New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

Quality of life in California depends on whether or not you live in a protected, gated, community.

Quality of life in Cali is just like any other state...your location in the state and your view of what is needed is what determines your quality of life.

It’s the people, the inhabitants that make a community what it is.
One can easily look at charts and determine the nicer, safer, more productive areas. Weird huh....You in the fetal position?


Utterly ridiculous to compare a city if 34,000 to one of 330,000.

Haha...more spin huh?
Scale the data however you wish...nothing changes.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I suppose that diversity is why they have the biggest economy.
No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world
No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

They are very diverse, and it tops the Global Cities Index rankings.

Hell, Madrid comes in at # 15 and it is filled with brown people.
On the other hand, Republicans love the air quality of LA and would like to implement that in their own hometown, although they might have quite a while to go. There's a shortcut involving running the car with the garage door closed.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

Yet every time anyone goes there, traffic is backed up for miles because….there are 11M people in Los Angeles alone.

Beautiful state. Can’t wait to return.

Haha...11M my ass...there are at least 6 million wetbacks in LA and the surrounding area alone. The next time you’re sitting in all that awesome traffic look around you at the people...they’ll all be filthy wetbacks.

It’s a beautiful state. Can’t wait to return. That their success makes you angry is just icing on the cake
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Funny, my millionaire daughter think it's ok
All you need is a science degree
Let me guess, you don't have one?
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I suppose that diversity is why they have the biggest economy.

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

They are very diverse, and it tops the Global Cities Index rankings.

Hell, Madrid comes in at # 15 and it is filled with brown people.

Boy you fellas are super intelligent.
Population = GDP
Population = Poor quality of life
Ask good people if they’d trade GDP for a greater quality of life.
Ask the filthy underclass, those you champion in Mexifornia how the states GDP impacts their life.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I suppose that diversity is why they have the biggest economy.

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

They are very diverse, and it tops the Global Cities Index rankings.

Hell, Madrid comes in at # 15 and it is filled with brown people.

Boy you fellas are super intelligent.
Population = GDP
Population = Poor quality of life
Ask good people if they’d trade GDP for a greater quality of life.
Ask the filthy underclass, those you champion in Mexifornia how the states GDP impacts their life.

Did it ever occur to you that you are the problem?

You remind me of a guy I knew that was on his 4th divorce and he had not yet hit 40. And it was always the other person’s never occurred to him he was the one common factor
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

Yet every time anyone goes there, traffic is backed up for miles because….there are 11M people in Los Angeles alone.

Beautiful state. Can’t wait to return.

Haha...11M my ass...there are at least 6 million wetbacks in LA and the surrounding area alone. The next time you’re sitting in all that awesome traffic look around you at the people...they’ll all be filthy wetbacks.

It’s a beautiful state. Can’t wait to return. That their success makes you angry is just icing on the cake

Where I live is beautiful...much of the state is beautiful....Point us to brown communities that are beautiful would you please. Thanks in advance.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I suppose that diversity is why they have the biggest economy.

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

They are very diverse, and it tops the Global Cities Index rankings.

Hell, Madrid comes in at # 15 and it is filled with brown people.

Boy you fellas are super intelligent.
Population = GDP
Population = Poor quality of life
Ask good people if they’d trade GDP for a greater quality of life.
Ask the filthy underclass, those you champion in Mexifornia how the states GDP impacts their life.

Did it ever occur to you that you are the problem?

You remind me of a guy I knew that was on his 4th divorce and he had not yet hit 40. And it was always the other person’s never occurred to him he was the one common factor

That’s exactly what retarded Lefties always say...right?
Those who have standards, expectations, are the most productive, the biggest contributors, who respect and expect law and order are always the “PROBLEM”....right?
We are the ones standing in the way of you filthy fucks morphing all of the U.S. into one giant Mexifornia....Of fucking course we are YOUR problem.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I suppose that diversity is why they have the biggest economy.

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

No city on earth has ever had the diversity of NY

Yet it is one of the wealthiest cities in the world

They are very diverse, and it tops the Global Cities Index rankings.

Hell, Madrid comes in at # 15 and it is filled with brown people.

Boy you fellas are super intelligent.
Population = GDP
Population = Poor quality of life
Ask good people if they’d trade GDP for a greater quality of life.
Ask the filthy underclass, those you champion in Mexifornia how the states GDP impacts their life.

Did it ever occur to you that you are the problem?

You remind me of a guy I knew that was on his 4th divorce and he had not yet hit 40. And it was always the other person’s never occurred to him he was the one common factor

That’s exactly what retarded Lefties always say...right?
Those who have standards, expectations, are the most productive, the biggest contributors, who respect and expect law and order are always the “PROBLEM”....right?
We are the ones standing in the way of you filthy fucks morphing all of the U.S. into one giant Mexifornia....Of fucking course we are YOUR problem.

Just asked a question..:don’t have a heart attack
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue.

Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.
Northern Cali is a LOT whiter and more conservative than the rest of marxistfornia.
And yet my kids went to a High School with a Hispanic population of over 70%, you racist asshole.
Arbitrary means that the choices were random choice or personal whim as opposed to any reason or system.

Just having different systems, or choices, does not mean it is arbitrary.

If your list includes, good food scene, but mine doesn't, that doesn't mean that I could call that arbitrary. Good Food is obviously a part of quality of life.

NOw, if you included, "lots of brightly colored flowers", then we are talking pretty arbitrary.

YOur refusal to explain why you consider the list "Arbitrary" I guess is sort of your way of admitting that your issue with it, is that you don't want to admit that California, has a shitty quality of life?

You try so hard, and yet still fail so badly, I almost feel sorry for you.

These list are based upon the personal whims of whomever is making them. They pick the things they find important, which may not be the same thing the guy at the other magazine finds important. To you good food is obviously a part of quality of life, but to the germaphobe that never eats out, it has no impact on them at all. Quality of life, just like happiness is a purely personal thing that changes from person to person. What makes you happy may not make the next person happy..

Another reason they are arbitrary is that much depends on where you live in the state. In the example of the OP heavy traffic and the pollution of LA brought the state down. So, if you are one of the 90% of the residents of Cali that does not live in LA, that has no impact in your quality of life at all. If I live in Idyllwild and never go to LA, then how can what happens in LA bring down my quality of life? By the same token to use your example of a good food scene, if the quality of life score goes up because of the food scene in LA, how does that impact the person in Idyllwild?

Simply being possibly somewhat subjective, does not justify dismissing them as arbitrary.

Your counter claim of a germaphobe who never eats out, does not refute the specific example of food scene, nor the idea of quality of life as an general concept.

Would you prefer the word “subjective” to arbitrary?

I am happy to use that word since it changes nothing .

Actually it changes a lot.

Subjective challenges the level of accuracy of the list. Arbitrary claims that list is complete garbage.

Telling that you make no distinction between those two words.

You want to admit that you are opposed to this discussion because you are emotionally invested in the idea that diversity is good and you dont' care about the facts?
It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.

Nobody said that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers, what was said was that migrant farm workers are primarily illegals, and nobody has shown anything to dispute that.

It is not what percent of illegals work in the farming industry that is important, it is what percent of the farm workers are illegals.

According to the chart from BL, an illegal is 8 times more likely to work in the farming industry than is an American. That is the largest gap on the chart.

Once again, you try so very hard and fail yet again.

At least you are consistent.

Focusing on the small number of illegals doing migrant farm work, is misleading, when their impact left that field behind, generations ago.

I made the claim that they pick most of our produce, you people claimed I was wrong and even called people names over it. Now I have shown they are more than half the migrant farm worker workforce you move the goal post.

You do that a lot.

Nope and nope.
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue. It's a free buzz.
Stay away. We are all filled up.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Diversity doesn't mean a free society or a decent standard of living.
Diversity is just another form of fascism.

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