New Sheriff: Trump Inquires About Revoking, Suspending CNN’s White House Access; BuzzFeed Too

No Donald Trump pointing out the similarities of CNN trying to control the mind of American's via lies is a very valid argument.

"I will provide a propagandistic casus belli. Its credibility doesn't matter. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth." - Hitler

We on the /right/ must not fall into the same temptation as the feckless left.


What's really fucked up is that the whole point of Hitlers propaganda campaign he was speaking of above, was a false flag Operation Himmler, which was designed to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, in order to justify the invasion of Poland.

Sound familiar? Russia anyone? Fake news anyone? CNN's a bunch of fucking Nazi's no doubt and I want them gone very badly, but it must be done properly.
Freedom of the press. Does it say they have a right to be in the White House? They have the right to print their bullshit but they have no right to a seat anywhere. Fuckem. Print bogus shit, get your access pulled. Seems a perfectly logical response to me.

I disagree. There is a principle in this country that is more important than petty vendettas and "protecting the masses from lies" - which is exactly what the Obama attempts to do by pushing that RT is propaganda and implies that it shouldn't be watched by American's. A la legitimatizing. Were you upset when Obama blew off Fox? Did that "warm you up" to Obama at all? Is Trump in office to continue tearing us apart?

The decision of want to, and can choose to watch, must be /ours/ not any presidents. We shouldn't be making the same stupid anti-American policies Obama did, sure as fuck not before we've even got started...
You can disagree all you like. Customs and traditions are not law.

Spot On. CNN has clearly decided on an agenda to destroy Donald Trump's Presidency. And that's not 'News' or 'Journalism.' So i think Trump should consider booting it. Pushing 'Fake News' propaganda to destroy the President doesn't = 'News' and 'Journalism.'

Donald Trump by quoting the Kremlin is factual will destroy Donald Trump.

Pushing a Fake News agenda for the sole purpose of destroying the US President doesn't = 'News' or 'Journalism.' CNN has lost its credibility.
Sorry Dschrute3 I'd edited after you read - my browser hates the ads on this site so I have to do things in chunks >.<

What's really fucked up is that the whole point of Hitlers propaganda campaign he was speaking of above, was a false flag Operation Himmler, which was designed to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, in order to justify the invasion of Poland.

Sound familiar? Russia anyone? Fake news anyone? CNN's a bunch of fucking Nazi's no doubt and I want them gone very badly, but it must be done properly.
'New Sheriff: Trump Inquires About Revoking, Suspending CNN’s White House Access; BuzzFeed Too'

Make them 'Earn' their way back.

They can still report the news - no one is stopping them. Their access to the WH / President as part of the press corp is NOT constitutionally protected.
The WH and President are the beating heart of our government. To ban them is like telling ESPN they can't enter a football stadium. But sure, go ahead and cover the game.

There's no contract between the President and CNN. There is a contract between ESPN and the NFL, so your analogy fails.
Freedom of the press. Does it say they have a right to be in the White House? They have the right to print their bullshit but they have no right to a seat anywhere. Fuckem. Print bogus shit, get your access pulled. Seems a perfectly logical response to me.

I disagree. There is a principle in this country that is more important than petty vendettas and "protecting the masses from lies" - which is exactly what the Obama attempts to do by pushing that RT is propaganda and implies that it shouldn't be watched by American's. A la legitimatizing. Were you upset when Obama blew off Fox? Did that "warm you up" to Obama at all? Is Trump in office to continue tearing us apart?

The decision of want to, and can choose to watch, must be /ours/ not any presidents. We shouldn't be making the same stupid anti-American policies Obama did, sure as fuck not before we've even got started...
You can disagree all you like. Customs and traditions are not law.

Spot On. CNN has clearly decided on an agenda to destroy Donald Trump's Presidency. And that's not 'News' or 'Journalism.' So i think Trump should consider booting it. Pushing 'Fake News' propaganda to destroy the President doesn't = 'News' and 'Journalism.'

Donald Trump by quoting the Kremlin is factual will destroy Donald Trump.

Pushing a Fake News agenda for the sole purpose of destroying the US President doesn't = 'News' or 'Journalism.' CNN has lost its credibility.

Donald Trump by quoting the Kremlin is factual will destroy Donald Trump.
I could see back rowing CNN, its fitting, but I like mine better - make the media talk about CNNs disgrace prime time, put it in the American's faces and I have faith they will do the right thing and "vote" for their destruction with their viewership. Keep in mind, most folks don't talk about the news like we do, they only watch one channel, they won't /know/ what CNN has done if its not put in their face, if it's not trending on their social media - informing them of whats happening is the only way to properly punish CNN for this.

I hear CNN is on in all the airports - petition yours not to air them anymore because they've pushed a bullshit story on the [largely unsuspecting] public.
It was Dschrute3 that posted the full video thx!

Okay so the first like 18 minutes or something is just the press waiting (I heard Trump was running a little late?) - Anyway, skip into like 15m and they're doing their prep speeches. I don't really see any huge gap there in the front...


Anyway, look I know it's not easy cause CNN's real shit, they 100% deserve a dog house IMO, but from the President that should be a cold shoulder, not a ban. We the people need to make the decision to wreck CNN, besides it's only half effective if CNN gets banned, you know the idiots will rally to their defense and watch them harder. Far, far better ((and much more satisfying)) for Trump to call out their bullshit as he did in that conference. It makes the news, the 'uninformed' hear about it and curiosity will kill the catty bitch that is CNN. It must happen through the peoples will or it will not happen at all. And trust me, I want CNN destroyed, but banning them will not do it - my way will... or at least it's really the only shot at it.

The was NO GAP!!!!! in the front row!!!!!
SEVEN seats were taken by CNN. FOUR of the seats had CNN 'producers' on them. And three seats had CNN 'reporters' on them.
The CNN 'producers' had ZERO intention of asking any questions.
The plan was to 'flood' the front row with CNN people.
Take this to the bank. This CNN bullshit will NEVER EVER be allowed to happen again for at least the next four years.
It's ridiculous that Trump would try to suppress freedom of the press simply because they did something he didn't like.

But that CNN reporter was a total douchebag. I wouldn't blame Trump for not taking questions from CNN for a long time.
I was a bit off on the details.
"Seating for this first press conference was first come first served. CNN crew arrived about 4AM and claimed 8 seats on the front row."
I don't know, watch the video, you can see the reporters all standing on the front row doing their intros in it with maybe one seat between them. I'm just not buying the CNN tried to take the whole front row argument.

That said, I agree 100% the CNN reporter was a dick and I also agree 1000% with Trump slapping his fake news ass - and I want to see more of that which is why they shouldn't be sent to the back row or banned. MAKE it news and force CNN's corruption to be exposed to the public.
I hope he does. It made it plain he's not going to let them ask any questions.

An incensed President-Elect Donald Trump has asked the First Amendment gurus on his legal team if it is permissible to expel or restrict CNN and BuzzFeed News personnel from White House press corps, a transition insider told True Pundit.

At a raucous press conference Wednesday Trump warned BuzzFeed and CNN “would suffer the consequences” for publishing “fake news” about him, though he did not elaborate.
The CNN mentality is to be the squeaky wheel in the room until someone pays attention to them. Since they have no respect for the others in the room, I'd say it seems fair.

There is implied etiquette for the forum and CNN believes they don't need to play by those rules.
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I don't know, watch the video, you can see the reporters all standing on the front row doing their intros in it with maybe one seat between them. I'm just not buying the CNN tried to take the whole front row argument.

That said, I agree 100% the CNN reporter was a dick and I also agree 1000% with Trump slapping his fake news ass - and I want to see more of that which is why they shouldn't be sent to the back row or banned. MAKE it news and force CNN's corruption to be exposed to the public.
can't have disruption for every meeting. Since CNN wishes to be a squeaky wheel, there is but one action to take, remove the squeak.

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