New Person for Progressive to Destroy: Kitty Werthmann


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I just read Kitty's story of life in Austria immediately prior to and then during the 1938 annexation. Hitler promise hope and change to the Austrian people and Kitty describes what happens next. It's a cautionary tale for America as Nazi collaborator Soros directs his Democrat Party to take American down the same roads as Hitler traveled.

This is not made up. This is history, and Progressive will do everything to discredit and eradicate Kitty. In advance, fuck you.

If you care at all about the path we're on, please read the speech in its entirety.

Also, Republicans and the RNC and Dem co-pilots on this journey to Fascism.

"In 1938 Austria was in a very deep depression. We had one-third of our workforce unemployed. We had 25% inflation, and if you would borrow money from the bank, you pay 25% interest.

It was not unusual that my mother would feed, on average, 30 people a day, a bowl of soup and a slice of bread. People would come knocking on the door. They wanted to work. There were no jobs. The depression was so bad that we had riots in the streets.

We had two political factions fighting each other. The Communist Party was getting very powerful. So was the Nazi Party. Now when I speak of the Nazi Party, [it was] the National Socialist Party….that is where the word Nazi came from."

Kitty Werthmann ? 85 Yr Old Austrian Lived Under Hitler ? Speaks of Socialism and Gestapo: Alan Colmes, Salon Deems Her a Wing Nut | Opinion - Conservative

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