New study: California is the most diverse state in the union...CA ranks last in quality of life.

I'm sure those conservative Republican farmers in California who often rely on migrant farm workers would really appreciate this thread.

California being the largest agricultural state necessarily relies on diversity.

planting and harvesting crops of course.

because the farmers pay them to come here and do it for them. That way you can buy cheap produce in your grocery store.

A very small percentage of wetbacks are here working on farms. The same bullshit lie has been told way too many times. Get your shit right if you’re going to act like you know what you’re talking about.
You're just bent. Get over it.

What’s really weird is the fact that you are not “bent”.
Do you always embrace those who break in, steal from you, rape and murder your people, fuck the place all up and refuse to leave?
That’s fucking weird. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.
A very small percentage of wetbacks are here working on farms. The same bullshit lie has been told way too many times. Get your shit right if you’re going to act like you know what you’re talking about.
You're just bent. Get over it.

What’s really weird is the fact that you are not “bent”.
Do you always embrace those who break in, steal from you, rape and murder your people, fuck the place all up and refuse to leave?
That’s fucking weird. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.
And unsurprising to anyone that is not a proud racist, nothing they rank the state on has anything to do with the color of one's skin.
With you liberals, everything has to do with the color of skin. Whiteout minorities, who else would you manipulate?
I bet you like that SC has the fastest growing Mexican community in the US. Bitch at that closeted bankrupt minded Senator of yours.
You're just bent. Get over it.

What’s really weird is the fact that you are not “bent”.
Do you always embrace those who break in, steal from you, rape and murder your people, fuck the place all up and refuse to leave?
That’s fucking weird. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.
Did I say that? Hmmm, another moron who doesn't know shit. Butt out, cabron.
What’s really weird is the fact that you are not “bent”.
Do you always embrace those who break in, steal from you, rape and murder your people, fuck the place all up and refuse to leave?
That’s fucking weird. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.
Did I say that? Hmmm, another moron who doesn't know shit. Butt out, cabron.

Aw, how cute. YOu cut down the posts to hide that fact that you jumped in, just after someone did say it, and you attacked the guy that pointed out that it was bullshit.

DId you do that, because on some level, you know that it is bullshit, and your only hope is too dodge and deflect from the stupid shit you were defending?
And unsurprising to anyone that is not a proud racist, nothing they rank the state on has anything to do with the color of one's skin.
With you liberals, everything has to do with the color of skin. Whiteout minorities, who else would you manipulate?
I bet you like that SC has the fastest growing Mexican community in the US. Bitch at that closeted bankrupt minded Senator of yours.
Yes there are a lot of Mexicans here. Was your point?
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2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.
Did I say that? Hmmm, another moron who doesn't know shit. Butt out, cabron.

Aw, how cute. YOu cut down the posts to hide that fact that you jumped in, just after someone did say it, and you attacked the guy that pointed out that it was bullshit.

DId you do that, because on some level, you know that it is bullshit, and your only hope is too dodge and deflect from the stupid shit you were defending?
This thread, which I have been quoting on close to the beginning, is from the biggest racist fuck @ USMB. I won't waste my time on his little brother.
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Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I don't think the all white regions in Appalachia support this assertion.
I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.
Did I say that? Hmmm, another moron who doesn't know shit. Butt out, cabron.

Aw, how cute. YOu cut down the posts to hide that fact that you jumped in, just after someone did say it, and you attacked the guy that pointed out that it was bullshit.

DId you do that, because on some level, you know that it is bullshit, and your only hope is too dodge and deflect from the stupid shit you were defending?
This thread, which I have been quoting on close to the beginning, is from the biggest racist fuck @ USMB. I won't waste my time on his little brother.

Yet you spent the time to hide the fact that my point about illegals not being migrant farm workers, was correct.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
I don't think the all white regions in Appalachia support this assertion.

This thread is about how our politicians sell us on diversity in Mexifornia and how the mass degredation of the state correlates with said diversity.
Do you have something against poor white people? Are you thinking that if we dropped a few million wetbacks in Appalachia we’d see improvement there? Start a thread on that, I’m certain you could sell all your foolish buddies on that.
Arbitrary means that the choices were random choice or personal whim as opposed to any reason or system.

Just having different systems, or choices, does not mean it is arbitrary.

If your list includes, good food scene, but mine doesn't, that doesn't mean that I could call that arbitrary. Good Food is obviously a part of quality of life.

NOw, if you included, "lots of brightly colored flowers", then we are talking pretty arbitrary.

YOur refusal to explain why you consider the list "Arbitrary" I guess is sort of your way of admitting that your issue with it, is that you don't want to admit that California, has a shitty quality of life?

You try so hard, and yet still fail so badly, I almost feel sorry for you.

These list are based upon the personal whims of whomever is making them. They pick the things they find important, which may not be the same thing the guy at the other magazine finds important. To you good food is obviously a part of quality of life, but to the germaphobe that never eats out, it has no impact on them at all. Quality of life, just like happiness is a purely personal thing that changes from person to person. What makes you happy may not make the next person happy..

Another reason they are arbitrary is that much depends on where you live in the state. In the example of the OP heavy traffic and the pollution of LA brought the state down. So, if you are one of the 90% of the residents of Cali that does not live in LA, that has no impact in your quality of life at all. If I live in Idyllwild and never go to LA, then how can what happens in LA bring down my quality of life? By the same token to use your example of a good food scene, if the quality of life score goes up because of the food scene in LA, how does that impact the person in Idyllwild?
A very small percentage of wetbacks are here working on farms. The same bullshit lie has been told way too many times. Get your shit right if you’re going to act like you know what you’re talking about.

Thanks, your chart proves my point for me.

It is not what percent of illegals work in the farming industry that is important, it is what percent of the farm workers are illegals.

According to your chart, an illegal is 8 times more likely to work in the farming industry than is an American.
It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.

Nobody said that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers, what was said was that migrant farm workers are primarily illegals, and nobody has shown anything to dispute that.

It is not what percent of illegals work in the farming industry that is important, it is what percent of the farm workers are illegals.

According to the chart from BL, an illegal is 8 times more likely to work in the farming industry than is an American. That is the largest gap on the chart.

Once again, you try so very hard and fail yet again.

At least you are consistent.
You're just bent. Get over it.

What’s really weird is the fact that you are not “bent”.
Do you always embrace those who break in, steal from you, rape and murder your people, fuck the place all up and refuse to leave?
That’s fucking weird. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
2 words sucker... Fuck You.

I thought so
Thought so? I have to repeat. According to DNA results, I am 98.7% White. A CA native. Family arrived in this country in 1634 from England. Again, don't suppose everyone has such fucked up ideas on who is who, like you. If you don't like that, it's definitely not my problem. KMA there, wood.

It is pretty absurd at this point, to pretend that illegals are primarily migrant farm workers.

That is complete bullshit. Only a man who is utterly ignorant of the last 50 years, or an utter liar, would make such a claim.

I'm sure those conservative Republican farmers in California who often rely on migrant farm workers would really appreciate this thread.

I'm sure those conservative Republican farmers in California who often rely on migrant farm workers would really appreciate this thread.
Those "farmers?" Well they do rely on migrants. Always have, always will.

California being the largest agricultural state necessarily relies on diversity.

I'm sure those conservative Republican farmers in California who often rely on migrant farm workers would really appreciate this thread.
Another fake “social justice” issue. Those workers have a contract and a union. Don’t like it...take it up with your corrupt union leadership.

illegal immigrant workers have a union?

link please.
What are they doing here illegally?

planting and harvesting crops of course.

illegal immigrant workers have a union?

link please.
What are they doing here illegally?

planting and harvesting crops of course.

because the farmers pay them to come here and do it for them. That way you can buy cheap produce in your grocery store.

A very small percentage of wetbacks are here working on farms. The same bullshit lie has been told way too many times. Get your shit right if you’re going to act like you know what you’re talking about.

Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report

Yet every time anyone goes there, traffic is backed up for miles because….there are 11M people in Los Angeles alone.

Beautiful state. Can’t wait to return.
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue. It's a free buzz.
Last edited:
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue.

Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t some of the least diverse states offer the best quality of life?
Politicians are you listening? You have been fucking Americans over with your “we are better as a diverse nation”....”sanctuary for illegals benefits Americans” bunch of bullshit. It’s time you pieces of shits do what’s best for Americans.
2019’s Most & Least Diverse States in America
California ranks last in quality of life in new report
Depends how you define quality of life

California ranked last in urban air quality and 45th in "low pollution health risk," although it was 13th in drinking water quality. The state also found itself second-to-last in voter participation, 44th in community engagement and 38th in social support.

Not sure how a diverse population is affecting urban air quality
I've visited California. The air in LA tastes horrible.

I think the air pollution gives them brain damage and that's why they vote so irrationally.

And the freeloading homeless drug addicts go there because just breathing the air is like sniffing glue.

Sounds like you visited LA, which is only a tiny part of Cali

In a little bit I'm going to leave my ten acres of Northern California redwoods and drive an hour with my convertible top down in no traffic. Sure, I might encounter a deer or coyote (once even a mountain lion), but few cars. I breathe clean air and drink some of the best water in the world. (Out of the tap)

As quality of life goes....#1 baby!

It's a really big state, y'all.

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