New Skynet Battlestations! a blog is gonna prove anything...............
It has links to all the articles written by DARPA. I bet you believe that milk is good for you too. lol.

Your not a taoist either.
It has links to all the articles written by DARPA. I bet you believe that milk is good for you too. lol.

Your not a taoist either. haven't met me, nor have you even talked to me for a significant (at least over 10 hours) of time.

How do you know what I believe?

You may have met one or two Taoists, but the entire spectrum covers about 360 degrees. links to the DARPA articles?

I'd like to see them.
They are the links within the articles, genius. Go to the DARPA military site and read it straight from them.
Good idea. Lasers are the only thing fast enough to react to small asteroids that we don't see until they are close in. While such objects don't present the danger of extinction level events, they sure could flatten a city, or even a state.

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