Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

So it could have been 3 months to do the 40 miles.
Doubtful. It takes between ten to fourteen hours, so probably about a two-day journey. Of course we don't know if the next water source was 40 miles away. The point is that these young men were economically effected by Elisha cleansing the water near Jericho.
I think the original intent of the Author was clear... to blame any act of nature as the will of a vengeful God.

So if there was actually a case of bears mauling children in Bethel, it was interpreted as "Those kids must have done something bad!"
Whether you wish to picture little children running out of a city or teens/young men, have 42 of them ever been in your care at once? Even in the likely event of bears hunting in pairs, 42 youth of any age are not going to stick around in such danger.
  • Would 42 very young children be allowed to leave a city without supervision?
  • Do bears hunt in pairs?
  • During a bear attack would 42 children stick around waiting their turn for a bear to harm them?
Well, yes, they kind of are. Being brainwashed doesnt mean bei g stupid. You snuck that in there. Maybe you are, but not every brainwashed religious person is.

Except for the ones pretending to be religious, which I imagine is a good percentage of them. Including Obama.
If only we were enlightened as you. All that helping the needy is a drain on resources!
Shame. All that time and money wasted on orphans and starving families. I really covet how you survived the brainwashing.
Absolutely. All that money wasted on the new led sign and the pastor's flashy stage outfits and new parking lots and palatial buildings, that could have gone to actual charity.
Is it lower than confidence in Biden (democrats) which sits around 29 percent? (no way it's that high)
Doubtful. It takes between ten to fourteen hours, so probably about a two-day journey. Of course we don't know if the next water source was 40 miles away. The point is that these young men were economically effected by Elisha cleansing the water near Jericho.

Right... except the bible refers to them as "Little Youth", what did Elisha do, ruin their lemonade stands?

Whether you wish to picture little children running out of a city or teens/young men, have 42 of them ever been in your care at once? Even in the likely event of bears hunting in pairs, 42 youth of any age are not going to stick around in such danger.
  • Would 42 very young children be allowed to leave a city without supervision?
  • Do bears hunt in pairs?
  • During a bear attack would 42 children stick around waiting their turn for a bear to harm them?

Now you're arguing for scientific accuracy in your fairy stories?

It sounds to me like kids back then do what kids do now... they go out and explore. or at least they did when I was little. Today's little snowflakes with their helicopter moms planning every activity of their day, not so much.

I have a summer home in Northern Wisconsin, and yes, I've seen bears operate in groups. My dad used to put us all in the back of the station wagon and let us watch the bears at the dump. Sometimes, he'd mess with us by backing the station wagon towards the bears as we all screamed in horror... because my Dad was like that.

Usually the one thing that will encourage aggression in Ursus Americanus is getting between her and her cubs. However, we are talking about Ursus Arctus Syrianus the Syrian Brown bear. But probably the same thing. If you have a large concentration of people, you have a large concentration of garbage. So that probably attracted bears to this town, and they might have had a series of the bears attacking children because anything larger they would probably run away from.

So, the logical explanation... a couple of bears started crossing into an inhabited area because maybe their natural prey was running a bit thin, attracted by garbage and in a course of so many months, they attacked a very specific 42 children.

Illogical explanation- Angry Prophet curses kids in a town, and when there are bear attacks, it must have been because you made fun of the prophet.
Right... except the bible refers to them as "Little Youth", what did Elisha do, ruin their lemonade stands?
Already explained since in other verses in the Bible those same Hebrew words are used to describe those with no moral principles.
Already explained since in other verses in the Bible those same Hebrew words are used to describe those with no moral principles.

Is that what you are going with?

Here you go, multiple translations, and almost all of them translate it as "boy", "little children" or "little youths".

almost all
But not all, which is my point. Other Hebrew writings sometimes have that same definition more in line with childish and no moral principles.

Mothers do not let little children play outside city walls, certainly not if bears were a danger and there was the woods nearby. Small children do not yell at bald men to die. Some note that sometimes a shaved head was the sign of a prophet. Small children don't tell a holy man to die. They would have no reason to be angry with him.

A water cartel, on the other hand, would have reason for cursing and wanting the man dead.

The next question...why the number 42?
But not all, which is my point. Other Hebrew writings sometimes have that same definition more in line with childish and no moral principles.

Mothers do not let little children play outside city walls, certainly not if bears were a danger and there was the woods nearby. Small children do not yell at bald men to die. Some note that sometimes a shaved head was the sign of a prophet. Small children don't tell a holy man to die. They would have no reason to be angry with him.

A water cartel, on the other hand, would have reason for cursing and wanting the man dead.

The next question...why the number 42?

Oh, noes, are we getting into Louis Farrakhan Math?

You work on the assumption that parents in the Bronze Age were as concerned with their kids as we are today. Um, no. they really weren't. They lived in a time where they had a child mortality rate of 50% plus, they just didn't get all that attached to their kids.

The overall premise of 2 Kings was that the Kings of Judah and Israel were wicked and didn't worship Yahweh, so making fun of Yahweh's prophets was probably not that big of a deal. Elijah and Elisha were constantly in conflict with the priests of Baal.

So what seems more likely, that they were young men upset that Elisha had ruined their water cartel of hauling water 40 miles to another town.

Or that they were children who mocked a God who already has shown he has NO PROBLEM murdering children. Little Josiah just died of the plague, got eaten by a bear or some other calamity in this 50% child mortality rate world? Well, he must have ticked off our jealous sky pixie who constantly needs to get appeased.

And this is the problem that most of you God-botherers have. Primitive Hebrews, like most people in the Bronze Age, saw God as any force of nature they didn't understand. Modern people see God as this narcissistic reflection of themselves where their lives all have purpose, so God must truly love us.
You work on the assumption that parents in the Bronze Age were as concerned with their kids as we are today. Um, no. they really weren't. They lived in a time where they had a child mortality rate of 50% plus, they just didn't get all that attached to their kids.
No, I don't work on that particular assumption. On the other hand, a community isn't going to let very young children outside city walls. Older teens, young adults, yes--but not small children.

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