New poll now has Trump ahead in Pennsylvania and Virginia


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This was taken right before the assassination attempt, so if anything he's likely even further ahead now.
In the case of Virginia, it's been since 2004 that the GOP won the state.

Biden Facing Challenges in Two Must-Win States, Times/Siena Polls Find​

The polls, taken before the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, found President Biden trailing Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania, a swing state critical to his re-election hopes, and slightly ahead in Virginia, a state he won by 10 points in 2020.
President Biden is locked in a tight race with former President Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania, a state that Mr. Biden barely won in 2020 and that is critical to his re-election hopes, and in Virginia, a state where Mr. Biden defeated Mr. Trump by 10 percentage points in 2020, according to the latest New York Times/Siena College polls.

I'm surprised they even pushed a poll through here in Virginia.....It's like pulling teeth to get anyone but dems to respond to one.....I've hung-up on two poll callers in as many days.
I'm surprised they even pushed a poll through here in Virginia.....It's like pulling teeth to get anyone but dems to respond to one.....I've hung-up on two poll callers in as many days.

I don't get poll calls, probably because if you're not in my contacts it goes to voicemail and my spam filter is pretty harsh
So he is ahead in Nevada , Arizona , Georgia Michigan Wisconsin and now Pennsylvania and Virginia ?
Trump is not going to win in Virginia. I mean we have been prick teases before but we will be blue yet again in November. NOVA is too easy for the Beltway insiders to whip up the base at the 11th hour
This was taken right before the assassination attempt, so if anything he's likely even further ahead now.
In the case of Virginia, it's been since 2004 that the GOP won the state.

Biden Facing Challenges in Two Must-Win States, Times/Siena Polls Find​

The polls, taken before the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, found President Biden trailing Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania, a swing state critical to his re-election hopes, and slightly ahead in Virginia, a state he won by 10 points in 2020.

If Biden wins in any state the first thing Trump should do is call for a vote to remove them from the nation as bat shit crazy has nothing to offer.
Trump is not going to win in Virginia. I mean we have been prick teases before but we will be blue yet again in November. NOVA is too easy for the Beltway insiders to whip up the base at the 11th hour
But a Republican won the governorship. The overpaid government workers in NoVa wasn’t enough to overcome the voice of the working class in middle and southern VA.
Surprisingly Trump is also up in NJ, NH, WI

Looks bleak for old Joe. No wonder they're shooting at Trump.
There is absolutely no way for Biden to win. The only thing the Dems had, since their policies have been a disaster, was to scare gullible, ignorant people into thinking Trump was a “threat to democracy” and “evil” and all the other vicious lies.

Now they can’t say that, so what do they have? A presidential nominee who is in such an advanced state of dementia that he can’t remember how to exit a stage, a completely incompetent VP who was picked solely for her female blackness, and a host of failed policies.

You Dems on this forum need to start accepting that Trump will be president six months from now, and will serve for four years, Gd-willing.
And Vance 8 years after that
Yup….we have 12 years to reverse the Marxists’ damage, deport the illegals, clean the traitors out of the government, get back to energy independence, stop the dangerous DEI agenda that puts incompetents in critical positions, stop handing money out to people who are able but refuse to work, and make groceries and housing affordable again.

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