New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.

So then, why the fear of looking at the numbers on California? As diverse as it is, and with you guys so certain that diversity is a good thing, then why spending so much time NOT focusing on those numbers to prove your point with hard data?

Man, it's almost like you don't really think that would work out for you...

What is wrong with Cali? It is a great place to visit and to all the people I know that live there it is a great place to live.
Mexico wants crazy Cali back... I Say we give it back to them
And I say Fuck You. How's that?

don't feed the troll. He will leave if you just pretend he is not there.
You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.

So then, why the fear of looking at the numbers on California? As diverse as it is, and with you guys so certain that diversity is a good thing, then why spending so much time NOT focusing on those numbers to prove your point with hard data?

Man, it's almost like you don't really think that would work out for you...

What is wrong with Cali? It is a great place to visit and to all the people I know that live there it is a great place to live.
Mexico wants crazy Cali back... I Say we give it back to them
And I say Fuck You. How's that?

don't feed the troll. He will leave if you just pretend he is not there.
You need to start acting like a marine... marine
You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.

So then, why the fear of looking at the numbers on California? As diverse as it is, and with you guys so certain that diversity is a good thing, then why spending so much time NOT focusing on those numbers to prove your point with hard data?

Man, it's almost like you don't really think that would work out for you...

What is wrong with Cali? It is a great place to visit and to all the people I know that live there it is a great place to live.
Mexico wants crazy Cali back... I Say we give it back to them
And I say Fuck You. How's that?
No, really Mexico wants crazy Cali back, They deserve each other it’s in their very incestuous nature...
Well, they have to go thru them San Diegan R's first.
Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
I have visited almost every state and recognize what poor quality of life is

California is not one of them
I have traveled the Interstates many times. You don't see shit for miles. Then you do.
Especially, west of the Mississippi

It is something that takes getting used to the first time you drive west of the Mississippi. You have to be far better at trip planning!
What shocked me was it was 3 hours between major cities and gas was every 25 miles

Did take some planning

Like parasites and viruses. Screwing up their own state through excessive taxation then moving on and doing the same to others.
Actually, Ca property taxes are 35th lowest of all states. And less than TX.

Property taxes are higher but there is no state income tax and cost of living is dramatically lower than CA.
Housing is what chases Tech away. Could you live in your car while making 6 figures?

Who wants to pay a million dollars for a house that's worth 200k? Tough to do even making 200k a year.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

California: model for the Liberal Fail. Doesn't work for nobody except their Elite.

The fact that California HAS an Elite is the blueprint for their agenda!
  • Gravy for them.
  • All the rest are lowly Surfs.
It’s feast and famine here...people doing really well and people living like disgusting subhumans...Not much in between.
No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

You'd probably like Missoula now.
Diversity is not limited to skin color. Save your race baiting for the tourist.

But that is what the OP was about and that is what you are afraid of.

Nothing in the op about skin color.

that is the diversity he was talking about, the is the only thing he ever talks about. Read teh rest of his comments in this thread and you will find it is all about skin color...nothing else matters to him.

So, why you so set on avoiding discussing the state of California then?

That is what we have been talking about. I am still waiting for you to tell us what is so terrible about Cali. My FIL moved there from the upper mid-west when he retired and he loved the shit out of the state, was there till the day he died. Had no desire to even go visit other states, we had to come to him!

“I am still waiting for you to tell us what is so terrible about Cali.”
10 million dirty, disgusting, low iQ wetbacks....The same shit that’s “terrible” about Mexico. That’s pretty much it...Who would have guessed...huh?
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

I was the same way growing up in Kansas, but I was lucky and my family moved when I was in the 3rd grade so I did not have to wait as long to find out people that look differently than I do are not really all that scary
My Dad was from Kansas and arrived in CA pre-war. He told me he never saw a black person till he moved here.

My hometown now has 4% black people, that is about a 300% change from when I was a kid! Times they are a changing! :21::21::21::21::21:

So more violent crime committed and more on the welfare tit...That’s cool huh?
You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

I was the same way growing up in Kansas, but I was lucky and my family moved when I was in the 3rd grade so I did not have to wait as long to find out people that look differently than I do are not really all that scary
My Dad was from Kansas and arrived in CA pre-war. He told me he never saw a black person till he moved here.

My hometown now has 4% black people, that is about a 300% change from when I was a kid! Times they are a changing! :21::21::21::21::21:

So more violent crime committed and more on the welfare tit...That’s cool huh?

Nope, Kansas is like most states where the majority of the people on welfare are white people.
In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
I have visited almost every state and recognize what poor quality of life is

California is not one of them
I have traveled the Interstates many times. You don't see shit for miles. Then you do.
Especially, west of the Mississippi

It is something that takes getting used to the first time you drive west of the Mississippi. You have to be far better at trip planning!
What shocked me was it was 3 hours between major cities and gas was every 25 miles

Did take some planning

Try living in Yuma! One place to stop between Yuma and Phoenix!
In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
I have visited almost every state and recognize what poor quality of life is

California is not one of them
I have traveled the Interstates many times. You don't see shit for miles. Then you do.
Especially, west of the Mississippi

It is something that takes getting used to the first time you drive west of the Mississippi. You have to be far better at trip planning!
What shocked me was it was 3 hours between major cities and gas was every 25 miles

Did take some planning
Gas is always $1.00 per gal more in CA, too. Unless you are in some out of the way town with a gas war.
I have visited almost every state and recognize what poor quality of life is

California is not one of them
I have traveled the Interstates many times. You don't see shit for miles. Then you do.
Especially, west of the Mississippi

It is something that takes getting used to the first time you drive west of the Mississippi. You have to be far better at trip planning!
What shocked me was it was 3 hours between major cities and gas was every 25 miles

Did take some planning

Try living in Yuma! One place to stop between Yuma and Phoenix!
And with CA plates better play it cool.
Diversity is not limited to skin color. Save your race baiting for the tourist.

But that is what the OP was about and that is what you are afraid of.

Nothing in the op about skin color.

that is the diversity he was talking about, the is the only thing he ever talks about. Read teh rest of his comments in this thread and you will find it is all about skin color...nothing else matters to him.

So, why you so set on avoiding discussing the state of California then?

In all seriousness, when you see a brown or black person walking towards you, do you feel afraid? Do you look for some where to go to get away from them in case they attack you?

Not normally. Why did you ask such an odd question?
But that is what the OP was about and that is what you are afraid of.

Nothing in the op about skin color.

that is the diversity he was talking about, the is the only thing he ever talks about. Read teh rest of his comments in this thread and you will find it is all about skin color...nothing else matters to him.

So, why you so set on avoiding discussing the state of California then?

In all seriousness, when you see a brown or black person walking towards you, do you feel afraid? Do you look for some where to go to get away from them in case they attack you?

Not normally. Why did you ask such an odd question?

Because of your aversion to anyone that is different than you and your abnormal need for homogeneity. I did not know if it was based off of fear or something else.
Diversity is not limited to skin color. Save your race baiting for the tourist.

But that is what the OP was about and that is what you are afraid of.

Nothing in the op about skin color.

that is the diversity he was talking about, the is the only thing he ever talks about. Read teh rest of his comments in this thread and you will find it is all about skin color...nothing else matters to him.

So, why you so set on avoiding discussing the state of California then?

In all seriousness, when you see a brown or black person walking towards you, do you feel afraid? Do you look for some where to go to get away from them in case they attack you?
That's what wise people do. It's called situational awareness. This is what happens to those who think they are safe.

If this poor woman was going to use a cane get some training in cane fighting and get a weighted fighting cane. Carry a gun. Protect yourself.
Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

You'd probably like Missoula now.

Speaking of Missoula going up there next week
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

You'd probably like Missoula now.

Speaking of Missoula going up there next week
Is the diner Copper Cup still there?

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