Trump must now revoke CNN's white house press credentials

The Counterfeit News Network is a disgrace.

The entire corporate media complex is a disgrace.

We live in an era of truly FAKE NEWS.

Fortunately Trump has exposed these fools.......
Trump should revoke CNN's credentials as soon as Alex Jones proves Hillary and Obama are demons that smell like sulfur. And as soon as Breitbart proves every story they ever printed is 100% true.
Wow. I have to question if you understand what is going on here.

This isn't about a reporter or a news agency that may have gotten a few details wrong, or totally whiffed on a story. They are doing this deliberately. You can't come behind this mess and say, "Well, other agencies get stories wrong too". CNN isn't getting the story wrong, they are making it up out of whole cloth.

So Alex Jones stories weren't deliberate?

Not a single Trump supporter will answer the question... it's deflect ignore, deflect, ignore, deflect
Your entire defense of this is indefensible. IT is YOU who is deflecting.

CNN isn't just making a few mistakes here and there. They are making up shit and trying to pass it off as journalism. Now we know better.

How am I deflecting? It's a simple as simple can be.

CNN is being treated aggressively by the Trump administration because of "False" stories that are negative about the administration, but they don't treat other "news" sources that print "fake" stories that support the administration... when it should be that ALL "news" sources that report "false" stories should be treated the same despite what the story was about.

I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about this.

CNN reports stories that are considered false = Trump administration refuses to answer their questions and won't let them film press briefings.

Info Wars reports manufactured intentional fake stories = Trump administration thanks them for their support and Trump calls into his show to thank his supporters.

Do you understand common logic?
Why are you ignoring what I am saying? Alex Jones promotes fake news to boost Trump and Trump publicly thanks him. CNN has some reporters that don't validate their sources, but because their stuff makes Trump look bad they are all of a sudden horrible.


"“He said, Listen, Alex, I just talked to kings and queens of the world, world leaders, you name it, but he said it doesn’t matter, I wanted to talk to you, to thank your audience, and I’ll be on the next few weeks to thank them,” Jones recounted. “I said is this is a private call? And he said no, I want to thank your viewers, thank your listeners for standing up for this republic, we know what you did early on, throughout this campaign, standing up for what’s right.”"

Donald Trump Thanks Alex Jones, Set to Appear on This Crazy Person’s Show Again

So the guy that supports Trump but puts out over-the-top fake news gets thanked by the President, and CNN gets... kicked out of press briefings.
likely cause i'm not chasing side ferrets down a hill and losing sight of the main focus here - CNN lied. proven. it's all a bunch of ratings hype.

now you want an alex thread get your happy ass going and start one but don't expect me to follow along every ferret hole you choose to throw out.

It is relevant. Just because it destroys your position doesn't make it not to be.

So your position is if a news source gets a story wrong it is bad as long as the story is anti-Trump, but if a "news" source deliberately creates fake news that helps Trump it is ok?
destroys my position?

My position is that CNN hypes up Russia/Trump for ratings.

this has been proven in the last 2-3 days.

so at this point, fuck off.

Haha, when all else fails, just tell the other person to fuck off. :badgrin:
when the person you are talking to ignores the point you are trying to make and gets all butt-hurt that you're not listening to THEM, yea, i get to a "fuck off" stage cause unless i say "gosh you are right" the convo will never end with you.

so at this point, you know the drill.

You don't have a point. You won't address the information provided to you because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. And now were are going to play the childish game of seeing who gets in the last word. :lmao:

We have a constitution, the first amendment in this Nation....a FREE PRESS?

or is it that you now want 'the fairness doctrine' to be instated for cable and internet news as well?

including news from Briebart, Drudge, Pravda, Fox, WashingtonExaminer, NewYorkPost, TownHall, DailyCaller, RT, Sputnik, INFOWARS?

Free Press that yells "Scandal!" in a crowded theater 24/7? Fuck CNN. Boot them the fuck out of the White House Press Briefings, they're lucky if they keep their broadcast license
President Donald Trump must now consider revoking CNN’s White House press credentials after a new video released by Project Veritas revealed that the network pushes Trump-Russia hysteria despite knowing the whole story is “mostly bullshit”............................ Continues

Trump Must Now Revoke CNN’s White House Press Credentials

The Democrats are doing a really good job at creating a deep disliking for them. Why they have created their own race and now they will be one of the most hated races there is. Why? Because they have destroyed ever aspect of normalization. They've lied and stole from the population ( yes republican pricks are guilty for it too)
That just makes them a fake republican.

These losers keep getting caught and the only defense these looney left can have is use that card Obama taught them to use " Oh that's fake" lmao.

Because they frighten him...of course.
Then every other site posting the truth of this ass getting busted should get the same thing, what happens when MSM picks it up too. lmao

View attachment 135808

You would be hard pressed to ever find a journalist that got 100% of their stuff correct over their careers.

So you jumped the point, Alex Jones said Hillary and Obama were demons that smelled like sulfur... and Trump publicly thanked Jones for his support. Should Jones be held to the same standard of truthfulness as any other media outlet?

There are boundaries to stay within. There are those crossing the redline boundaries for anybody and any journalist.

You didn't answer the question. One is an open lie and he gets thanked by the President. One is about journalist not validating their sources information, and they lose their jobs and people like you are slamming CNN. You really don't see the issue here?
at this point, why would you NOT slam CNN?

they admitted to lying / making crap up to pump up their ratings. the exact opposite of what a *new* outlet should be.

there is ZERO defense for this. if you want to get mad at someone else, feel free. but don't lose the anger to CNN in the process.

Why are you ignoring what I am saying? Alex Jones promotes fake news to boost Trump and Trump publicly thanks him. CNN has some reporters that don't validate their sources, but because their stuff makes Trump look bad they are all of a sudden horrible.


"“He said, Listen, Alex, I just talked to kings and queens of the world, world leaders, you name it, but he said it doesn’t matter, I wanted to talk to you, to thank your audience, and I’ll be on the next few weeks to thank them,” Jones recounted. “I said is this is a private call? And he said no, I want to thank your viewers, thank your listeners for standing up for this republic, we know what you did early on, throughout this campaign, standing up for what’s right.”"

Donald Trump Thanks Alex Jones, Set to Appear on This Crazy Person’s Show Again

So the guy that supports Trump but puts out over-the-top fake news gets thanked by the President, and CNN gets... kicked out of press briefings.

Grrr , i'm am not going to get into the Alex Jones back and forth bs. Project Veritas did this not infowars.
Trump should revoke CNN's credentials as soon as Alex Jones proves Hillary and Obama are demons that smell like sulfur. And as soon as Breitbart proves every story they ever printed is 100% true.
Wow. I have to question if you understand what is going on here.

This isn't about a reporter or a news agency that may have gotten a few details wrong, or totally whiffed on a story. They are doing this deliberately. You can't come behind this mess and say, "Well, other agencies get stories wrong too". CNN isn't getting the story wrong, they are making it up out of whole cloth.

So Alex Jones stories weren't deliberate?

Not a single Trump supporter will answer the question... it's deflect ignore, deflect, ignore, deflect
Your entire defense of this is indefensible. IT is YOU who is deflecting.

CNN isn't just making a few mistakes here and there. They are making up shit and trying to pass it off as journalism. Now we know better.

How am I deflecting? It's a simple as simple can be.

CNN is being treated aggressively by the Trump administration because of "False" stories that are negative about the administration, but they don't treat other "news" sources that print "fake" stories that support the administration... when it should be that ALL "news" sources that report "false" stories should be treated the same despite what the story was about.

I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about this.

CNN reports stories that are considered false = Trump administration refuses to answer their questions and won't let them film press briefings.

Info Wars reports manufactured intentional fake stories = Trump administration thanks them for their support and Trump calls into his show to thank his supporters.

Do you understand common logic?
No, this is just your way of trying to drag the right into this mess. The White House, if it needs to, can deal with the other fake news on an individual basis. CNN, so far, is the only one with the 'wide-eyed, little ole me' routine.

Besides, no one at the White House is calling for CNN to lose their press pass.
Why are you ignoring what I am saying? Alex Jones promotes fake news to boost Trump and Trump publicly thanks him. CNN has some reporters that don't validate their sources, but because their stuff makes Trump look bad they are all of a sudden horrible.


"“He said, Listen, Alex, I just talked to kings and queens of the world, world leaders, you name it, but he said it doesn’t matter, I wanted to talk to you, to thank your audience, and I’ll be on the next few weeks to thank them,” Jones recounted. “I said is this is a private call? And he said no, I want to thank your viewers, thank your listeners for standing up for this republic, we know what you did early on, throughout this campaign, standing up for what’s right.”"

Donald Trump Thanks Alex Jones, Set to Appear on This Crazy Person’s Show Again

So the guy that supports Trump but puts out over-the-top fake news gets thanked by the President, and CNN gets... kicked out of press briefings.
likely cause i'm not chasing side ferrets down a hill and losing sight of the main focus here - CNN lied. proven. it's all a bunch of ratings hype.

now you want an alex thread get your happy ass going and start one but don't expect me to follow along every ferret hole you choose to throw out.

It is relevant. Just because it destroys your position doesn't make it not to be.

So your position is if a news source gets a story wrong it is bad as long as the story is anti-Trump, but if a "news" source deliberately creates fake news that helps Trump it is ok?
destroys my position?

My position is that CNN hypes up Russia/Trump for ratings.

this has been proven in the last 2-3 days.

so at this point, fuck off.

Haha, when all else fails, just tell the other person to fuck off. :badgrin:
when the person you are talking to ignores the point you are trying to make and gets all butt-hurt that you're not listening to THEM, yea, i get to a "fuck off" stage cause unless i say "gosh you are right" the convo will never end with you.

so at this point, you know the drill.

That is exactly what I was doing too LOL, read me like a book, " Ignoring" because it always ends up and endless battle. Then post turns into everything about nothing while having nothing to do with the post.
It goes off topic which is the expert liberal way of steering people into believing what they believe taking over the post with their points of view " only" .
likely cause i'm not chasing side ferrets down a hill and losing sight of the main focus here - CNN lied. proven. it's all a bunch of ratings hype.

now you want an alex thread get your happy ass going and start one but don't expect me to follow along every ferret hole you choose to throw out.

It is relevant. Just because it destroys your position doesn't make it not to be.

So your position is if a news source gets a story wrong it is bad as long as the story is anti-Trump, but if a "news" source deliberately creates fake news that helps Trump it is ok?
destroys my position?

My position is that CNN hypes up Russia/Trump for ratings.

this has been proven in the last 2-3 days.

so at this point, fuck off.

Haha, when all else fails, just tell the other person to fuck off. :badgrin:
when the person you are talking to ignores the point you are trying to make and gets all butt-hurt that you're not listening to THEM, yea, i get to a "fuck off" stage cause unless i say "gosh you are right" the convo will never end with you.

so at this point, you know the drill.

You don't have a point. You won't address the information provided to you because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. And now were are going to play the childish game of seeing who gets in the last word. :lmao:
how the fuck old are you? 12?

my only point is that CNN fucked up - there is no disputing this. if you want to argue it have fun.

ignore one more ass-tard.,
It is relevant. Just because it destroys your position doesn't make it not to be.

So your position is if a news source gets a story wrong it is bad as long as the story is anti-Trump, but if a "news" source deliberately creates fake news that helps Trump it is ok?
destroys my position?

My position is that CNN hypes up Russia/Trump for ratings.

this has been proven in the last 2-3 days.

so at this point, fuck off.

Haha, when all else fails, just tell the other person to fuck off. :badgrin:
when the person you are talking to ignores the point you are trying to make and gets all butt-hurt that you're not listening to THEM, yea, i get to a "fuck off" stage cause unless i say "gosh you are right" the convo will never end with you.

so at this point, you know the drill.

You don't have a point. You won't address the information provided to you because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. And now were are going to play the childish game of seeing who gets in the last word. :lmao:
how the fuck old are you? 12?

my only point is that CNN fucked up - there is no disputing this. if you want to argue it have fun.

ignore one more ass-tard.,

Thanks for my new badge.


It's too bad you don't have the human function of common sense.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.

I'm NOT excusing bad behavior. Trump considers Info Wars and Breitbart as legitimate new sources, references them, and goes out of his way to thank them. You can't just wave them away like they don't matter in the discussion because YOU don't think their are a valid news source.

If two child do something thing wrong, you don't just punish one of them and not the other child because you may like them more than the other.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.
he is not a FAR RIGHT, and MSM says he is that i've heard it.

I also hear him say how he sees that, and hears it , Alex J. in a LIBERTARIAN he NOT FAR RIGHT , ALT RIGHT all that bs lie fed crap they feed the uninformed public who ends up believing just what you are right now.
That is a LIE. A MSM LIE.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.
unfortunately that has been a very successful tactic that people need to stop allowing to happen. if it is wrong for one it is wrong for all. all this "but look what they did" is the bag-o-crap that got us *here* and continuing to do that is only going to make it worse.

and that's the entire reason i refused to go down the jones trail. pointless and not relevant to CNN's actions that were the focus of the thread.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.

Jones is dedicated to libertarian and constitutionalist ideas, in addition to what he has coined "1776 worldwide" - promoting a true culture of liberty, transparency and freedom on a planetary scale to empower humanity, while vehemently opposing Agenda 21 and the globalist threat to national sovereignty.


About Alex Jones » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.
unfortunately that has been a very successful tactic that people need to stop allowing to happen. if it is wrong for one it is wrong for all. all this "but look what they did" is the bag-o-crap that got us *here* and continuing to do that is only going to make it worse.

and that's the entire reason i refused to go down the jones trail. pointless and not relevant to CNN's actions that were the focus of the thread.

MSM lies on JOnes just as bad as CNN has lied on Russia, funny part is earlier on RACHEL MADDOW is one of the biggest liberal idiots who pushed that FAR right bs on Jones so was CNN

how many even realize ANDERSON COOPER IS A Gawd dam Former CIA agent , oh nothing fishy there.

He is gay
former CIA
his mother was filthy rich , Oh part of the ELITES are we........... and these sheep can't connect the dots.

The CIA gave Washington post SIX MILLION Dollars, No Clinton supporting going on there.
I'm already talking about this in another thread... Alex Jones wrote over-the-top fake stories and Trump personally thanked him and went onto his show to thank viewers. Same with Breitbart, but CNN is treating like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

This is about CNN, I understand you want to make it about Trump - but it is about CNN. One of their producers was recorded red-handed admitting they are going with anti-Trump stories regardless there is nothing actually there.

It's about DOUBLE STANDARDS. What part of that do you not understand?

No it isn't. Obviously you don't understand.
Alex Jones is a far right conspiracy theorist that no one with a right mind pays any attention to.
CNN is a world-wide news agency in 40 countries employing 3000 people. They represent themselves as a news PROVIDER. Not daily rants on one radio show.
You don't get to excuse one bad behavior by mentioning somebody else's.
unfortunately that has been a very successful tactic that people need to stop allowing to happen. if it is wrong for one it is wrong for all. all this "but look what they did" is the bag-o-crap that got us *here* and continuing to do that is only going to make it worse.

and that's the entire reason i refused to go down the jones trail. pointless and not relevant to CNN's actions that were the focus of the thread.

MSM lies on JOnes just as bad as CNN has lied on Russia, funny part is earlier on RACHEL MADDOW is one of the biggest liberal idiots who pushed that FAR right bs on Jones so was CNN

how many even realize ANDERSON COOPER IS A Gawd dam Former CIA agent , oh nothing fishy there.

He is gay
former CIA
his mother was filthy rich , Oh part of the ELITES are we........... and these sheep can't connect the dots.

The CIA gave Washington post SIX MILLION Dollars, No Clinton supporting going on there.
well my biggest reason to not get into jones is that it would take a different convo to vet out the details and i didn't want to derail this one.

CNN is dead wrong. i worked my way through college with a journalism minor. they and many made me cry in the fact they'd sell integrity for hits or politicize their stories. now that all this is proven we're getting the "but look over there" crap we got with hillary and others who were committing crime after crime.

not chasing that shit any longer. time to start holding people accountable and fuck what people got away with previously.
Remember, the "C" in CNN stands for "Cable". Cable. A dying means of content delivery. Every day another 10,000 or so Americans cut the cord and go over to streaming video. But would they PAY for that shit?

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