New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

and im sure people who live in other states love their state too....not all people enjoy 80 degrees all year long,some people like seeing the different seasons...i know i was shocked too...
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I still can't figure out how North Dakota is number 1 in "quality of life" in the (?study?).
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.
have them show you some pictures of Bell,Pico Rivera and Hawaiian Gardens and many other inland cities....ask them if they want to live there....
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I remember this epic gotcha when I lived in Cali


Tax on Views Is a Joke

August 12, 1991

The Port Hueneme City Council now holds the new title as laughing stock champ of the country, for the enactment of its now famous view tax. The former holder was the Oxnard City Council when in 1989 it permitted beachfront building heights to be taller than those on the inland lots.

Lest the Oxnard City Council entertain the idea of recapturing the title by also enacting a view tax, let it first repay those inland lot owners (upwards of $50,000 each) for taking their views away when it voted to allow the mini-skyscrapers now being built on the beach.

Tax on Views Is a Joke
Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

Which areas of California are 'going down?'
ever been to Bell? about El Centro?....El Monte?....Hawaiian Gardens?... Garden Grove?....Stanton?.....i can name a whole bunch more but it would take to much time....even Disneyland built a wall along West Street to keep the tourist from seeing the drug infestation that the apt complex on the other side of the street had become....and they even offered to upgrade the place at their and the cities and others expense....and the residents turned them down....

Wage disparity with costs have caused homelessness. Take a look at housing costs in the areas you listed.

FYI - There has been a wall around Disneyland since it's inception.
FYI - There has been a wall around Disneyland since it's inception
not like the one on west street in some places its 40 ft high and built i believe in the early 90's for the reasons i stated...........and Disneyland had many fences on its borders not walls until the one i mentioned.....
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I remember this epic gotcha when I lived in Cali


Tax on Views Is a Joke

August 12, 1991

The Port Hueneme City Council now holds the new title as laughing stock champ of the country, for the enactment of its now famous view tax. The former holder was the Oxnard City Council when in 1989 it permitted beachfront building heights to be taller than those on the inland lots.

Lest the Oxnard City Council entertain the idea of recapturing the title by also enacting a view tax, let it first repay those inland lot owners (upwards of $50,000 each) for taking their views away when it voted to allow the mini-skyscrapers now being built on the beach.

Tax on Views Is a Joke
You lived in "Cali"? I think not. You'd know better than to call it "Cali" then.
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I still can't figure out how North Dakota is number 1 in "quality of life" in the (?study?).
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't burst their bubble.
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
I have no jealousy regarding California.

I get my dates from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, my figs from Turkey, my peaches from Georgia, my corn from Iowa, my eggs and whole milk from a local farmer, my blueberries from Maine, my vegetables from any one of three local Farmer's Markets or one a few miles away that has the best tomatoes from Florida, my beef from Texas or Nebraska, my pork from Arkansas, my wine from Germany, France or Australia, my single malt scotch from Scotland, my cars from Japan, my clothes from various countries.....and so on.

I depend on California for absolutely NOTHING other than to provide Congress with batshit crazy, professional politicians.
Most Americans can't say the same. You are just bitter towards a successful state because it's progressive. You should boycott the technology and media that comes from here as well.
You are full of shit as a Christmas turkey. All of the products I listed are available all over the country....many of them simply by ordering online. I'm not boycotting California...just recognizing it as a shithole state. It's a real shame too. Maybe it will change and survive the cancer of liberalism.
Lol you are hating on a state that keeps the world going forward....keep on hating.
And no California is the bread basket of the US stats are here not polls or personal opinions.
Your definition of forward differs from mine. The progress I see in progressives is the march toward complete socialism. Dream on.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
I have no jealousy regarding California.

I get my dates from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, my figs from Turkey, my peaches from Georgia, my corn from Iowa, my eggs and whole milk from a local farmer, my blueberries from Maine, my vegetables from any one of three local Farmer's Markets or one a few miles away that has the best tomatoes from Florida, my beef from Texas or Nebraska, my pork from Arkansas, my wine from Germany, France or Australia, my single malt scotch from Scotland, my cars from Japan, my clothes from various countries.....and so on.

I depend on California for absolutely NOTHING other than to provide Congress with batshit crazy, professional politicians.
Most Americans can't say the same. You are just bitter towards a successful state because it's progressive. You should boycott the technology and media that comes from here as well.
You are full of shit as a Christmas turkey. All of the products I listed are available all over the country....many of them simply by ordering online. I'm not boycotting California...just recognizing it as a shithole state. It's a real shame too. Maybe it will change and survive the cancer of liberalism.
Lol you are hating on a state that keeps the world going forward....keep on hating.
And no California is the bread basket of the US stats are here not polls or personal opinions.
Your definition of forward differs from mine. The progress I see in progressives is the march toward complete socialism. Dream on.
Smartest and most innovative folks of this country are progressives and live in ultra liberal environment. Most advanced technologies, cures, ideas, come mostly from blue cities....the cons are busy hating on everyone.
Hating on liberals
Hating on foreigners
Hating on Muslims
Hating on blacks
Hating on the media
Hating on the NFL
Hating on Mexicans
Hating on refugees
Hating on the world
Hating on science
Hating on Catholics
Hating on Jews
Hating on people better than you
Hating on people minding their business.
You guys are the joke of this earth we live in. The dumbest and most hateful group of people ever assembled.
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..
People sell their houses and buy somewhere else and save more money that way. you can easily buy a decent home for an affordable price outside the big cities.
So you are just bitter you can't afford retiring here. You should've got more education or learned a skill that pays more than a government job. If I did me and thousands of other immigrants you could also.
When will Mexicrats start working for the citizens that should matter in this shithole?
Corrupt politicians have turned a blind eye to our federal laws, they’ve invited and fostered millions of some of the worlds worst humans. This is what you get....filth, indecency and lawlessness...things will only get worse as thirdworlders take over.....I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anyone sane.

California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

You could go through this and pick and choose what you want to represent.

Louisiana is bottom of all. That's a right wing state.
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I remember this epic gotcha when I lived in Cali


Tax on Views Is a Joke

August 12, 1991

The Port Hueneme City Council now holds the new title as laughing stock champ of the country, for the enactment of its now famous view tax. The former holder was the Oxnard City Council when in 1989 it permitted beachfront building heights to be taller than those on the inland lots.

Lest the Oxnard City Council entertain the idea of recapturing the title by also enacting a view tax, let it first repay those inland lot owners (upwards of $50,000 each) for taking their views away when it voted to allow the mini-skyscrapers now being built on the beach.

Tax on Views Is a Joke
You lived in "Cali"? I think not. You'd know better than to call it "Cali" then.

Good luck with that

and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
issa its nice that you love california but lets not get over zealous of the place,cal has plenty of problems,it is no were near how it was last century...if you live in a nice affluent area and can afford it,then you are lucky,because many of your fellow Californians are not loving life like you are and probably have a very different view of the state...
I work with people from low income areas, I go there on regular basis. Heard no one wants to move to another state. Intact most know that there are less jobs and less opportunities in most states. Way too many job opportunities in California, I live here and see it on daily basis.
oh bullshit....take the California flag out of your ass....i delivered mail there for 33 years and seen many people leave the state for other opportunities elsewhere....i recorded many change of addresses for businesses and people leaving because they retired and could no longer afford to live there....and californias politicians should be ashamed of themselves when retirees who worked and paid taxes there all their lives have to move because its too expensive to retire there unless of course you are wealthy... ..
People sell their houses and buy somewhere else and save more money that way. you can easily buy a decent home for an affordable price outside the big cities.
So you are just bitter you can't afford retiring here. You should've got more education or learned a skill that pays more than a government job. If I did me and thousands of other immigrants you could also.
you dont know shit about me.....i sold a 4-plex i bought in 1984 for $82,000 and sold it 3 years ago for $820,000...and it was paid off....and i had 4 units i rented out for inflated california rent prices for 30 years...and that doesnt include my house i sold for around 400, a few other investments i made years ago plus my retirement which is a lot better than worth right now in the 7 figures so take your i cant afford to live here shit and shove it up your ass....take the california flag out first so you dont hurt yourself....
Study's idea best quality of life is....North Dakota.

Weather? Not even a factor in this clown study. Temperature avg in ND January? 12.8°F

My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I still can't figure out how North Dakota is number 1 in "quality of life" in the (?study?).
They do have some snappy Walmart’s
Study's idea best quality of life is....North Dakota.

Weather? Not even a factor in this clown study. Temperature avg in ND January? 12.8°F


My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.

I still can't figure out how North Dakota is number 1 in "quality of life" in the (?study?).

I aim to enlighten...wonder no longer. TA-DA!
Weird huh?



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