New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger

Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
There have been no cuts. Every single program receives more funding today than it did last year, or 5 years ago. The budget has increased every year.
But the Democrats have controlled COngress for the vast majority of that time. The policies that they enacted in 2009-2010 are bearing their poison fruit. Thus the incresae in poverty.
Pay attention to this article! Your spin, no matter how clever you may make it, does not override the Truth about how Republicans do not help most Americans but keep them in poverty, whenever they are the majority party, and to only face harder times. Your party is of no benefit to the common folks but only to the wealthy One Percent let's face it.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about.

Only if you are a loony lib in desperate need of Pabulum.
Believe what you like but be sure to read the great links they always provide to back-up their stories.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.

More people on food stamps than ever and those at the very top have gotten most of the gains in the last several years. Don't you see a pattern here? What republican policies would put people back to work and help those in need?
New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger

How proud Republicans must feel to have people be hungry in this country! No doubt it makes them BOAST that they've got the power and you can simply be thrown under the bus.

Is this what you expected from Republicans? Is this what you rightfully deserve to have? Is this your fate? It doesn't have to be if you do not allow them control of the Senate or the presidency in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

This cruelty has got to stop on their part! Enough is enough. Defenseless people, children and the elderly are At Risk! And all they can think of is ways to continue to marginalize you even more. What a shame! Americans deserve far better than this from their elected representatives who are supposed to look after your best interests. Isn't that why you sent them to Washington? Or did you send them to help the 1% only and throw you under the bus because that's exactly what's happening now.

I thought Obama was POTUS. Did he resign and hand over the reigns to republicans? Or did he just go on vacation again? Women and children starving to death and Obama refuses to call a state of Emergency? WTF is wrong with him?
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I still don't get it. How can hungry people be fat?

In the West, poor people are fat and rich people are normal but in Africa you can always spot the portly rich.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Not likely. More likely the pubs will get yet another moderate socialist leader. If we want better candidates that don't adhere to tyranny of the majority views, we are gonna have to change the voting system from a tyranny of the majority system.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Not a chance in hell they will. If they haven't gotten it right since their political party was formed, and they haven't, it's fair to say that you can't change the spots of a leopard. So, Americans should not be fooled by false hopes of change with Republicans. They Never Change They Only Get Worse.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Not likely. More likely the pubs will get yet another moderate socialist leader. If we want better candidates that don't adhere to tyranny of the majority views, we are gonna have to change the voting system from a tyranny of the majority system.

Yeah, we don't need more Neoconservatism. The Republicans need to return to Constitutional Conservatism. We've had enough of the Communist/Progressive/Neocon Globalists. It's time for something different. Hopefully, it'll happen. I try to stay optimistic.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Not a chance in hell they will. If they haven't gotten it right since their political party was formed, and they haven't, it's fair to say that you can't change the spots of a leopard. So, Americans should not be fooled by false hopes of change with Republicans. They Never Change They Only Get Worse.

We'll see. I'm an optimist.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
There have been no cuts. Every single program receives more funding today than it did last year, or 5 years ago. The budget has increased every year.
But the Democrats have controlled COngress for the vast majority of that time. The policies that they enacted in 2009-2010 are bearing their poison fruit. Thus the incresae in poverty.
Pay attention to this article! Your spin, no matter how clever you may make it, does not override the Truth about how Republicans do not help most Americans but keep them in poverty, whenever they are the majority party, and to only face harder times. Your party is of no benefit to the common folks but only to the wealthy One Percent let's face it.

WOW. Mayby you should address your spin there douche.

The Dems have pushed Welfare and have kept millions in poverty for decades. Welfare equals poverty there idiot.

These folks have no reason to get a job. Why should then when we the taxpayers are forced to bankroll their lives for em. All courtesey of the Dems of America.

Instead of pounding the Reps. You should pound your own party.

Jeeze. What a douche.
Desperate hysterical gibberish. The People are over you Communists. Now let's hope the Republicans return to Constitutional Conservatism. If it's just more Neo-Conservatism, it's just more of the same. Not much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons, But it is time for the Communists to go away. I just hope the Republicans get it right. I guess we'll see though.
Not likely. More likely the pubs will get yet another moderate socialist leader. If we want better candidates that don't adhere to tyranny of the majority views, we are gonna have to change the voting system from a tyranny of the majority system.

Yeah, we don't need more Neoconservatism. The Republicans need to return to Constitutional Conservatism. We've had enough of the Communist/Progressive/Neocon Globalists. It's time for something different. Hopefully, it'll happen. I try to stay optimistic.
You have a better chance of winning the lottery or of the libertarian party winning the presidency than this system working as it once did before it was torn apart by the authoritarian/federalists.
New Study Reveals That Republican Policies Have Pushed Millions Of Americans Into Hunger

How proud Republicans must feel to have people be hungry in this country! No doubt it makes them BOAST that they've got the power and you can simply be thrown under the bus.

Is this what you expected from Republicans? Is this what you rightfully deserve to have? Is this your fate? It doesn't have to be if you do not allow them control of the Senate or the presidency in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

This cruelty has got to stop on their part! Enough is enough. Defenseless people, children and the elderly are At Risk! And all they can think of is ways to continue to marginalize you even more. What a shame! Americans deserve far better than this from their elected representatives who are supposed to look after your best interests. Isn't that why you sent them to Washington? Or did you send them to help the 1% only and throw you under the bus because that's exactly what's happening now.


You do know that Democrats have been in charge for years, don't you? If more people are hungry now than when Obama was elected, how the fuck is it the fault of Republicans?

By the way, the actual study doesn't blame Republicans, which makes your entire thread a lie.
Politicus is like HuffPo for retards. Ponder that a minute.
Democrats have controlled Congress basically for the last 7 years. There are more people on food stamps today than the day Bush left office. THere is more poverty today than the day Bush left office. If things are worse now than the day Bush left office, it isn't Bush's fault, or the Republicans' fault. It is Obama's fault and the Democrats' fault. Democrat policies produce nthing but poverty and despair.

7 years? Is that a lie or ignorance? Same difference.
First of all, Politicus is a great source for information of current happenings for things we need to really know about. You need to take time to read all of the links they provide within their articles, many from government sources, that reveal what they are talking about.

As for what you're saying, actually quite the opposite is true. Tell me what Americans can really boast over by having Republicans control Congress and the Presidency? Can you assure us that Republicans have not CUT (and would not continue to CUT) services and much needed items from Americans and make a great push to reduce social services that so many people depend upon especially the children, the disabled, and the elderly who cannot work?That is what we are looking at plus a host of other reasons why it is best to have Democrats in Washington over Republicans.

Now, if you, personally, are well-to-do then you're obviously happy with Republicans and therefore want to keep them in office. But if you are not and are struggling to make ends meet and need someone that truly understands the plight of the Middle Class, the poor and the elderly then people need to wake up to the fact that, financially speaking, they will never get ahead with Republicans in Washington. No way they will ever do that. No Brag. Just Fact.

A great source?

Why the fuck did your "great source" use a blatant lie as a headline?
Pay attention to this article! Your spin, no matter how clever you may make it, does not override the Truth about how Republicans do not help most Americans but keep them in poverty, whenever they are the majority party, and to only face harder times. Your party is of no benefit to the common folks but only to the wealthy One Percent let's face it.

I prefer to pay attention to the study, which actually has nothing to say about Republican policies.

In other words, your editorial piece is a lie.
When is the radical left going to stop pretending that Obama is just a bystander and that Harry Reid is anything but a clown? Here we are almost in the 2nd half of Barry Hussein's 2nd term and democrats are whining like losers.

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