Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

Yeah sure. God sent a messenger to tell people to go behead Jews and Christians.

Your pathetic excuses for evil are beyond the pale.

Nope the Koran calls them people of the book and they are to be left in peace unless they make war on the Muslims. Muslims were protected by the Christian King of the what is now Ethiopia. You're as ignorant of Islam as you are of Christianity. Your doctrine is shaped by the Darbyites.
Nope the Koran calls them people of the book and they are to be left in peace unless they make war on the Muslims. Muslims were protected by the Christian King of the what is now Ethiopia. You're as ignorant of Islam as you are of Christianity. Your doctrine is shaped by the Darbyites.
Pathetic liar. Koran orders them to expand their empire by force and behead anyone who doesn’t submit.
Yes, life has a purpose. You can disagree, that’s on you.

Islam was created 600 years after Jesus. It’s as valid if I create an Abrahamic religion this afternoon.
How is any religion valid? Most Protestant religions are more recent than Islam.

Heck, Christianity itself is heretical Judaism.

As far as how many were murdered by Godless nations, you go look up 20th century Democide and apply your own number then. Mine was from a reliable source.

The black book of Communism isn't a reliable source. It's own authors have distanced itself from it.

You can argue forever about the involvement of the US in the Vietnam war. Still doesn’t change nor justify the fact Communists in Cambodia slaughtered 1/3 of their own population to create a green utopian world.

Point is, the country wouldn't have descended into chaos so quickly if we hadn't toppled a popular monarchy, then put in an urban regime that endorsed us ravaging the countryside... the countryside just struck back.

No shock you’ve got issues with Sunday school pictures for 5 year olds. Really triggers you.

Um, yeah, I do have a problem with making genocide kid friendly, don't you?

The Flood Story is really horrible.

I remember when this dawned on me in fifth grade. And I asked one of the Nuns "Why did God drown all the babies?" And the wicked witch replied, "They were WICKED babies... WIIIIIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

As as totally screwed up as that answer is, I've yet to hear a religious person give me a BETTER explanation of how a God who drowned every baby in the world is somehow "good".
Biblical apologetics are wonderful, are they not?

Okay, let's address the first issue, that the evil Boys were upset that Elisha purified a spring. Except the Spring was in Jericho, the Bear Attack was in Bethel. The distance between Bethal and Jericho is about 40 miles, which Elisha covered in about a day. Leaving that absurdity to the side, there's no way the people in Bethel would have cared that Elisha cleaned up another town's water supply.

Nobody is hauling water 40 miles.

Second is the issue of how young these children were. The KJV translations specifically says "Little Children", but the original Hebrew said ū-nə-‘ā-rîm, which can mean "Boy, Youth, or Lad" However, it is immediately followed by the adjective qə-ṭan-nîm meaning "Little". These were SMALL children, not youthful thugs the way the Bible says.

Next, we have to look at the actual insult, which is "Go up, you baldhead". (‘ă-lêh qê-rê-aḥ) Which some have interpreted to mean Elisha should go away like Elijah did when he was carried to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Suffice it to say, the rest is interpretation. The Hebrew text is pretty clear. Elisha called down a curse on the kids, two bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of them. Full stop. Remember what I said earlier about Disneyfying the Bible, this is Full Technicolor Princess Disneyfying.

Also, There are no future verses where God reprimands Elisha for calling down a curse on the children. But think about that for a minute. God IMMEDIATELY sent down bears to slaughter children because Elisha said so. And the OT is full of this sort of thing, God being petty and small like this.

Now, yes, this is a very short story, only two verses... and you can interpret it any way you want, I guess.

Or you can take the pragmatic approach, that these people saw "God" as any force of nature or calamity they couldn't understand, other than an angry God who constantly needed to be appeased.
Got a verse that says he made the trip in one day?

Good thing we don’t have gangs of youths today accosting people walking.
Got a verse that says he made the trip in one day?
And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Good thing we don’t have gangs of youths today accosting people walking.

The verse said, "Small Children" Or Little Youths in Hebrew.
Now, yes, this is a very short story, only two verses... and you can interpret it any way you want, I guess.
Ah, but researching the intent of the original author to his original audience is more captivating. However, as you have proven disinterest in that, no point in sharing more. Have a blessed day, Joe.
And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

The verse said, "Small Children" Or Little Youths in Hebrew.
So it could have been 3 months to do the 40 miles.

Now ask yourself, is there any metric of positive topics that are trending better? How many things that we see as positives in society are trending worse?

Well of course. And it will continue to trend this way, unless the religious nutters can find more ways to brianwash children. Time only moves in one direction. And the iron age myths will naturally become obsolete.
Well of course. And it will continue to trend this way, unless the religious nutters can find more ways to brianwash children. Time only moves in one direction. And the iron age myths will naturally become obsolete.
Ah yes. People like Reverend MLK, Jimmy Carter, even Obama and Brandon- all brainwashed and only you are smarter then they.
Ah, but researching the intent of the original author to his original audience is more captivating. However, as you have proven disinterest in that, no point in sharing more. Have a blessed day, Joe.

Actually, you kind of remind me of one of those Star Wars fans who imparts all sorts of deeper meanings into the movies to try to explain away the huge logical flaws in the stories.

I think the original intent of the Author was clear... to blame any act of nature as the will of a vengeful God.

So if there was actually a case of bears mauling children in Bethel, it was interpreted as "Those kids must have done something bad!"
Ah yes. People like Reverend MLK, Jimmy Carter, even Obama and Brandon- all brainwashed and only you are smarter then they.
Well, yes, they kind of are. Being brainwashed doesnt mean bei g stupid. You snuck that in there. Maybe you are, but not every brainwashed religious person is.

Except for the ones pretending to be religious, which I imagine is a good percentage of them. Including Obama.

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