New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

A Californian said today that more people are leaving Silicon Valley than are coming to it...for the first time in years.

Why you guys are so jealous? Opening topics every minute about the ultra blue state, tells me that you guys are so jealous.
California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on).
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
and im sure people who live in other states love their state too....not all people enjoy 80 degrees all year long,some people like seeing the different seasons...i know i was shocked too...
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
A Californian said today that more people are leaving Silicon Valley than are coming to it...for the first time in years.

Why you guys are so jealous? Opening topics every minute about the ultra blue state, tells me that you guys are so jealous.
California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on).
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
I have no jealousy regarding California.

I get my dates from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, my figs from Turkey, my peaches from Georgia, my corn from Iowa, my eggs and whole milk from a local farmer, my blueberries from Maine, my vegetables from any one of three local Farmer's Markets or one a few miles away that has the best tomatoes from Florida, my beef from Texas or Nebraska, my pork from Arkansas, my wine from Germany, France or Australia, my single malt scotch from Scotland, my cars from Japan, my clothes from various countries.....and so on.

I depend on California for absolutely NOTHING other than to provide Congress with batshit crazy, professional politicians.
Most Americans can't say the same. You are just bitter towards a successful state because it's progressive. You should boycott the technology and media that comes from here as well.
You are full of shit as a Christmas turkey. All of the products I listed are available all over the country....many of them simply by ordering online. I'm not boycotting California...just recognizing it as a shithole state. It's a real shame too. Maybe it will change and survive the cancer of liberalism.
and you wont answer what i asked.....who allowed them to come over and let it get out of hand?...

I’ll play along....Border Patrol agents and politicians I suppose.
Your turn
border patrol only do what they are ordered to do but this states politicians looked the other way for decades and the PEOPLE who live here did not say much did they? its out of hand and you see people like crying about it.....maybe 20-30 years ago you should have spoke up......

Maybe 20-30 years ago nobody gave two shits and now they they lose their right to care now because they may not have at a point in the past?
Let’s look at this from a different angle and add some metaphorical value for ease of understanding.
A good family decided to foster children....they fostered millions and then decided fostering was no longer good for them.
so i was right then?....the people of this state are responsible for much of this happening?..

If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?
thats a liberal analogy....try a conservative one..WE did nothing when they came decades ago and WE let it continue happening,now WE have to deal with it....
I call BS

Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

Which areas of California are 'going down?'
border patrol only do what they are ordered to do but this states politicians looked the other way for decades and the PEOPLE who live here did not say much did they? its out of hand and you see people like crying about it.....maybe 20-30 years ago you should have spoke up......
You won this debate HANDIDLY.

The people are responsible for voting in the do nothing politicians. When they saw the trend they could have stopped it via the power of the vote & they decided to turn a blind eye.

As far as I'm concerned Mexico can have California. The place isn't worth shit outside of the tech companies.
this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

You’re just plain twisting shit up Lib style now because I called you out on diverting from the root cause of degradation in Mexifornia. Be a man and admit you’re wrong...simple shit.
i think we both know you are the one who is wrong,you are the one not man enough to just come right out and admit it....thats simple shit....

border patrol only do what they are ordered to do but this states politicians looked the other way for decades and the PEOPLE who live here did not say much did they? its out of hand and you see people like crying about it.....maybe 20-30 years ago you should have spoke up......
You won this debate HANDIDLY.

The people are responsible for voting in the do nothing politicians. When they saw the trend they could have stopped it via the power of the vote & they decided to turn a blind eye.

As far as I'm concerned Mexico can have California. The place isn't worth shit outside of the tech companies.
this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

Like I said, no good Mexifornian has hoisted any illegal over that wall or swam them across the river and no good Mexifornian has held a cockroach up at gun point and forced them to procreate at a rodents pace. They do all that on their own....THEY are the root cause of the problem...third graders can see should to.
a third grader can tell you who let them come across and let it get out of hand...maybe you should get one to explain it to you...

I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....
I’ll play along....Border Patrol agents and politicians I suppose.
Your turn
border patrol only do what they are ordered to do but this states politicians looked the other way for decades and the PEOPLE who live here did not say much did they? its out of hand and you see people like crying about it.....maybe 20-30 years ago you should have spoke up......

Maybe 20-30 years ago nobody gave two shits and now they they lose their right to care now because they may not have at a point in the past?
Let’s look at this from a different angle and add some metaphorical value for ease of understanding.
A good family decided to foster children....they fostered millions and then decided fostering was no longer good for them.
so i was right then?....the people of this state are responsible for much of this happening?..

If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?
thats a liberal analogy....try a conservative one..WE did nothing when they came decades ago and WE let it continue happening,now WE have to deal with it....

Come on up. It’s a simple question.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
I call BS

Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

Which areas of California are 'going down?'
ever been to Bell? about El Centro?....El Monte?....Hawaiian Gardens?... Garden Grove?....Stanton?.....i can name a whole bunch more but it would take to much time....even Disneyland built a wall along West Street to keep the tourist from seeing the drug infestation that the apt complex on the other side of the street had become....and they even offered to upgrade the place at their and the cities and others expense....and the residents turned them down....
You won this debate HANDIDLY.

The people are responsible for voting in the do nothing politicians. When they saw the trend they could have stopped it via the power of the vote & they decided to turn a blind eye.

As far as I'm concerned Mexico can have California. The place isn't worth shit outside of the tech companies.
this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

You’re just plain twisting shit up Lib style now because I called you out on diverting from the root cause of degradation in Mexifornia. Be a man and admit you’re wrong...simple shit.
i think we both know you are the one who is wrong,you are the one not man enough to just come right out and admit it....thats simple shit....

You won this debate HANDIDLY.

The people are responsible for voting in the do nothing politicians. When they saw the trend they could have stopped it via the power of the vote & they decided to turn a blind eye.

As far as I'm concerned Mexico can have California. The place isn't worth shit outside of the tech companies.
this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

Like I said, no good Mexifornian has hoisted any illegal over that wall or swam them across the river and no good Mexifornian has held a cockroach up at gun point and forced them to procreate at a rodents pace. They do all that on their own....THEY are the root cause of the problem...third graders can see should to.
a third grader can tell you who let them come across and let it get out of hand...maybe you should get one to explain it to you...

I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....

You’re sadly can say I’m an idiot for leaving my keys in the car....but no one sane would or could say I was at fault for it getting stolen.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago....BUT they are definitely not the ones vandalizing communities, littering our beaches and roadways, flooding our public schools and emergency rooms, committing the crime, dropping the anchor babies, riding the welfare tit...etc
It’s all on the WETBACKS...they’ve fucked this place up royally.
this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

You’re just plain twisting shit up Lib style now because I called you out on diverting from the root cause of degradation in Mexifornia. Be a man and admit you’re wrong...simple shit.
i think we both know you are the one who is wrong,you are the one not man enough to just come right out and admit it....thats simple shit....

this guy brokeloser is just one of many who are so busy with their lives that they dont pay attention to what is going on around them,and then wake up,but its now kinda late to cry but he wont take responsibility for not seeing it.....

Like I said, no good Mexifornian has hoisted any illegal over that wall or swam them across the river and no good Mexifornian has held a cockroach up at gun point and forced them to procreate at a rodents pace. They do all that on their own....THEY are the root cause of the problem...third graders can see should to.
a third grader can tell you who let them come across and let it get out of hand...maybe you should get one to explain it to you...

I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....

You’re sadly can say I’m an idiot for leaving my keys in the car....but no one sane would or could say I was at fault for it getting stolen.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago....BUT they are definitely not the ones vandalizing communities, littering our beaches and roadways, flooding our public schools and emergency rooms, committing the crime, dropping the anchor babies, riding the welfare tit...etc
It’s all on the WETBACKS...they’ve fucked this place up royally.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago.
so you are admitting i was right?...and just to let you know....many legal californians vandalize communities,litter our beaches and roadways,commit crimes and are on welfare....
California has the highest Homeless Population of any state. On streets of San Francisco people are craping and urinating and shooting up drugs.

Per capita, California is number 3, with Hawaii and New york taking the number one and two spots.
You’re just plain twisting shit up Lib style now because I called you out on diverting from the root cause of degradation in Mexifornia. Be a man and admit you’re wrong...simple shit.
i think we both know you are the one who is wrong,you are the one not man enough to just come right out and admit it....thats simple shit....

Like I said, no good Mexifornian has hoisted any illegal over that wall or swam them across the river and no good Mexifornian has held a cockroach up at gun point and forced them to procreate at a rodents pace. They do all that on their own....THEY are the root cause of the problem...third graders can see should to.
a third grader can tell you who let them come across and let it get out of hand...maybe you should get one to explain it to you...

I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....

You’re sadly can say I’m an idiot for leaving my keys in the car....but no one sane would or could say I was at fault for it getting stolen.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago....BUT they are definitely not the ones vandalizing communities, littering our beaches and roadways, flooding our public schools and emergency rooms, committing the crime, dropping the anchor babies, riding the welfare tit...etc
It’s all on the WETBACKS...they’ve fucked this place up royally.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago.
so you are admitting i was right?...and just to let you know....many legal californians vandalize communities,litter our beaches and roadways,commit crimes and are on welfare....

Follow’re still wrong.
And there you go with the deflection...just like a real Liberal would.
That’s true...barely legal anchor babies do vandalize our communities, litter our beaches and roadways...dealing with our citizens bullshit is part of the deal. We are not required to foster illegal Mexican filth and deal with their shit.
i think we both know you are the one who is wrong,you are the one not man enough to just come right out and admit it....thats simple shit....

a third grader can tell you who let them come across and let it get out of hand...maybe you should get one to explain it to you...

I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....

You’re sadly can say I’m an idiot for leaving my keys in the car....but no one sane would or could say I was at fault for it getting stolen.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago....BUT they are definitely not the ones vandalizing communities, littering our beaches and roadways, flooding our public schools and emergency rooms, committing the crime, dropping the anchor babies, riding the welfare tit...etc
It’s all on the WETBACKS...they’ve fucked this place up royally.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago.
so you are admitting i was right?...and just to let you know....many legal californians vandalize communities,litter our beaches and roadways,commit crimes and are on welfare....

Follow’re still wrong.
And there you go with the deflection...just like a real Liberal would.
That’s true...barely legal anchor babies do vandalize our communities, litter our beaches and roadways...dealing with our citizens bullshit is part of the deal. We are not required to foster illegal Mexican filth and deal with their shit.
come out of that rich OC community you say you live in and see how your state really is...i delivered mail to people like you up in the Anaheim Hills....totally clueless...

Why you guys are so jealous? Opening topics every minute about the ultra blue state, tells me that you guys are so jealous.
California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on).
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
and im sure people who live in other states love their state too....not all people enjoy 80 degrees all year long,some people like seeing the different seasons...i know i was shocked too...
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
and im sure people who live in other states love their state too....not all people enjoy 80 degrees all year long,some people like seeing the different seasons...i know i was shocked too...
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....

Why you guys are so jealous? Opening topics every minute about the ultra blue state, tells me that you guys are so jealous.
California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on).
Jealous? That's hilarious!

We've already been through the list of produce items grown in California and established the fact that all of them can be obtained elsewhere.

Discussion of the proof that California is a shithole might save a good American the pain of moving there only to find that it does not possess the great standard of living that it claims to offer.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
I have no jealousy regarding California.

I get my dates from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, my figs from Turkey, my peaches from Georgia, my corn from Iowa, my eggs and whole milk from a local farmer, my blueberries from Maine, my vegetables from any one of three local Farmer's Markets or one a few miles away that has the best tomatoes from Florida, my beef from Texas or Nebraska, my pork from Arkansas, my wine from Germany, France or Australia, my single malt scotch from Scotland, my cars from Japan, my clothes from various countries.....and so on.

I depend on California for absolutely NOTHING other than to provide Congress with batshit crazy, professional politicians.
Most Americans can't say the same. You are just bitter towards a successful state because it's progressive. You should boycott the technology and media that comes from here as well.
You are full of shit as a Christmas turkey. All of the products I listed are available all over the country....many of them simply by ordering online. I'm not boycotting California...just recognizing it as a shithole state. It's a real shame too. Maybe it will change and survive the cancer of liberalism.
Lol you are hating on a state that keeps the world going forward....keep on hating.
And no California is the bread basket of the US stats are here not polls or personal opinions.
Till other states do produce their own food spare us the jealousy.
California is the best state, you like it or you don't.
and im sure people who live in other states love their state too....not all people enjoy 80 degrees all year long,some people like seeing the different seasons...i know i was shocked too...
I can show board and ski all I have to do is drive 1h. It did rain this week....and most of us can afford traveling to cold areas.
went right over your head issa.....there is a big difference between visiting and living there full time...
Sorry but I don't wanna live ina cold place. Shorts and t shirt all year long. I can run on the beach whenever I can.
and god bless ya.....but there are people who happen to like snow and cold weather and like seeing the trees change with the seasons and many of them would take that over California any day....just sayin....
We don't live in mars northern California is just like what you described. People wish thry can live here but most can' afford it.
Don't lie to yourself , most people would give anything for a nice weather
. I never heard of someone go for a honeymoon to cincinatti or montana.
I’m disappointed in you Harry, you’ve gone full LibTard with this point of view. You’ve not so cleverly danced around a very simple question because you see the direct correlation...Let’s try again...don’t be scared.
“If I left my keys in my car and it got stolen was it my fault?”
no unlike you im not afraid to admit who let this happen and get out of hand....yea its all the mexicans fault....and yes its your fault you left your keys in the car in the neighborhood you parked it should have known better....

You’re sadly can say I’m an idiot for leaving my keys in the car....but no one sane would or could say I was at fault for it getting stolen.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago....BUT they are definitely not the ones vandalizing communities, littering our beaches and roadways, flooding our public schools and emergency rooms, committing the crime, dropping the anchor babies, riding the welfare tit...etc
It’s all on the WETBACKS...they’ve fucked this place up royally.
Mexifornian’s are fucking piece of shit retards for not cutting Reagan’s nuts off in 1986 and for not having the courage to act long ago.
so you are admitting i was right?...and just to let you know....many legal californians vandalize communities,litter our beaches and roadways,commit crimes and are on welfare....

Follow’re still wrong.
And there you go with the deflection...just like a real Liberal would.
That’s true...barely legal anchor babies do vandalize our communities, litter our beaches and roadways...dealing with our citizens bullshit is part of the deal. We are not required to foster illegal Mexican filth and deal with their shit.
come out of that rich OC community you say you live in and see how your state really is...i delivered mail to people like you up in the Anaheim Hills....totally clueless...

Haha..that’s funny. “People like me” what does that mean?
I spend most days in the Inland Empire and south to Temecula. You can’t be more in touch than I am.
My friends and relatives living in CA (where I lived for 40 years) are always posting these photos of sunsets along the beaches. I told them about this study and how crappy it is to live in Ca... they posted more pictures of sunsets, In-And-Out Burger, surfing, skiing, Yosemite, Tahoe... yuck, who can stand that.
I call BS

Maybe you ought to explore outside of your trailer park.

I have visited 40 states and believe me.....California is in the top 5 in terms of quality of life

Enormous diversity, culture, exciting cities, some of our best National Parks

The OP is just a hit piece
RW california is no longer like it was in the 60's,70's and even the 80's...lots of areas are going downhill,the wealthy areas are still great,try the not so wealthy areas....and many of those areas were ok 30 years ago,now not so great....

Which areas of California are 'going down?'
ever been to Bell? about El Centro?....El Monte?....Hawaiian Gardens?... Garden Grove?....Stanton?.....i can name a whole bunch more but it would take to much time....even Disneyland built a wall along West Street to keep the tourist from seeing the drug infestation that the apt complex on the other side of the street had become....and they even offered to upgrade the place at their and the cities and others expense....and the residents turned them down....

Wage disparity with costs have caused homelessness. Take a look at housing costs in the areas you listed.

FYI - There has been a wall around Disneyland since it's inception.

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