New serial killer confirmed. Worst in US history. 90 victims

Boggles the mind that someone could kill this many people over all these decades and never get caught till he confesses while jailed on drug charges.
If he went after the homeless and druggies and prostitutes that no one missed, it would make more sense that he wouldn't get caught.

Plus he spread it out over multiple States, which makes it even harder for law enforcement to see a pattern.

Boggles the mind that someone could kill this many people over all these decades and never get caught till he confesses while jailed on drug charges.
If he went after the homeless and druggies and prostitutes that no one missed, it would make more sense that he wouldn't get caught.
This is true.

Anyway, the garden-variety serial killer are pretty banal to cops and criminologists. Those who kill victims of a different class or who leave some sort of "house of horrors" are far more interesting than someone who roams around offing crack whores and such.

Boggles the mind that someone could kill this many people over all these decades and never get caught till he confesses while jailed on drug charges.

The Dems will register him to vote
They are very very proud that they register murderers, rapist and muggers to vote.
That's nothing. They've undoubtedly already registered the 90 or so "ladies of the pipe", another solidly Democrat demographic.
The world is full of killers.

To bad they can't take this one out behind the barn and blow his brains out.
He's digging the attention he's getting for this crap. Nobody does what he says he's done and doesn't get caught. They've got him on 3 maybe 4...while it's not impossible he's murdered many more, it's not likely or he wouldn't be bragging about it. Even though he's old, Texas will still execute his ass if he's convicted of a murder there.
He's digging the attention he's getting for this crap. Nobody does what he says he's done and doesn't get caught. They've got him on 3 maybe 4...while it's not impossible he's murdered many more, it's not likely or he wouldn't be bragging about it. Even though he's old, Texas will still execute his ass if he's convicted of a murder there.

So they hang him a couple weeks after the trial, right?
He's digging the attention he's getting for this crap. Nobody does what he says he's done and doesn't get caught. They've got him on 3 maybe 4...while it's not impossible he's murdered many more, it's not likely or he wouldn't be bragging about it. Even though he's old, Texas will still execute his ass if he's convicted of a murder there.

So they hang him a couple weeks after the trial, right?

They don't usually give a capital murderer the regular 20 years of appeals, no. I'd drag-hang the piece of shit through cholla but he's black so that would make me a "racist" I suppose.

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