thread exists.

so yes...i really do not care, at least about what some big shot muckity muck is going to do to me. give me negs please, because i have a little bro who i love dearly and who posts in this board and has been for a long time. he is a good kid and it just isn't right that i would have more point doo dahs than he does given our relative time served. he has never said a cross word to anyone.
So one can very quickly assume that this new neg rep rule is because a few whiners, the ole wheel that squeaks gets the grease rule, that have ruined it for EVERYONE, and I think most that have been here awhile know exactly who those, (BDBoop), people are.

But with that aside, this new rule is very extreme, and with new members that virtually NEVER read the rules, it's unfair as well as extreme.

One, to wipe out what took YEARS for most here to acquire for what could be an HONEST MISTAKE is unjust.

Two, for admin to assume every person on the board, old and new, is going to be aware of this rule is ludicrous.

Three, if this abortion is to stay however, then it should be written into the board software so that it's just something you CAN'T DO, as you CAN'T pos rep someone more than twenty times in twenty four hours, then you shouldn't be able to neg rep someone more than twice in 48 hours. If one limit can be written into the board software, then so can the other. Why impose such strict, over the top, outlandishly unjust and unfair punishments? Is it a trap? Is it a joke? What's the reasoning? Who thought this atrocity up? I think you will see people leaving the board, and for sure those "supporting memers" will fall off. Not a smart way to run a board.

This is a big mistake.

My two cents.

Nope. Sorry. I don't get negged anywhere near enough to bitch.

. . . and now that can't even be fixed.

So one can very quickly assume that this new neg rep rule is because a few whiners, the ole wheel that squeaks gets the grease rule, that have ruined it for EVERYONE, and I think most that have been here awhile know exactly who those, (BDBoop), people are.

But with that aside, this new rule is very extreme, and with new members that virtually NEVER read the rules, it's unfair as well as extreme.

One, to wipe out what took YEARS for most here to acquire for what could be an HONEST MISTAKE is unjust.

Two, for admin to assume every person on the board, old and new, is going to be aware of this rule is ludicrous.

Three, if this abortion is to stay however, then it should be written into the board software so that it's just something you CAN'T DO, as you CAN'T pos rep someone more than twenty times in twenty four hours, then you shouldn't be able to neg rep someone more than twice in 48 hours. If one limit can be written into the board software, then so can the other. Why impose such strict, over the top, outlandishly unjust and unfair punishments? Is it a trap? Is it a joke? What's the reasoning? Who thought this atrocity up? I think you will see people leaving the board, and for sure those "supporting memers" will fall off. Not a smart way to run a board.

This is a big mistake.

My two cents.

good two cents. good suggestions, well thought out and solution oriented. i don't agree with all of it but drfer to your exxperience.

you are right, the newbies don't keep up with the rules. i have no idea even how to. they seem to be all over the you ain't helping me here...i thought we couldn't pos rep more than 5 times in a twenty four hour period.

i still think there should be a point fee for neg repping people, maybe 10% up to 30%, but those are just my arbitrary numbers. that way people would have to think twice before they neg rep people.

but i'm a rookie, so never mind.
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