New Rules Established Since Trump Became President

New rule

Democrats thought Soviet union = good when a Republican was president

Democrats think Russia = bad when a Republican was president

New rule

Democrats thought Soviet union = good when a Republican was president

Democrats think Russia = bad when a Republican was president

That's not a rule, more like a fact.

Of course they would find soviet union good, they were communists, and thus a 3rd world country.

Now that they abandoned communism and embraced capitalism, and now that they are getting rich, the leftists are losing their shit.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
New rule

Democrats thought Soviet union = good when a Republican was president

Democrats think Russia = bad when a Republican was president

um, we hae always thought the soviets and russians are not our freinds, it is your side that changes witht he wind!
Facts are whatever you want
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda
another old rule.

clinton raped women, and you re-elected him
I was too young to vote then. It's sad that you defend child rape by citing allegations about adults.
fuck you cock sucking fuck hole

I would never defend rape, and you fucking lied and accuse me of such a thing?

just remember, clinton is your fucking hero, you supported the **** that attacked his victims, so guess what?

You support rapists.
Well that's a stretch. :rolleyes:

A wife stood by her husband, believing him over his accusers. Melania does the same thing. So by your own argument, you must support rape.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Blatantly partisan thread, but you already know that. There is nothing you can point to that previous administrations haven't also done and that is the problem. This country has become so partisan that nobody holds the government's misdeeds accountable; they only try to hold the other party accountable while ignoring the malfeasance in their own ranks, so it continues.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!
New rule

When Trump threatens to wipe out North Korea = bad

But when a Democrat threatens to wipe out North Korea = good

The difference dumbass, is NK now has a nuke & they have the missile to deliver it.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.
Selective memory much.
The Left’s Blatant Hypocrisy on Russia and Iran
The Hudson instatute can suck my balls and you can too. That is fake news. All that article proves is that russia has been acting badly for ever, the left has never called them an ally nor do we want to stroke Putins penis like your president does. This administration does stupid shit all day and all you have to say is Hillary,Hillary, Obama, Obama. Never mind we are doing it right in fron to your face, it was Hillary or Obama that did it.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.
New rule

When Trump threatens to wipe out North Korea = bad

But when a Democrat threatens to wipe out North Korea = good

The difference dumbass, is NK now has a nuke & they have the missile to deliver it.

North Korea has had a nuke since 2006 whats changed ? Oh yeah a President who isn't going to be bullied into feeding and supplying the North Korean military and the communist elite.
New rule

Democrats thought Soviet union = good when a Republican was president

Democrats think Russia = bad when a Republican was president

That's not a rule, more like a fact.

Of course they would find soviet union good, they were communists, and thus a 3rd world country.

Now that they abandoned communism and embraced capitalism, and now that they are getting rich, the leftists are losing their shit.

Exactly, I remember reading the Chicago sun times, Chicago Tribune, daily Herald after that speech the democrats had a heart attack..

How dare regean take on the soviet union, just like today how dare Trump take on North Korea
New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.
Selective memory much.
The Left’s Blatant Hypocrisy on Russia and Iran
The Hudson instatute can suck my balls and you can too. That is fake news. All that article proves is that russia has been acting badly for ever, the left has never called them an ally nor do we want to stroke Putins penis like your president does. This administration does stupid shit all day and all you have to say is Hillary,Hillary, Obama, Obama. Never mind we are doing it right in fron to your face, it was Hillary or Obama that did it.
There is the hot mike between the Russian President and Obama. Is that fake as well ?
Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:


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