New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Well, how about this. They see a completely innocuous post by me, and come and shit on the thread - why, again. Why is this something that is acceptable and logical in your mind (just like shitting on people with neg rep because one has a bug up their ass about those evil bastards daring to show up on this board!!!)

It's bullshit. And it's like being in a kindergarten class full of kids that need a nap, listening to the whining that has been going on all damn day. "I'm sorry, Jimmy but no. You don't get to shit on Daniel just because you feel like expressing yourself."

I thought everybody'd be over that malarkey by now.
Maybe some don't like spam, ya know?

Look, Boop. I have no problem accepting the fact that some folks will always disagree with me. I have no problem telling others with whom I disagree that I DO disagree. I rarely agree with Jillian, for example. I bet Jillian rarely agrees with me. I've never negged her. She has never negged me.

Ever wonder why?

Because I like you both?

It's not about you.

I know. I insert levity at the damnedest times.

I don't neg rep people unless they neg rep me, and not always even then. SO ... why anybody is or isn't neg repping is pretty much off my radar. I'd assume mutual respect.
remember the I'm rubber your glue? Polichic has a thick hide.

yeah i remember that one.....

but look at what boop just said... you cant have it both ways.

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem" is or it isn't abuse. The sand baging was no different. But i guess its alright becasue its sand bagging cg...right?

Oh. My. God. She is in her fucking late 20's. Why on God's green do YOU give a shit if anybody is calling her Sandi? She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she.

I am giving you examples of your own argument boop. Is cg exempt form your claim?

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem"

I DONT give a shit. You are a big girl to boop...and you are not handling it well either.

She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she

^^^ I am glad you think so..... it applies to anyone who posts here. Which is why i dont get why they whine to the mods about neg reps and abuse of the rep system.
yeah i remember that one.....

but look at what boop just said... you cant have it both ways.

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem" is or it isn't abuse. The sand baging was no different. But i guess its alright becasue its sand bagging cg...right?

Oh. My. God. She is in her fucking late 20's. Why on God's green do YOU give a shit if anybody is calling her Sandi? She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she.

I am giving you examples of your own argument boop. Is cg exempt form your claim?

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem"

I DONT give a shit. You are a big girl to boop...and you are not handling it well either.

She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she

^^^ I am glad you think so..... it applies to anyone who posts here. Which is why i dont get why they whine to the mods about neg reps and abuse of the rep system.

Chicken or the egg. I thought CG and I were hitting it off okay, and suddenly she was pissed at me everywhere all the time again. I have enough people on this board who know that I can't hold a grudge, provided they treat me fairly. So why do I have a problem with CG? Because she has a problem with me. If she didn't, I wouldn't.
I know. I insert levity at the damnedest times.

I don't neg rep people unless they neg rep me, and not always even then. SO ... why anybody is or isn't neg repping is pretty much off my radar. I'd assume mutual respect.

For example, she doesn't call righties terrorists in almost every post. How insulting is that to victims of real terrorism?

Do you know who DOES do that? Hint: It's a noob who has been "repped into oblivion".

Ask yourself if you can figure out who it is without using the search function. Then ask yourself why you never noticed that.

How about Ariux? He is a noob who is "repped into oblivion". But you're OK with that.


Horse races.

It's life.
I know. I insert levity at the damnedest times.

I don't neg rep people unless they neg rep me, and not always even then. SO ... why anybody is or isn't neg repping is pretty much off my radar. I'd assume mutual respect.

For example, she doesn't call righties terrorists in almost every post. How insulting is that to victims of real terrorism?

Do you know who DOES do that? Hint: It's a noob who has been "repped into oblivion".

Ask yourself if you can figure out who it is without using the search function. Then ask yourself why you never noticed that.

How about Ariux? He is a noob who is "repped into oblivion". But you're OK with that.


Horse races.

It's life.

Okay, uncle.
Oh. My. God. She is in her fucking late 20's. Why on God's green do YOU give a shit if anybody is calling her Sandi? She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she.

I am giving you examples of your own argument boop. Is cg exempt form your claim?

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem"

I DONT give a shit. You are a big girl to boop...and you are not handling it well either.

She's a big girl! I'm sorry she can't handle it, but really? I grow weary of your harping. She needs to man up, just as I have been advised to do so often, and if I don't fucking like it, I can get out of the fucking kitchen.

Well, so can she

^^^ I am glad you think so..... it applies to anyone who posts here. Which is why i dont get why they whine to the mods about neg reps and abuse of the rep system.

Chicken or the egg. I thought CG and I were hitting it off okay, and suddenly she was pissed at me everywhere all the time again. I have enough people on this board who know that I can't hold a grudge, provided they treat me fairly. So why do I have a problem with CG? Because she has a problem with me. If she didn't, I wouldn't.

Was i talking about you alone and the sand?

You made the claim

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem"

Dose that apply to everyone? If so... then the sand bagging would fit right in there with your description of ....abuse and a problem

again... as i said before..... just saying.
Neg rep whining is for idiots....

Who ever initiated this rep whining bullshit needs to expelled from the board... what a whiney bitch they must be
yeah, leaving because you're pissed at an admin is a much better reason


Coming back after the admin is gone and being made a mod has it's upside though. :D

There is a difference between being pissed at an admin and being being pissed about administrative actions.
Just sayin'.

I am still mad Meister made you his boy toy... Such favoritism.

looks like someone took his post and went home :lol:

old habits are hard to break, i guess
yeah i remember that one.....

but look at what boop just said... you cant have it both ways.

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem" is or it isn't abuse. The sand baging was no different. But i guess its alright becasue its sand bagging cg...right?
CG invites it, then feeds off of it.

That makes no difference... it is or it isnt abuse as described by boop.

"When one poster makes a negative focal point of another poster, then I think there's a problem"

You can also say the same thing for many here..... they invite it... and feed off of it. Some just whine to the mods about it when its not going their way.

yeah, *some* do

you never would though

Can I make a suggestion?

Let people pos rep as much as they could before, but limit neg reps to 3 per day - or even 1.
Can I make a suggestion?

Let people pos rep as much as they could before, but limit neg reps to 3 per day - or even 1.

You are lagging behind a bit.... We have 20 reps to give out... but restrictions on negs.

I haven't read through the entire thread, or read through all the rules yet!

It seems to say we can neg as much as we like, just not the same person in 48hrs. If that is the change, then I don't see much wrong with it.
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