New poll shows majority of Dimocrats now want ICE abolished


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Exactly what many of us have been suspecting for quite a while now. This isn't just the radical Dim leaders, this is party members themselves.

Voting for a Dimocrat, means you are ready to end our nations sovereignty.

Most Americans oppose abolishing ICE

Most Americans oppose abolishing ICE
But a plurality of Democrats is in favor of it.
By Li Zhou[email protected] Jul 11, 2018, 1:10pm EDT

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Abolish ICE” has become an increasingly prominent Democratic rallying cry, but a new poll finds that most Americans are still opposed to the idea. According to a recent survey by Morning Consult/Politico, 54 percent of the Americans surveyed support the preservation of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), although a plurality of Democrats favor abolishing it.

When the poll results are broken down by party, the discrepancy is pretty stark: Forty-three percent of the Democrats surveyed said they would support the federal government’s dismantling of ICE, while 79 percent of the Republican respondents said they were against it. Fifty-four percent of the independents polled also voiced support for keeping ICE.
Living proof that Democraps are such self-hating-American traitors, they literally want to hand this country and fellow Americans over to the 3rd worlders who hate us. Because they're just so self-righteously guilty that the cans of worms that passes for their brains want all fellow Americans to bend over for the rest of the world and spread our collective butt cheeks. Because it makes these puffed-up phonies feel so self-righteously noble.
The Dimocrats party today is an utter disgrace.
Today they want ICE gone. Soon a plurality of them will be calling for open borders.

It's amazing how much they have changed just since the Bill and Hillary days.
Big surprise:

House Democrats introduce ‘Abolish ICE’ bill

The far left’s calls to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) took one step closer to reality, as progressive House Democrats introduced a bill that would disband the agency and shift its duties to other agencies.
The bill, sponsored by Democrat Representatives Mark Pocan (Wisconsin), Pramila Jayapal (Washington) and Adriano Espaillat (New York) is the first effort by liberal Democrats to legislate the controversial agency out of existence, and was introduced on Thursday.

Its sponsors argue that ICE has become a “militarized” deportation force, used by the Trump administration to “terrorize our communities” with “unchecked power,” according to Pocan.

The bill, called the Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act, would see a commission established to review ICE’s responsibilities and recommend transferring them to other agencies. After one year, Congress would implement the commission’s proposed recommendations and disband ICE.

House Democrats introduce ‘Abolish ICE’ bill
Seems democrats want
  1. Human sex trafficking
  2. Uninhibited drug trade
  3. MS13 gangs in our cities
  4. Open borders
Good luck selling that to the voting public.

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