New report ranks Mexifornia dead LAST in ‘quality of life’...weird?

I love it when our local government officials , ya know, those politicians that WE supposed put in office, instead, do a 180 and support illegal aliens instead, create a sanctuary city/state and then have the nerve to tell us...It's good. Really? Talk about a disconnect. No, illegals aren't "Good" , they are invaders, and our politicians need to take a step back and listen to US. Worry about Americans, not invaders, YOUR bloody constituents. Worry about US first and foremost.​
Just remember, the Government Elites live like royalty in Communist Totalitarian States. It's only the 'Little People' who suffer under Communism. Just read up some on the Soviet Union's history.

Sadly, the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago. It now seeks to achieve mass poverty and full dependence on Government for survival. California's getting there fast. But they want that for the entire country.

The Democratic Party can only thrive on mass discontent. The more poor and dependent on Government the Citizens become, the more powerful the Party becomes. So, a vote for a Democrat, is a vote for your own demise. Don't be a Useful Idiot. Don't support them.

much of CA has more voters than voting age people, what makes you think that the majority of valid voters have voted D?
The common denominator among super shitholes is almost always the same....They’re predominantly BROWN.
lots of non-brown people live there too.....its all about were the wealth a so called californian i would think you would see this....
I can see the state is not pure white and has not been since I was a child some 60 plus years ago. Way back then we had brown neighbors.
brown people have always been here,it seems to many who live in other states that they just started getting here 20 years ago....well maybe in their state they have....

You might want to look at stats and demos from the 80’s....and before wetbacks were the majority in Mexifornia. Sure they’ve always been here...but now there’s enough of them to degrade it just as they’ve done to their homeland...Have you ever been to Tijuana?
you ever been to El Centro?.....

Many, many times...I frequent the Glamis sand dunes often and have for many years.
The last decent president Mexico had was Juarez and that was almost 150 years ago. The PRI could teach the Ds lessons on corruption. training and arming a government in exile is the only real solution and I am unsure how long it would last.
much of CA has more voters than voting age people, what makes you think that the majority of valid voters have voted D?
lots of non-brown people live there too.....its all about were the wealth a so called californian i would think you would see this....
I can see the state is not pure white and has not been since I was a child some 60 plus years ago. Way back then we had brown neighbors.
brown people have always been here,it seems to many who live in other states that they just started getting here 20 years ago....well maybe in their state they have....

You might want to look at stats and demos from the 80’s....and before wetbacks were the majority in Mexifornia. Sure they’ve always been here...but now there’s enough of them to degrade it just as they’ve done to their homeland...Have you ever been to Tijuana?
you ever been to El Centro?.....

Many, many times...I frequent the Glamis sand dunes often and have for many years.

I've always wanted to wheel that place.
I have been to California too. Beautiful place. I have two siblings living there. One that went broke (now lives with his step daughter) , and another that is wealthy. I went to visit them both, I was blown away with how Mexicans have just taken over California. And how taboo mentioning that to Californians has become. Shhhh. Let's don't point out the obvious.
I have been to California too. Beautiful place. I have two siblings living there. One that went broke (now lives with his step daughter) , and another that is wealthy. I went to visit them both, I was blown away with how Mexicans have just taken over California. And how taboo mentioning that to Californians has become. Shhhh. Let's don't point out the obvious.

Yep, it’s a shame....many poor Americans are stuck living in the Mexican barrios surrounded by no one that speaks English....they’ve become foreigners on their own soil. You could spend an entire day among the public in many parts of the Inland Empire and you wouldn’t encounter a single Caucasian or person speaking English. I am not exaggerating one bit.
I can see the state is not pure white and has not been since I was a child some 60 plus years ago. Way back then we had brown neighbors.
brown people have always been here,it seems to many who live in other states that they just started getting here 20 years ago....well maybe in their state they have....

You might want to look at stats and demos from the 80’s....and before wetbacks were the majority in Mexifornia. Sure they’ve always been here...but now there’s enough of them to degrade it just as they’ve done to their homeland...Have you ever been to Tijuana?
you ever been to El Centro?.....

Many, many times...I frequent the Glamis sand dunes often and have for many years.

I've always wanted to wheel that place.

Glamis is another place that use to be amazing before it became beanerized. I’ll take the motorhome and trailer out on Tuesday and leave on Friday morning....I refuse to be there on the weekends’s just a gang infested shithole full of filth.
The whole idea of "sanctuary cities" is abhorrent to Americans. We don't want sanctuary for people that skirt immigration laws any more than we do any other other laws. NO! End this now! Please. Our politicians are supposed to represent US, and our best interests, not what is best for illegals, their children or people that exploit them. We, the bloody PEOPLE!
232 illegals in the San Francisco Bay Area sanctuary were just arrested. Of those 77% or 180 were convicted criminals and 115 had been convicted for serious or violent crimes.

Why did the mayor of Oakland tip off illegals about the raid? How many Americans will be killed or raped by illegals who escaped the raid because of him?
I have been to California too. Beautiful place. I have two siblings living there. One that went broke (now lives with his step daughter) , and another that is wealthy. I went to visit them both, I was blown away with how Mexicans have just taken over California. And how taboo mentioning that to Californians has become. Shhhh. Let's don't point out the obvious.

Yep, it’s a shame....many poor Americans are stuck living in the Mexican barrios surrounded by no one that speaks English....they’ve become foreigners on their own soil. You could spend an entire day among the public in many parts of the Inland Empire and you wouldn’t encounter a single Caucasian or person speaking English. I am not exaggerating one bit.
I live in Denver's Swansea district, it used to be a native part of America, with white picket fences, that ended being a graffiti ridden Illegal alien Mexican infested "barrio sanctuary" when politicians of the day sold us out, to contractors and development and convenience. They do this all the time, selling out, running away like cowards, and forgetting. I don't forget.
I see how the past is forgotten, say a Pearl Harbor survivor is terrorized by a black kids. Beating his dog to death, he is Hispanic, They, black kids that get a section 8 housing moved next to this old guy. Their BLACKNESS, it's an one size excuse, one I will never buy. Besides, I thought we were "post racial". And we have politicians creating sanctuaries we didn't ask for, don't need when we have so many internal issues already that need resolution that politicians avoid like the plague. Poor poor Mexicans, they need help. Poor poor Americans are soulless bastards that deserve their sorry fate...funny how that works. Why do you people HATE American culture so much?
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brown people have always been here,it seems to many who live in other states that they just started getting here 20 years ago....well maybe in their state they have....

You might want to look at stats and demos from the 80’s....and before wetbacks were the majority in Mexifornia. Sure they’ve always been here...but now there’s enough of them to degrade it just as they’ve done to their homeland...Have you ever been to Tijuana?
you ever been to El Centro?.....

Many, many times...I frequent the Glamis sand dunes often and have for many years.

I've always wanted to wheel that place.

Glamis is another place that use to be amazing before it became beanerized. I’ll take the motorhome and trailer out on Tuesday and leave on Friday morning....I refuse to be there on the weekends’s just a gang infested shithole full of filth.

This place used to be badass until the beaners took over.
Now days you never leave your vehicle stuck overnight or your shit will be stripped to the frame.
Xtreme Off-Road Park & Beach
Sad to say, I live nearly a thousand miles from the Mexican border. Denver was never a part of Mexico, 30 years ago nobody heard Spanish spoken here, NOPE. Never happened. We didn't ask for Colorado or Denver to be made a sanctuary city, either. Nope, but our leaders NOW deem it wise to ignore the local American English speaking constituency to pander to foreigner illegal alien Spanish illegal aliens, instead. Why is that? I post that here, because our supposed "leaders" would never answer that simple question...
Sad to say, I live nearly a thousand miles from the Mexican border. Denver was never a part of Mexico, 30 years ago nobody heard Spanish spoken here, NOPE. Never happened. We didn't ask for Colorado or Denver to be made a sanctuary city, either. Nope, but our leaders NOW deem it wise to ignore the local American English speaking constituency to pander to foreigner illegal alien Spanish illegal aliens, instead. Why is that?

Xtreme Off-Road Park & Beach.
I lived with all sorts, like say Mickey Hancock, he calls children of illegals aliens living in that bubble we never asked for, his "kids". Mickey knows this is total bullshit. Denverites never asked for Denver to be a sanctuary city. Nope . Now it seems, me boy-o Mikey Hancock is just an pandering political serial sexual abuser, sadly. All these illegal kids may be "DREAMERS", but aren't aren't we all? I dream people will stop using race or culture and immigrate legally and fairly immigrate and follow all the laws. As an American, and a Denverite. As a human being.
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I ride my bike along the Platte river, there is all these pesky homeless people that were never there before, and camping downtown on sidewalks, too. Mike Handcock and his predecessor, The IDAHOAN kid, Hickenlooper (the guy that hired illegals, one that ended up killing an off duty Denver cop), I have to wonder in that massive junk pile of a bureaucracy, WHY do these autocrats call illegal aliens "immigrants" when they clearly are NOT? Do they think we are stupid or something? Why do they pander to illegals when we have so many poor and jobless in America?
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When will Mexicrats start working for the citizens that should matter in this shithole?
Corrupt politicians have turned a blind eye to our federal laws, they’ve invited and fostered millions of some of the worlds worst humans. This is what you get....filth, indecency and lawlessness...things will only get worse as thirdworlders take over.....I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anyone sane.

California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

US News has long been criticized for their ranking system which is arbitrary at best.

North Dakota is said to have the best quality of life. If you love the outdoor life and winters it’s great, but if you like your urban comforts, going to baseball games, or hate winter, it’s hell!
Last time I was in California , 2005, I was motoring along in a rental car. Almond orchards being torn down, Local gas station in or near Stockton, a Mexican guy slamming into a handicapped parking spot sideways blaring mariachi and the local white Cali motorist and I exchange glances...he said , this is what Mexicans do. I left it at that. I have learned that yes, Mexicans are selfish swine and that's their bloody culture. Yes it is. Why do we NEED them?
When will Mexicrats start working for the citizens that should matter in this shithole?
Corrupt politicians have turned a blind eye to our federal laws, they’ve invited and fostered millions of some of the worlds worst humans. This is what you get....filth, indecency and lawlessness...things will only get worse as thirdworlders take over.....I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anyone sane.
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says
That's why they're a blue state.
Actually it is BECAUSE it is a blue state. Liberalism has turned California into a shithole.
I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.
Best athletes come from Cali.
there are a lot of good athletes that come from all over the country.....
Biggest economy in the world.
no they are not...
Dodgers, now rams and chargers
big deal....
It's the most populous state for a reason
its also one of the reasons people are leaving....its called congestion...
Biggest economy in the US and 6th in the world.
We give more Olympians and athletes than any other states, more than our share of the population.
Without California and NYC or most blue states the US would look worse than the ex Soviet states.
oh now its just the Olympics....
I love here and visited other states and it's the best state by far.
It's the most populous state for a reason.
And not only for immigrants or illegals but from American born. 99% of the whites I met weren from a different state they came here to better their lives.
We have the best weather.
The best coast.
The best national parks.
The best theme parks.
Dodgers, now rams and chargers (just i n LA)
Most innovative technologies. That serve the whole entire world.
Busiest ports.
Busiest airports
Most visited state
Biggest economy in the world.
Biggest concetentrstion of middle class and rich people.
Best entertainment industry in the world.
Best athletes come from Cali.

Keep on hating red necks.

Hang on to that fantasy if it makes ya feel better. But the Communists/Democrats are destroying that once great state. It now leads the nation in poverty. And that's the way the Democratic Party wants it.

The Party thrives on mass discontent. It needs more Citizens in poverty and fully dependent on Government. Californians are just experiencing the Communist Agenda. I feel for em. But then again, i kinda don't. They got what they supported.
All I see is millions of people coming from all over the world and the US and are here to work. Contrary to the red states where most of you haters live, sitting In front of a computer hating on the best state in the union.
millions?....those freeways will never move....the 91 and the 5 was always crowded no matter what time of day,after all those MILLIONS settle in i can see it becoming a 5 mile an hour freeway...
And ? Most great cities are that way. If you want to live in an empty, boring, jobless , a nowhere place you can. But millions decided to come here to better their lives, because they can't do it in most red states and red counties.
I never heard someone moving to Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi etc...!!!
if you like congestion and over population....go for it issa....
I never heard someone moving to Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi etc
thats because they are moving to these states.....
10 States Where the Most People Are Moving (and Leaving)
10 states where the most people are moving (and leaving)
The Surprising States People Are Moving to—and the Ones They're Leaving
2016 National Movers Study
california is not on any of these lists.....were are all those millions you claimed were moving in?.....maybe its only thousands....
A Californian said today that more people are leaving Silicon Valley than are coming to it...for the first time in years.

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