Trump must now revoke CNN's white house press credentials

I'm NOT excusing bad behavior. Trump considers Info Wars and Breitbart as legitimate new sources, references them, and goes out of his way to thank them. You can't just wave them away like they don't matter in the discussion because YOU don't think their are a valid news source.

If two child do something thing wrong, you don't just punish one of them and not the other child because you may like them more than the other.

.....Annnnd..... there you go again.
This isn't about Trump. I know you want to talk about Trump...give it a rest.
This is about a worldwide "news" organization that got caught admitting to massaging and pushing stories against a U.S. President they don't like.
And, you won't comment on it without trying to deflect the it into something else.
I'm NOT excusing bad behavior. Trump considers Info Wars and Breitbart as legitimate new sources, references them, and goes out of his way to thank them. You can't just wave them away like they don't matter in the discussion because YOU don't think their are a valid news source.

If two child do something thing wrong, you don't just punish one of them and not the other child because you may like them more than the other.

.....Annnnd..... there you go again.
This isn't about Trump. I know you want to talk about Trump...give it a rest.
This is about a worldwide "news" organization that got caught admitting to massaging and pushing stories against a U.S. President they don't like.
And, you won't comment on it without trying to deflect the it into something else.

They are being crucified because of their stories about Trump... by Trump's staff. How in the fuck can you say this has nothing to do with Trump?
They are being crucified because of their stories about Trump... by Trump's staff. How in the fuck can you say this has nothing to do with Trump?

Because anyone with an ounce of objectivity and an IQ above 75 have known all along the Russian story is much ado about nothing. Meanwhile corporatism is continuing to eradicate everything this country is supposed to be...and not one fucking news agency is talking about it...NONE. Not CNN, not Fox.
All they do is pump out rhetorical white noise so we stay behind our fences and don't see what is really going on.
They are being crucified because of their stories about Trump... by Trump's staff. How in the fuck can you say this has nothing to do with Trump?

Because anyone with an ounce of objectivity and an IQ above 75 have known all along the Russian story is much ado about nothing. Meanwhile corporatism is continuing to eradicate everything this country is supposed to be...and not one fucking news agency is talking about it...NONE. Not CNN, not Fox.
All they do is pump out rhetorical white noise so we stay behind our fences and don't see what is really going on.

Really? The White House including Trump just yesterday was reported to admit the Russians interfered in the 2016 election, and as usual Trump deflected by asking why Obama didn't do anything at the time they were doing it.

If you are going to complain about the news, maybe you should at least take the time to pay attention to it.
They are being crucified because of their stories about Trump... by Trump's staff. How in the fuck can you say this has nothing to do with Trump?

Because anyone with an ounce of objectivity and an IQ above 75 have known all along the Russian story is much ado about nothing. Meanwhile corporatism is continuing to eradicate everything this country is supposed to be...and not one fucking news agency is talking about it...NONE. Not CNN, not Fox.
All they do is pump out rhetorical white noise so we stay behind our fences and don't see what is really going on.

Really? The White House including Trump just yesterday was reported to admit the Russians interfered in the 2016 election, and as usual Trump deflected by asking why Obama didn't do anything at the time they were doing it.

If you are going to complain about the news, maybe you should at least take the time to pay attention to it.

and, once again, there you go again...THIS about CNN getting caught with their pants down...admitting to fabricating stories...and laughing about it.
And here you just can't bring yourself to talk about that without deflecting it to something else.
They are being crucified because of their stories about Trump... by Trump's staff. How in the fuck can you say this has nothing to do with Trump?

Because anyone with an ounce of objectivity and an IQ above 75 have known all along the Russian story is much ado about nothing. Meanwhile corporatism is continuing to eradicate everything this country is supposed to be...and not one fucking news agency is talking about it...NONE. Not CNN, not Fox.
All they do is pump out rhetorical white noise so we stay behind our fences and don't see what is really going on.

Really? The White House including Trump just yesterday was reported to admit the Russians interfered in the 2016 election, and as usual Trump deflected by asking why Obama didn't do anything at the time they were doing it.

If you are going to complain about the news, maybe you should at least take the time to pay attention to it.

and, once again, there you go again...THIS about CNN getting caught with their pants down...admitting to fabricating stories...and laughing about it.
And here you just can't bring yourself to talk about that without deflecting it to something else.

YOU brought up the Russian story. This thread is titled

"Trump must now revoke CNN's white house press credentials"

Trump is in the fucking title of the thread... Can you read?

We have a constitution, the first amendment in this Nation....a FREE PRESS?

or is it that you now want 'the fairness doctrine' to be instated for cable and internet news as well?

including news from Briebart, Drudge, Pravda, Fox, WashingtonExaminer, NewYorkPost, TownHall, DailyCaller, RT, Sputnik, INFOWARS?
Did you watch the video?

If so, what are your thoughts? Does it not absolutely and clearly verify the charges people have been making about the press in general and CNN in specific?

And if not, why not?
Yes, I watched a couple of minutes of it and mentioning some thing for Ratings is something ALL NEWS does. It is no different with CNN vs let's say FOX NEWS every day for a two year period pushing the Hillary Clinton email story with continual unnamed secret sources allegedly were insiders with a scoop, and all of these supposed experts like Napolitano, and Judge Jenine and Rudi Giuliani that were certain she should go to jail and all kinds of bull shit coverage....they ran with what their audience WANTED TO HEAR....

CNN is NOT lying in all of their coverage, they are pursuing a story...that could be something...just like the Washington Post pursued the Watergate story for 10months after bernstein and woodward's first story, BEFORE anything was confirmed in the open with the hearings...and proving Bernstein and Woodward were truly on to something....

And YES, if their coverage is an outright lie, then they should RETRACT it and apologize from here to high heaven!

I don't want government news like Russia or any communist or Dictatorial Country...we have a first amendment to protect us from that.... :eek:
You can TURN THE CHANNEL if you do not want to hear their news focus...

I can't tell ya how many times I have screamed at Fox News on TV and just ended up changing the channel....

We have a constitution, the first amendment in this Nation....a FREE PRESS?

or is it that you now want 'the fairness doctrine' to be instated for cable and internet news as well?

including news from Briebart, Drudge, Pravda, Fox, WashingtonExaminer, NewYorkPost, TownHall, DailyCaller, RT, Sputnik, INFOWARS?
Did you watch the video?

If so, what are your thoughts? Does it not absolutely and clearly verify the charges people have been making about the press in general and CNN in specific?

And if not, why not?
Yes, I watched a couple of minutes of it and mentioning some thing for Ratings is something ALL NEWS does. It is no different with CNN vs let's say FOX NEWS every day for a two year period pushing the Hillary Clinton email story with continual unnamed secret sources allegedly were insiders with a scoop, and all of these supposed experts like Napolitano, and Judge Jenine and Rudi Giuliani that were certain she should go to jail and all kinds of bull shit coverage....they ran with what their audience WANTED TO HEAR....

CNN is NOT lying in all of their coverage, they are pursuing a story...that could be something...just like the Washington Post pursued the Watergate story for 10months after bernstein and woodward's first story, BEFORE anything was confirmed in the open with the hearings...and proving Bernstein and Woodward were truly on to something....

And YES, if their coverage is an outright lie, then they should RETRACT it and apologize from here to high heaven!

I don't want government news like Russia or any communist or Dictatorial Country...we have a first amendment to protect us from that.... :eek:
You can TURN THE CHANNEL if you do not want to hear their news focus...

I can't tell ya how many times I have screamed at Fox News on TV and just ended up changing the channel....
Yeah, I don't spend much time with Fox. Unwatchable for the most part.

But regarding CNN and other media outlets, there is a significant difference between reporting something that is false, or lying, and being blatantly biased in the way the news is presented. I've sat there and watched as CNN and MSNBC ran panel after panel after panel of non-stop Trump-bashing, with only an occasional Trump supporter tossed in as a token (and one of the especially goofy ones at that).

I realize we're past unbiased journalism at this point (sadly), but I do think a reasonable person, an adult with intellectual curiosity, would want a better attempt at presenting all sides of a discussion. Give me the straight facts, don't color or bias them, and I'll draw my own conclusions. No one is doing that at this point.

We have a constitution, the first amendment in this Nation....a FREE PRESS?

or is it that you now want 'the fairness doctrine' to be instated for cable and internet news as well?

including news from Briebart, Drudge, Pravda, Fox, WashingtonExaminer, NewYorkPost, TownHall, DailyCaller, RT, Sputnik, INFOWARS?
Did you watch the video?

If so, what are your thoughts? Does it not absolutely and clearly verify the charges people have been making about the press in general and CNN in specific?

And if not, why not?
Yes, I watched a couple of minutes of it and mentioning some thing for Ratings is something ALL NEWS does. It is no different with CNN vs let's say FOX NEWS every day for a two year period pushing the Hillary Clinton email story with continual unnamed secret sources allegedly were insiders with a scoop, and all of these supposed experts like Napolitano, and Judge Jenine and Rudi Giuliani that were certain she should go to jail and all kinds of bull shit coverage....they ran with what their audience WANTED TO HEAR....

CNN is NOT lying in all of their coverage, they are pursuing a story...that could be something...just like the Washington Post pursued the Watergate story for 10months after bernstein and woodward's first story, BEFORE anything was confirmed in the open with the hearings...and proving Bernstein and Woodward were truly on to something....

And YES, if their coverage is an outright lie, then they should RETRACT it and apologize from here to high heaven!

I don't want government news like Russia or any communist or Dictatorial Country...we have a first amendment to protect us from that.... :eek:
You can TURN THE CHANNEL if you do not want to hear their news focus...

I can't tell ya how many times I have screamed at Fox News on TV and just ended up changing the channel....
Yeah, I don't spend much time with Fox. Unwatchable for the most part.

But regarding CNN and other media outlets, there is a significant difference between reporting something that is false, or lying, and being blatantly biased in the way the news is presented. I've sat there and watched as CNN and MSNBC ran panel after panel after panel of non-stop Trump-bashing, with only an occasional Trump supporter tossed in as a token (and one of the especially goofy ones at that).

I realize we're past unbiased journalism at this point (sadly), but I do think a reasonable person, an adult with intellectual curiosity, would want a better attempt at presenting all sides of a discussion. Give me the straight facts, don't color or bias them, and I'll draw my own conclusions. No one is doing that at this point.
Well, THAT is the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE of the past which all conservatives and republicans have been against reinstating, where the News was REQUIRED to cover both sides of the story, not just the station's point of view...or the Station's preferred focus.

Outside of the ONE STORY that is being focused on now, where CNN did not check and verify their sources before reporting on it, and has retracted and apologized for it.... I don't see this "fake news" that is being claimed.... even the supposed CNN guy in the link DID NOT SAY they made up stories out of the clear blue, he simply said they are focusing on the Russian investigation because it is bringing them higher where did I hear the CNN producer say they were fabricating fake stories as all of these right wingers are claiming?? Did he say they were fabricating stories???

We have a constitution, the first amendment in this Nation....a FREE PRESS?

or is it that you now want 'the fairness doctrine' to be instated for cable and internet news as well?

including news from Briebart, Drudge, Pravda, Fox, WashingtonExaminer, NewYorkPost, TownHall, DailyCaller, RT, Sputnik, INFOWARS?
Did you watch the video?

If so, what are your thoughts? Does it not absolutely and clearly verify the charges people have been making about the press in general and CNN in specific?

And if not, why not?
Yes, I watched a couple of minutes of it and mentioning some thing for Ratings is something ALL NEWS does. It is no different with CNN vs let's say FOX NEWS every day for a two year period pushing the Hillary Clinton email story with continual unnamed secret sources allegedly were insiders with a scoop, and all of these supposed experts like Napolitano, and Judge Jenine and Rudi Giuliani that were certain she should go to jail and all kinds of bull shit coverage....they ran with what their audience WANTED TO HEAR....

CNN is NOT lying in all of their coverage, they are pursuing a story...that could be something...just like the Washington Post pursued the Watergate story for 10months after bernstein and woodward's first story, BEFORE anything was confirmed in the open with the hearings...and proving Bernstein and Woodward were truly on to something....

And YES, if their coverage is an outright lie, then they should RETRACT it and apologize from here to high heaven!

I don't want government news like Russia or any communist or Dictatorial Country...we have a first amendment to protect us from that.... :eek:
You can TURN THE CHANNEL if you do not want to hear their news focus...

I can't tell ya how many times I have screamed at Fox News on TV and just ended up changing the channel....
Yeah, I don't spend much time with Fox. Unwatchable for the most part.

But regarding CNN and other media outlets, there is a significant difference between reporting something that is false, or lying, and being blatantly biased in the way the news is presented. I've sat there and watched as CNN and MSNBC ran panel after panel after panel of non-stop Trump-bashing, with only an occasional Trump supporter tossed in as a token (and one of the especially goofy ones at that).

I realize we're past unbiased journalism at this point (sadly), but I do think a reasonable person, an adult with intellectual curiosity, would want a better attempt at presenting all sides of a discussion. Give me the straight facts, don't color or bias them, and I'll draw my own conclusions. No one is doing that at this point.
Well, THAT is the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE of the past which all conservatives and republicans have been against reinstating, where the News was REQUIRED to cover both sides of the story, not just the station's point of view...or the Station's preferred focus.

Outside of the ONE STORY that is being focused on now, where CNN did not check and verify their sources before reporting on it, and has retracted and apologized for it.... I don't see this "fake news" that is being claimed.... even the supposed CNN guy in the link DID NOT SAY they made up stories out of the clear blue, he simply said they are focusing on the Russian investigation because it is bringing them higher where did I hear the CNN producer say they were fabricating fake stories as all of these right wingers are claiming?? Did he say they were fabricating stories???
Not that I'm aware of. The righties are doing with "fake news" the same thing as the lefties do with "snowflake" - the term wounded them so they've co-opted it.

News out of thin air, like WND and InfoWars, is not the same as journalistic bias. It really is fake news.
Repeating uncorroborated stories from unnamed sources is not NEWS. It's gossip.

CNN is worse than the National Enquirer, they are very fake news.

CNN is the Clown News Network.
‘The ultimate fake news’: President Donald Trump has fake TIME magazine covers featuring himself hanging in many of his golf clubs

‘The ultimate fake news’: Internet ridicules Trump’s narcissistic phony Time magazine cover
Almost as soon as news broke that President Donald Trump has fake TIME magazine covers featuring himself hanging in many of his golf clubs, Twitter ran with it almost as fast as they did with “covfefe.”

Time asks Trump Organization to remove fake cover from golf clubs

Source: The Hill
By Olivia Beavers - 06/27/17 06:06 PM EDT

Time magazine has asked the Trump Organization to remove copies of a fake cover of President Trump that were on display at the company’s golf clubs, The Washington Post reported Tuesday afternoon.

The request came after the newspaper reported that at least four Trump-branded golf clubs had displayed a fake Time magazine cover that depicted Trump with the headline “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!”

The cover, dated March 1, 2009, was never published by the magazine at any point, a spokeswoman for Time confirmed.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka wrote to the Post in an email.


Read more: Time asks Trump Organization to remove fake cover from golf clubs

Well, THAT is the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE of the past which all conservatives and republicans have been against reinstating, where the News was REQUIRED to cover both sides of the story, not just the station's point of view...or the Station's preferred focus.

Outside of the ONE STORY that is being focused on now, where CNN did not check and verify their sources before reporting on it, and has retracted and apologized for it.... I don't see this "fake news" that is being claimed.... even the supposed CNN guy in the link DID NOT SAY they made up stories out of the clear blue, he simply said they are focusing on the Russian investigation because it is bringing them higher where did I hear the CNN producer say they were fabricating fake stories as all of these right wingers are claiming?? Did he say they were fabricating stories???

So what you are saying is you don't want news tainted or controlled by the government, but you were for a bill by the government mandating change in the news.

Repeating uncorroborated stories from unnamed sources is not NEWS. It's gossip.
When are John Miller and John Baron going to Resign for being Fake news Purveyors
Do you all remember when that Fake Orange Mother Fucker Donald "Two scoops" Trump would be pretend to be "John Miller" or "John Baron" supposed publicists for Donald Trump?... I would call that 'Mother Fucking Fake shit".... but not you Trump submissive bitchettes call that clever ...Fucking assholes....

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