New poll shows solid majority of Americans support same-sex marriage

The more hispanic and muslims there are the more likely gays will be killed. Demographics are against gays. The more the demographic changes there are the more likely gays will lose what they gained.

The millennials, which included hispanics and muslims, overwhelmingly NOW support marriage equality.
Incorrect retard.

Muslims, regardless of age, are vehemently opposed to homo marriage. .. :cool:
The Islamic Reformation is happening whether you like it or not, and it is happening in America, but a few small mosques at a time of course: Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt To Reform American Islam
But something was different. While mingling over hors d'oeuvres, they discussed how to change Islam's future. A woman spoke about fighting terrorism; she had married outside the Islamic faith, which is forbidden for a Muslim woman. A Pakistani man mentioned his plans to meet friends for drinks, despite the faith's ban on alcohol.
In a corner of the room, an imam in a long gray tunic counseled a young Muslim with a vexing spiritual conflict: being gay and Muslim. The imam, also gay and in a relationship, could easily sympathize with the youth's difficulties.

On this brisk Monday night in late October, members of Muslims for Progressive Values, a nascent American reformist organization, had gathered from around the country to celebrate a milestone: In four years, the group had grown from a few friends to a thousand members and spawned a string of small mosques and spiritual groups that stretched from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

Today, as America's Muslim leaders debate controversial topics like political radicalism inside mosques and states' attempts to ban Shariah law, this growing network of alternative mosques and Islamic groups is quietly forging a new spiritual movement.
You are going to get what Christianity got a long time ago, a big shake up and a Islamic movement opposed to radical Islam.

Whether you like or not Muslims are getting sick of the path of violence and discrimination against other Muslims and non-Muslims, women, and the LGBT community, that is prevalent in so-called 'mainstream Islam'.
QWB just gave the silliest come back of the day.

What a stupid ass comment by him.

If the majority agreed with you, dud, we would sure hear about it.

Did you read your comment?

Feelk free to point out all the times I relied on opinion polls to support my position on anything, even stuff everyone who isn't you agrees with.

Now you deny you have done that? You have just lost the argument.
As a Christian, I'm sure you know and realize the value of loving your neighbor. I can't believe that you would think that LGBT folks would not care about how much they are disliked. Of course they care! They have been spat on, taunted, scorned, beaten, and even killed for who they are and whom they love. That has to hurt plenty. But when you're sitting on your side of the fence I can see how a heart full of hate can make you say what you have said. And I can't believe that you would wish us to be blessed by God on the one hand while on the other to be despised by prejudiced haters.

And no, of course Straight people are not going to lose the rights they already have. That's a foregone conclusion. But wouldn't it be so much better to be known for believing in Equality for all rather than for being on the side of and in favor of division and discrimination?
Loving your neighbor doesn't mean that their choice of action is to be accepted too. And that also goes for people who choose to abuse those of LGBT community in any way. Their doing what you mentioned here is wrong too. People who harass and beat on others for any reason don't do any favors for anyone including themselves.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I wonder why every vote on the issue lost then. Good thing for activist judges, huh?
Same Sex marriage passed by popular vote in Maryland and by law in New York. Judicial rulings are good too though.
Yes, but try to explain that to the zombies who oppose SSM. They are so stuck in the Sixteenth Century I'm afraid and can't move any faster towards the 21st Century than the zombies you have pictured on your icon.
It takes time unfortunately, as the older generations die off and the younger or more open-minded generations get the right to vote and get to the age where their demographic is a voting majority.

Obama's re-election weighed a lot on his support for same-sex marriage and his differences from Romney, which kinda of shows we are getting to the point where the more open-minded generations are starting to take over as the biggest voting block.

In the Republican party itself, we are slowly starting to see the libertarian right wing taking control over foreign policy and social issues, but probably they are still a decade or two away from taking power off the ultra-conservatives.
The more hispanic and muslims there are the more likely gays will be killed. Demographics are against gays. The more the demographic changes there are the more likely gays will lose what they gained.
Excuse me? Killed? I don't know about Muslims though many say they are in the minority in this country. As for Hispanics, don't kid yourself, they are not against Gays. A vast majority are FOR Gays.

Half of Hispanics Support Marriage Equality, Poll Says | The Bilerico Project

Gay Marriage Poll: More than 50 Percent of Latinos Support Same Sex Marriage - Mic

Latino groups launch groundbreaking gay rights public service campaign. | Freedom to Marry

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Supports LGBT-Inclusive Immigration Reform | Young People For

Look at it realistically. If hispanics were such staunch supporters of gay rights hispanic countries would already have gay rights and marriage equality. You are relying on what groups that promote gay rights tell you. You are believing your own press. This is the gay echo chamber.

In minority neighborhoods in this country the lives of gays are at risk. It's already started. The demographics are completely against you. We not only have hispanic and muslim immigrants. We have thousands of immigrants from Africa. Take your pick. Immigration or gay rights because you won't get both.

Sure we will. People will still want to come to this country. Prior to 2004, same sex marriage was not recognized in any US jurisdiction. Now 20 states and DC recognize it. Gay marriage will be the law of the land everywhere before too long. Those people who choose to come to this country will follow the laws or they will be prosecuted.

I am curious, what other laws would you allow them to break, or what laws would you want taken off the books because immigrants don't like them?
Gays have one thing on their side. Not one civilization that has ever gone down the path of depravity has ever been able to pull back. The civilization either collapses of its own perversions or is conquered by a more robust people. The rights of perverts has never survived and been passed along as a positive attribute. It always ended and had to repeat the cycle.

I guess we should include straights that indulge in oral or anal sex, swingers, polys, and a host of others who enjoy what some call "perversions".

Look at it realistically. If hispanics were such staunch supporters of gay rights hispanic countries would already have gay rights and marriage equality. You are relying on what groups that promote gay rights tell you. You are believing your own press. This is the gay echo chamber.

In minority neighborhoods in this country the lives of gays are at risk. It's already started. The demographics are completely against you. We not only have hispanic and muslim immigrants. We have thousands of immigrants from Africa. Take your pick. Immigration or gay rights because you won't get both.

Sure we will. People will still want to come to this country. Prior to 2004, same sex marriage was not recognized in any US jurisdiction. Now 20 states and DC recognize it. Gay marriage will be the law of the land everywhere before too long. Those people who choose to come to this country will follow the laws or they will be prosecuted.

I am curious, what other laws would you allow them to break, or what laws would you want taken off the books because immigrants don't like them?
Also a lot of immigrants are more supportive of same-sex marriage and civil unions than the religious right of America, in most South America countries the Catholic church (among other Christian church groups) is either politically centralist or center-left.
The freaking "randy" poll? I'd be willing to support same-sex marriage if it kept homosexual child molesters from preying on our kids but the homo left still wants the Boy Scouts to be forced to hire pedophiles so we are back to square one.
Gays have one thing on their side. Not one civilization that has ever gone down the path of depravity has ever been able to pull back. The civilization either collapses of its own perversions or is conquered by a more robust people. The rights of perverts has never survived and been passed along as a positive attribute. It always ended and had to repeat the cycle.

Romeand Greece fell because of gay people after a thousand years? Wow that's a slow killer, and I guess the issues that really caused the fall were just made up.
The freaking "randy" poll? I'd be willing to support same-sex marriage if it kept homosexual child molesters from preying on our kids but the homo left still wants the Boy Scouts to be forced to hire pedophiles so we are back to square one.

I don't think anybody wants that.
QWB just gave the silliest come back of the day.

What a stupid ass comment by him.

If the majority agreed with you, dud, we would sure hear about it.

Did you read your comment?

Feelk free to point out all the times I relied on opinion polls to support my position on anything, even stuff everyone who isn't you agrees with.

Now you deny you have done that? You have just lost the argument.

Do I deny I used opinion polls as the sole source of validation for my arguments?


Feel free to prove yourself an idiot by trying to find an example of me doing so.
Same Sex marriage passed by popular vote in Maryland and by law in New York. Judicial rulings are good too though.
Yes, but try to explain that to the zombies who oppose SSM. They are so stuck in the Sixteenth Century I'm afraid and can't move any faster towards the 21st Century than the zombies you have pictured on your icon.
It takes time unfortunately, as the older generations die off and the younger or more open-minded generations get the right to vote and get to the age where their demographic is a voting majority.

Obama's re-election weighed a lot on his support for same-sex marriage and his differences from Romney, which kinda of shows we are getting to the point where the more open-minded generations are starting to take over as the biggest voting block.

In the Republican party itself, we are slowly starting to see the libertarian right wing taking control over foreign policy and social issues, but probably they are still a decade or two away from taking power off the ultra-conservatives.

Obama's reelection had zip to do with his alleged support of same sex marriage.

I do appreciate your demonstration of massive ignorance of history that isn't even 3 years in the past, it gives us guidelines on everything you have to say about anything involving facts.
But we do appreciate you
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Yes, but try to explain that to the zombies who oppose SSM. They are so stuck in the Sixteenth Century I'm afraid and can't move any faster towards the 21st Century than the zombies you have pictured on your icon.
It takes time unfortunately, as the older generations die off and the younger or more open-minded generations get the right to vote and get to the age where their demographic is a voting majority.

Obama's re-election weighed a lot on his support for same-sex marriage and his differences from Romney, which kinda of shows we are getting to the point where the more open-minded generations are starting to take over as the biggest voting block.

In the Republican party itself, we are slowly starting to see the libertarian right wing taking control over foreign policy and social issues, but probably they are still a decade or two away from taking power off the ultra-conservatives.

Obama's reelection had zip to do with his alleged support of same sex marriage.

I do appreciate your demonstration of massive ignorance of history that isn't even 3 years in the past, it gives us guidelines on everything you have to say about anything involving facts.
But we do appreciate you
Obama got the pro-LGBT vote, and Romney didn't, wake up Quantum, I mean I know you probably don't like me too much but changing demographics and not just the visit to a restaurant by Romney won Obama the election. He certainly didn't win on the economy, Iraq or 'Obamacare', at the very least you have to admit that.
Gays have one thing on their side. Not one civilization that has ever gone down the path of depravity has ever been able to pull back. The civilization either collapses of its own perversions or is conquered by a more robust people. The rights of perverts has never survived and been passed along as a positive attribute. It always ended and had to repeat the cycle.
History has shown that any civilization that embraces homosexuality as normal is in it's last stage before a complete societal collapse. .. :cool:
The Randy report. The very essence of credibility. Put it to a vote.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly; your posts, the posts of others in the right, and measures designed to deny gay Americans their civil liberties are proof of that.

Consequently, citizens' civil liberties are not subject to majority rule, where the majority does not determine who will or will not have his civil rights.
Do I deny I used opinion polls as the sole source of validation for my arguments?


Feel free to prove yourself an idiot by trying to find an example of me doing so.

See, you change the goal posts. Making you silly far right goof balls look like the losers you are is so easy.

Americans in the solid majority and millennials overwhelming now support marriage equality.

Since it will be ruled in favor by USSC and the majority of people support it, the issue is only your side crying on.
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QWB just gave the silliest come back of the day.

What a stupid ass comment by him.

If the majority agreed with you, dud, we would sure hear about it.

Did you read your comment?

Feelk free to point out all the times I relied on opinion polls to support my position on anything, even stuff everyone who isn't you agrees with.

Probably because, for the most part, public opinion polls don't support your positions...

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll shows opinions towards the LGBT community continue to change for the better at an exponential rate. [link posted above]

From the new poll:

• Adults as a whole support marriage equality 54-38 percent

• Young adults 18-29 favor same-sex marriage by 75-18 percent

• Adults 30-44 favor same-sex marriage 55-38 percent

• Adults 45-59 favor same-sex marriage 49-40

• 71 percent of American adults say they know someone who’s gay. In 1999, a Pew poll showed that 60 percent of Americans said they didn’t know anyone who was gay.

• 48 percent said they wouldn’t be upset if one of their children told them they were gay.

"There are still opponents. Republicans oppose same-sex marriage by better than 2-1. Tea party supporters oppose it by nearly 3-1. Those 60 and older are on the cusp, with 50 percent opposed."
WASHINGTON: Sea change: Americans revising opinions on gays, poll finds | Washington | McClatchy DC

Republicans and conservatism is often described as the party FOR Equal Rights. As opposed to liberals who're FOR Social Rights. But given how often Republicans are against equal rights I think something's amiss.
It takes time unfortunately, as the older generations die off and the younger or more open-minded generations get the right to vote and get to the age where their demographic is a voting majority.

Obama's re-election weighed a lot on his support for same-sex marriage and his differences from Romney, which kinda of shows we are getting to the point where the more open-minded generations are starting to take over as the biggest voting block.

In the Republican party itself, we are slowly starting to see the libertarian right wing taking control over foreign policy and social issues, but probably they are still a decade or two away from taking power off the ultra-conservatives.

Obama's reelection had zip to do with his alleged support of same sex marriage.

I do appreciate your demonstration of massive ignorance of history that isn't even 3 years in the past, it gives us guidelines on everything you have to say about anything involving facts.
But we do appreciate you
Obama got the pro-LGBT vote, and Romney didn't, wake up Quantum, I mean I know you probably don't like me too much but changing demographics and not just the visit to a restaurant by Romney won Obama the election. He certainly didn't win on the economy, Iraq or 'Obamacare', at the very least you have to admit that.

He got that vote the first time when he said that marriage was between a man and a woman, which actually proves my point that his stance on SSM had zip to do with him getting reelected. If you ask me, he won because idiots will be idiots. If I had to assign a reason that Romney lost, it was because the media never gave him a fair hearing, but that is personal opinion, not an expert analysis. Unlike self righteous assholes, I never think an election is about one issue.
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Do I deny I used opinion polls as the sole source of validation for my arguments?


Feel free to prove yourself an idiot by trying to find an example of me doing so.

See, you change the goal posts. Making you silly far right goof balls look like the losers you are is so easy.

Americans in the solid majority and millennials overwhelming now support marriage equality.

Since it will be ruled in favor by USSC and the majority of people support it, the issue is only your side crying on.

I didn't move anything, idiot. If you go back and actually read my first post in this thread you will see that I told the OP that if all he had to support his position is polls he really doesn't have an position.

It isn't my fault you can't keep up.

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