New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

Actually it changes a lot.

Subjective challenges the level of accuracy of the list. Arbitrary claims that list is complete garbage.

Telling that you make no distinction between those two words.

You want to admit that you are opposed to this discussion because you are emotionally invested in the idea that diversity is good and you dont' care about the facts?

Facts! :21::21::21::21::21:

Here are the "facts"...some magazine made a list of totally subjective items to determine "quality of life".

The other fact is that if even if you agree 100% with their list...not a damn fucking thing on it is impacted by the color of one's skin.

I do not know if you have a job or have ever had a job, but never in my current job or previous job or my 20 years in the Marine Corps did I find that a color of a person's skin made any difference in how they preformed their jobs. There were shitty people of all colors and amazing people of all colors, no color had a higher percent of "shitty" people or better people.

The fact that you are a racist and judge people by the color of their skin is not something I can help, but I take solace in the fact that people like you and BL are a dying breed and you will die off eventually, and that day the world will be a better place.

You ever hear of the Roseto Effect?

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

Diversity does not have anything to do with being close knit.

People of diverse races and backgrounds can still be close happens all the time for non-racist, which is why you have never experienced it.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I think you need to go back to your list. California actually ranks 19th. In the bottom 10 are like Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana and those other republican shit holes. And just so you know, Kentucky is nearly 90% white so you can’t blame it on minorities.

In fact West Virginia is 47 and it’s nearly 94% white.
And some real weird fuckers there, too.
Diversity doesn't mean a free society or a decent standard of living.
Diversity is just another form of fascism. really don't know what words mean, do you? Here, let me help you out.........................

[ dih-vur-si-tee, dahy- ]
noun, plural di·ver·si·ties.
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, etc.: diversity in the workplace.
4. a point of difference.

[ fash-iz-uh m ]
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

So, as you can clearly see from the dictionary definitions, fascism and diversity are actually at opposite ends of the spectrum. Fascism by it's very definition is anti diversity.
Facts! :21::21::21::21::21:

Here are the "facts"...some magazine made a list of totally subjective items to determine "quality of life".

The other fact is that if even if you agree 100% with their list...not a damn fucking thing on it is impacted by the color of one's skin.

I do not know if you have a job or have ever had a job, but never in my current job or previous job or my 20 years in the Marine Corps did I find that a color of a person's skin made any difference in how they preformed their jobs. There were shitty people of all colors and amazing people of all colors, no color had a higher percent of "shitty" people or better people.

The fact that you are a racist and judge people by the color of their skin is not something I can help, but I take solace in the fact that people like you and BL are a dying breed and you will die off eventually, and that day the world will be a better place.

You ever hear of the Roseto Effect?

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

Like parasites and viruses. Screwing up their own state through excessive taxation then moving on and doing the same to others.
Actually, Ca property taxes are 35th lowest of all states. And less than TX.

Property taxes are higher but there is no state income tax and cost of living is dramatically lower than CA.
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

Diversity does not have anything to do with being close knit.

People of diverse races and backgrounds can still be close happens all the time for non-racist, which is why you have never experienced it.

And the effects can be very subtle and surprising.

Thus, your claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color", is just you making assumptions about possible connections that you know nothing of.

YOur race baiting was already noted and held against you. You took that hit already. You don't need to keep drawing attention to it.
Diversity doesn't mean a free society or a decent standard of living.
Diversity is just another form of fascism. really don't know what words mean, do you? Here, let me help you out.........................

[ dih-vur-si-tee, dahy- ]
noun, plural di·ver·si·ties.
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, etc.: diversity in the workplace.
4. a point of difference.

[ fash-iz-uh m ]
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

So, as you can clearly see from the dictionary definitions, fascism and diversity are actually at opposite ends of the spectrum. Fascism by it's very definition is anti diversity.
Those black shirts were real diverse.
Facts! :21::21::21::21::21:

Here are the "facts"...some magazine made a list of totally subjective items to determine "quality of life".

The other fact is that if even if you agree 100% with their list...not a damn fucking thing on it is impacted by the color of one's skin.

I do not know if you have a job or have ever had a job, but never in my current job or previous job or my 20 years in the Marine Corps did I find that a color of a person's skin made any difference in how they preformed their jobs. There were shitty people of all colors and amazing people of all colors, no color had a higher percent of "shitty" people or better people.

The fact that you are a racist and judge people by the color of their skin is not something I can help, but I take solace in the fact that people like you and BL are a dying breed and you will die off eventually, and that day the world will be a better place.

You ever hear of the Roseto Effect?

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.
You ever hear of the Roseto Effect?

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.
Diversity doesn't mean a free society or a decent standard of living.
Diversity is just another form of fascism. really don't know what words mean, do you? Here, let me help you out.........................

[ dih-vur-si-tee, dahy- ]
noun, plural di·ver·si·ties.
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, etc.: diversity in the workplace.
4. a point of difference.

[ fash-iz-uh m ]
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

So, as you can clearly see from the dictionary definitions, fascism and diversity are actually at opposite ends of the spectrum. Fascism by it's very definition is anti diversity.
Look at that. The definition of fascism is almost Word for Word the republican party platform. Who would’ve thunk it?
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

Diversity does not have anything to do with being close knit.

People of diverse races and backgrounds can still be close happens all the time for non-racist, which is why you have never experienced it.

And the effects can be very subtle and surprising.

Thus, your claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color", is just you making assumptions about possible connections that you know nothing of.

YOur race baiting was already noted and held against you. You took that hit already. You don't need to keep drawing attention to it.

My claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color" is 100% accurate till such time as you give examples otherwise.

The bigger question is why do you think that diverse people cannot be close knit? Have you ever heard of the military?
You ever hear of the Roseto Effect?

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.

So then, why the fear of looking at the numbers on California? As diverse as it is, and with you guys so certain that diversity is a good thing, then why spending so much time NOT focusing on those numbers to prove your point with hard data?

Man, it's almost like you don't really think that would work out for you...
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

Diversity does not have anything to do with being close knit.

People of diverse races and backgrounds can still be close happens all the time for non-racist, which is why you have never experienced it.

And the effects can be very subtle and surprising.

Thus, your claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color", is just you making assumptions about possible connections that you know nothing of.

YOur race baiting was already noted and held against you. You took that hit already. You don't need to keep drawing attention to it.

My claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color" is 100% accurate till such time as you give examples otherwise.

The bigger question is why do you think that diverse people cannot be close knit? Have you ever heard of the military?

Yet your first impulse is to undermine the very idea of looking at the results of diversity, in quality of life...
So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

You know, a ship that is crewed by 300 people or less is quite a close knit community. We looked out for each other, and defended each other, because we all knew that our collective asses depended on teamwork to keep the ship operating.

And yeah, out of those close knit communities, there was quite a bit of diversity, but that is one of the things that made the crew fun and unique. Some were musicians, some were DJ's, and some like myself, were artists. If we had a command function, a lot of times we would ask some of the crew members if they would play. And, whenever it came to painting the squadron or ship's logo on something, quite often they came to me. It was because of the diversity of the crew that we had such a vast amount of experience to draw on.

So then, why the fear of looking at the numbers on California? As diverse as it is, and with you guys so certain that diversity is a good thing, then why spending so much time NOT focusing on those numbers to prove your point with hard data?

Man, it's almost like you don't really think that would work out for you...

What is wrong with Cali? It is a great place to visit and to all the people I know that live there it is a great place to live.

Like parasites and viruses. Screwing up their own state through excessive taxation then moving on and doing the same to others.
Actually, Ca property taxes are 35th lowest of all states. And less than TX.

Property taxes are higher but there is no state income tax and cost of living is dramatically lower than CA.
Housing is what chases Tech away. Could you live in your car while making 6 figures?
Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.

Diversity does not have anything to do with being close knit.

People of diverse races and backgrounds can still be close happens all the time for non-racist, which is why you have never experienced it.

And the effects can be very subtle and surprising.

Thus, your claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color", is just you making assumptions about possible connections that you know nothing of.

YOur race baiting was already noted and held against you. You took that hit already. You don't need to keep drawing attention to it.

My claim that any list doesn't have anything to do with "skin color" is 100% accurate till such time as you give examples otherwise.

The bigger question is why do you think that diverse people cannot be close knit? Have you ever heard of the military?

Yet your first impulse is to undermine the very idea of looking at the results of diversity, in quality of life...

Feel free to show us which of the measures used are affected by skin color. Why do you keep dancing around instead of doing that?
So, what you are saying is that you cannot be close to someone of a different skin color or nationality

No, that is not what I am saying.

Then what was the point of your link?

Having a close knit community has real benefits to the people in it. Having a diverse community, loses those benefits.

Thus your rejection of the idea, and your race baiting, is refuted.
Never been to Fiesta? Missing out, dude.

You ever been part of a homogeneous community? Maybe you are the one missing out.

You know, growing up in Montana, most communities up there were pretty homogeneous. Didn't go to school with a black person until I was a senior in high school.

And, I learned about diversity 3 days after I turned 18 and was sitting in Orlando FL, getting ready to start boot camp.

I prefer a diverse community.

Why? Because in a diverse community, there are many different experience levels and things that various people know. Some, might know things that I don't, but would be very useful if I learned them as well. And, some of that information isn't readily available in some of the homogeneous communities where everyone experiences pretty much the same thing, and nobody has much new to share.

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