New Rules Established Since Trump Became President

Blatantly partisan thread, but you already know that. There is nothing you can point to that previous administrations haven't also done and that is the problem. This country has become so partisan that nobody holds the government's misdeeds accountable; they only try to hold the other party accountable while ignoring the malfeasance in their own ranks, so it continues.
Are you suffering from Hit-Dog-Snydrome?
New rule

When Trump threatens to wipe out North Korea = bad

But when a Democrat threatens to wipe out North Korea = good

The difference dumbass, is NK now has a nuke & they have the missile to deliver it.

Prove it dumb ass, it's a bluff...


They don't have it yet ..
New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.
Selective memory much.
The Left’s Blatant Hypocrisy on Russia and Iran
The Hudson instatute can suck my balls and you can too. That is fake news. All that article proves is that russia has been acting badly for ever, the left has never called them an ally nor do we want to stroke Putins penis like your president does. This administration does stupid shit all day and all you have to say is Hillary,Hillary, Obama, Obama. Never mind we are doing it right in fron to your face, it was Hillary or Obama that did it.

You liar once again the left loved the soviet union when regean was in charge..

The cold war is over and Ronnie destroyed them
What did Hillary get away with?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!
Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

Paying alimony? That's worse than taking it up the ass. Sounds like you were divorce raped in full...

Thanks for revealing the source of the butthurt. I don't really understand why you keep voting in the leftists that favor such extortion, must be some sort of masochism.
Last edited:
New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.
Selective memory much.
The Left’s Blatant Hypocrisy on Russia and Iran
The Hudson instatute can suck my balls and you can too. That is fake news. All that article proves is that russia has been acting badly for ever, the left has never called them an ally nor do we want to stroke Putins penis like your president does. This administration does stupid shit all day and all you have to say is Hillary,Hillary, Obama, Obama. Never mind we are doing it right in fron to your face, it was Hillary or Obama that did it.

You liar once again the left loved the soviet union when regean was in charge..

The cold war is over and Ronnie destroyed them
Lets see here does the right not call Hollywood the left. Any one see some 1980's movies? Just how is the Soviet Union depicted in those movies. Exactly what evidence of the love of the Soviet Union do you have. If I remember correctly was it not Reagon that was speaking Glastnos. Reagon did not do the Soviet Union in, the Soviet Union did the Soviet Union in by not being able to feed their own people and by entering into Afganastan. Red Dawn was on every bodies VCR back in the day republicans and Dems alike. No body liked the Soviets then, and only Trump and Trump tards like them now!
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

Paying alimony? That's worse than taking it up the ass. Sounds like you were divorce raped in full...

Thanks for revealing the source of the butthurt. I don't really understand why you keep voting in the leftists that allow such extortion, must be some sort of masochism.

I knew you could not make it a week. Do I have reason to not like the government? Oh fuck yes, I can not even begin to list my reasons there is not enough data storage in the wold to list my greivances. We can start with the rude, crude and obnoxous things they had me do for them in the 1980's. There are days I feel like a monster because of it. They sure as hell did not have my back. The difference is I do not belive Donald fucking Trump is going to do shit for me. I am kind of like the guy on major league, the government is Joboo. Fuck you Joboo I do it my self. Alimoney is worse than taking it up the ass? I have not taken it up the ass but I still think alimoney is worse. This I can say it was a republican judge that ordered it.
Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

Paying alimony? That's worse than taking it up the ass. Sounds like you were divorce raped in full...

Thanks for revealing the source of the butthurt. I don't really understand why you keep voting in the leftists that allow such extortion, must be some sort of masochism.

I knew you could not make it a week. Do I have reason to not like the government? Oh fuck yes, I can not even begin to list my reasons there is not enough data storage in the wold to list my greivances. We can start with the rude, crude and obnoxous things they had me do for them in the 1980's. There are days I feel like a monster because of it. They sure as hell did not have my back. The difference is I do not belive Donald fucking Trump is going to do shit for me. I am kind of like the guy on major league, the government is Joboo. Fuck you Joboo I do it my self. Alimoney is worse than taking it up the ass? I have not taken it up the ass but I still think alimoney is worse. This I can say it was a republican judge that ordered it.

So let me get this straight, you were divorce raped, but yet do not wish to spare vote for the chemotherapy treatment (TRUMP) that is cure to the cancer that is feminism?

Ok... I am at a loss of words. I suppose, those who are stupid to want to help themselves are too stupid to be helped. And all this because some republiscam master cuck ordered the punishment... right.
Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

Paying alimony? That's worse than taking it up the ass. Sounds like you were divorce raped in full...

Thanks for revealing the source of the butthurt. I don't really understand why you keep voting in the leftists that allow such extortion, must be some sort of masochism.

I knew you could not make it a week. Do I have reason to not like the government? Oh fuck yes, I can not even begin to list my reasons there is not enough data storage in the wold to list my greivances. We can start with the rude, crude and obnoxous things they had me do for them in the 1980's. There are days I feel like a monster because of it. They sure as hell did not have my back. The difference is I do not belive Donald fucking Trump is going to do shit for me. I am kind of like the guy on major league, the government is Joboo. Fuck you Joboo I do it my self. Alimoney is worse than taking it up the ass? I have not taken it up the ass but I still think alimoney is worse. This I can say it was a republican judge that ordered it.

So let me get this straight, you were divorce raped, but yet do not wish to spare vote for the chemotherapy treatment (TRUMP) that is cure to the cancer that is feminism?

Ok... I am at a loss of words. I suppose, those who are stupid to want to help themselves are too stupid to be helped. And all this because some republiscam master cuck ordered the punishment... right.

Oh, that judge is not the only person on my list with an R in front of thier name. Some of my grevances go back to being in the military and there were some laws passed to protect the big corp that fucked my little corp. I am more than displeased and I spend every waking moment figuring out how to put a wrench in thier works or take my shit back.
New rule

Democrats thought Soviet union = good when a Republican was president

Democrats think Russia = bad when a Republican was president

um, we hae always thought the soviets and russians are not our freinds, it is your side that changes witht he wind!

Liar you going to tell us with a straight face that the left always hated the Soviet Union ? Once again the left crapped in their pants when Regaen told the world he outlawed the Soviet Union the bombing starts in five minutes.

New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.

Hey Mac, Russia has been our friend in the past and most every country is a "friend" on some level! All you need to do is be on the same side of some issue, not necessarily EVERY issue, and you have a "friend" in something, and the Russia allegations are being very closely investigated, Thank You, just not heading in the direction you were hoping they would . . . . .
Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

So you wish you were gay say what?

Only most scandals in modern US history.

Anyway, I am not holding my breath that she will walk free for much longer. Huma is going for a prison visit soon enough. As the corruption with the FBI, where they changed the words of documents in order to let her walk free, is uncovered, she will be soon to follow.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

What is wrong with you now you wish you were gay?

Who says this stuff?
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.
The new ruloe for the dems is that you oppose anything and everything the President wants...even if it is good for the people.

New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Yeah, let me formalize it for you brother...

New Rule: Whenever there's any bad news, of any sort, no matter how big or small, that pertains to your President and/or his Admniistration...IMMEDIATELY cry out "Hillary Clinton!" and/or "You lost!", or "You're butthurt."

All else fails, bring up Hillary Clinton's emails.
Old Rule: When news is of Hillary's faults and criminality, ignore it and make up some fake news.

Old Rule: When you see your argument failing, cry "racist" or "Nazi".

New rule: Nobody in predominantly black and backwards-ass Atlanta can be racist to white folk.

Funny how the ignorant don't even realize their kin were crackers, too.

On the other side, some white people from Georgia are wayyy more racist than I can stand.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Blatantly partisan thread, but you already know that. There is nothing you can point to that previous administrations haven't also done and that is the problem. This country has become so partisan that nobody holds the government's misdeeds accountable; they only try to hold the other party accountable while ignoring the malfeasance in their own ranks, so it continues.

"Partisan"?? :lmao:

There's nothing "partisan" about Rump. In order to have partisanship you must first have politics. Clearly he has none.

With Rump it's entirely personal. Understand that.
Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

So you wish you were gay say what?

Like what name what she got away with. So when exactly wil Hillary end up in jail? I do not think she will. Why are you so interested with but hurt? Mabe if you get or give your daily does of sodomy you would not be so worried about it. Meanwhile keep your Freudian slips to your self we do not care that you want it in the ass!

Ah, more leftist projection. You have been taking it up the ass from your leftist masters for so long, that you think other people enjoy such endeavors as well.

Fuck you Norman Bates.Your the one that talks about it in every thread you are obsessed witrh it and you ain't foolin no one around here. you hate gays so much because you are one and you hate your self. You wanna prove different see if you can go a week with out talking about it.

I hate gays? I am not gay, but I don't hate gays. Gay people can be very smart. Maybe you are pretending to be gay in order to pretend that you willfully take it up the ass from your plantation owners?

Which ever the case, there is a lot that you could learn from this gay person:

Ya, I am not gay, some time wish I were though. I would likely not be paying alimoney if I were. Awesome you made a post with out talking about you know what! I still say you can not make it a week!

What is wrong with you now you wish you were gay?

Who says this stuff?

That is not what I said and coming from some one whjo stated they wanted nuclear war, you realy have no credibility.
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda
another old rule.

clinton raped women, and you re-elected him

I ne er voted for Clinton. There no accusations of rape that were credible. The most cited swore unser oath that Clinton did not rape her.

Meanwhile Trump is an accused child rapist. I know you Trumpettes think litte girls are fair game for sex but most descent people don't.
the accusation is a blatant lie.

even you know that, and yet you felt compelled to lie anyway.

if bill didn't rape those women, that were picked up by the state police for him to do what he wanted with, then why did that vile **** hillary go after them?
Hey Mac, Russia has been our friend in the past and most every country is a "friend" on some level! All you need to do is be on the same side of some issue, not necessarily EVERY issue, and you have a "friend" in something, and the Russia allegations are being very closely investigated, Thank You, just not heading in the direction you were hoping they would . . . . .
So you're "for" the investigation, and trust and believe that Mueller is the best man for the job then?

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