New Rules Established Since Trump Became President

Facts are whatever you want
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda
another old rule.

clinton raped women, and you re-elected him
I was too young to vote then. It's sad that you defend child rape by citing allegations about adults.
fuck you cock sucking fuck hole

I would never defend rape, and you fucking lied and accuse me of such a thing?

just remember, clinton is your fucking hero, you supported the **** that attacked his victims, so guess what?

You support rapists.
Well that's a stretch. :rolleyes:

A wife stood by her husband, believing him over his accusers. Melania does the same thing. So by your own argument, you must support rape.
bill has many accusers, that **** didn't just stand by her man, she went after those women and made them victims again.

evil bag of shit
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.

Here is a new rule that the forum should have:

No more stupid leftist butthurt. Please do that on your own time, people are tired of reading the same thread over and over again.


And while going over the butthurt you may think about how Hillary broke every rule in the book, yet got away with it. She did write a whole book of excuses about it though.
New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

As literally every post from 2thums, and the next post from Frank, will demonstrate.

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda

Podesta's a Democrat
Oh, who?

The Top Democrat and pedophile
Doesn't ring a bell. If he's a pedophile, he might want to consider a Senate run as a republican.

Maybe he'll tag along with BJ Clinton on the Lolita Express and tap that 15 year old pussy on Epstein's Island
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Facts are whatever you want
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda
another old rule.

clinton raped women, and you re-elected him
I was too young to vote then. It's sad that you defend child rape by citing allegations about adults.
fuck you cock sucking fuck hole

I would never defend rape, and you fucking lied and accuse me of such a thing?

just remember, clinton is your fucking hero, you supported the **** that attacked his victims, so guess what?

You support rapists.
Well that's a stretch. :rolleyes:

A wife stood by her husband, believing him over his accusers. Melania does the same thing. So by your own argument, you must support rape.
bill has many accusers, that **** didn't just stand by her man, she went after those women and made them victims again.

evil bag of shit
Trump threatened his accusers. Melania would have, but she was still praying her husband would stop his publicity stunt candidacy.
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda

Podesta's a Democrat
Oh, who?

The Top Democrat and pedophile
Doesn't ring a bell. If he's a pedophile, he might want to consider a Senate run as a republican.

Maybe he'll tag along with BJ Climton on the Lolita Express and tap that 15 year old pussy on Epstein's Island

Did I call it or what??
Rule 94 - You can get the evangelical vote by just picking on gays and abortion rights. Doesnt matter how you have lived your life.
New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Yeah, let me formalize it for you brother...

New Rule: Whenever there's any bad news, of any sort, no matter how big or small, that pertains to your President and/or his Admniistration...IMMEDIATELY cry out "Hillary Clinton!" and/or "You lost!", or "You're butthurt."

All else fails, bring up Hillary Clinton's emails.
New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Yeah, let me formalize it for you brother...

New Rule: Whenever there's any bad news, of any sort, no matter how big or small, that pertains to your President and/or his Admniistration...IMMEDIATELY cry out "Hillary Clinton!" and/or "You lost!", or "You're butthurt."

All else fails, bring up Hillary Clinton's emails.

I instituted Pogo's Law over a year ago. Every time some wag does it I make a nickel. That ain't much but at the rate this board goes, hell this thread alone will buy me dinner. :eusa_dance:

It's instructive that Rumpbots' own place of rhetorical residence is so shaky that they immediately have to change the subject --- EVERY subject --- so that it's off Cheeseface.

They'll shift to "Hillary Clinton".... "Bill Clinton".... "George Clinton" ..... "George Costanza"..... anything but the shortfingered vulgarian.

They have lost their about another noogie snowflake!
New Rule: Any statement or action by the President or his Administration is perfectly OK, no matter if it goes against all your Party has previously said it stood for for decades. Don't forget to defend it by any means necessary by saying something to the effect of "anything that upsets *insert the other party* is just fine by me."
New rule, follow the bouncing ball, stay focused on meaningless subjects, while totally dismissing the things that have the greatest effect on our life's.
New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

As literally every post from 2thums, and the next post from Frank, will demonstrate.

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Pogo , there's a new thread in Science & Technology about the Earth's rotation slowing down and causing earthquakes. So quit dragging your big feet.
It's been widely said, reported and believed that 45's ascension to Office broke basically every. single. political. rule.

And his time in said Office thus far has largely proven that to be true.

This thread is dedicated to all the new rules now established by Trump and his Republican Administration.

For instance, a new rule is that whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you. This is the first and foremost new rule of 45's Administration.

You can list the rest as you recall and/or as they come up.
1. "Whatever your President does, is totally acceptable, defensible and legal once your base is with you."

2. Adding trillions to the debt is a terrific thing.

3. Spending 1.5 trillion dollars of debt on a stimulus package will boost the economy.
New Rule: Believe that as long as America turns toward G-d, he will protect and look after us. He delivered us from Hillary and the end of the American Experiment.
Raping children is fine as long as you'll help a GOP President's agenda
another old rule.

clinton raped women, and you re-elected him

I ne er voted for Clinton. There no accusations of rape that were credible. The most cited swore unser oath that Clinton did not rape her.

Meanwhile Trump is an accused child rapist. I know you Trumpettes think litte girls are fair game for sex but most descent people don't.
New Rule: Russia is now a friend of America, and we should do nothing to investigate or even prevent past and/or future attacks on our political system.

Exactly the DNC rigging their nominations using tax payer dollars should now be ignored..
New Rule: whenever anybody brings up a "new rule" in this thread some schlub will be along in the very next post to go "b-but... but Clinton!"

Also known as "Pogo's Law",
Yeah, let me formalize it for you brother...

New Rule: Whenever there's any bad news, of any sort, no matter how big or small, that pertains to your President and/or his Admniistration...IMMEDIATELY cry out "Hillary Clinton!" and/or "You lost!", or "You're butthurt."

All else fails, bring up Hillary Clinton's emails.

Leftists wanting to outlaw the truth.

Here we go again.
New rule

When Trump threatens to wipe out North Korea = bad

But when a Democrat threatens to wipe out North Korea = good


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