New Study Says Masks Didn't Slow the Spread of COVID

Holy shit, this is hall of fame material, folks! How many of you trust a doctor who doesn't mention smoking, but tells you to trust a mask that has holes a thousand times bigger than the world's most deadly virus to protect you? You can't make this shit up...
The docs will work with what they can talk you into, to keep whatever authority they can protect. They know they've lost on smoking and obesity. But masks --- that's new and shiny, so they'll try to make up their authority on that, however useless.

Query ----- if masks worked, why would we need the vaccine??

Instead, we've got some 600,000 dead in this country alone. I'm going to call that "masks not working."

Studies have shown that masks reduce the virus load by 50-70%. That means that masks may have saved another 600k from dying. Yet we have people like you who argue that anything less than 100% effective is a failure. Ok. Point to one success. Any success. And it is a failure by your standards.

Airplanes. Absolute failure. They crash. So they must be eliminated. Cars. Complete failure. People die in them. Eliminate them.

Guns have malfunctions. They do not work 100% of the time. Ban them all as a failure.

If you have sex with your wife and she doesn’t get Pregnant. Never have sex again. It is not 100% effective. Stop doing it immediately.
. Ok. Point to one success. Any success. And it is a failure by your standards.
Sorry Savannah, but it's just not that binary.

Infection control protocols aren't rocket science, but they are inclusive of far more than an 'effin mask.

to play analogy games w/others here, a mask is like 1/3 a bullet proof vest , or a pact of skins handed to you by a porcupine.....~S~
I can't defend any powers that be if they perpetrated a mask hoax.
Seatbelts on:

1) Planes.......WTF, the plane crashes, you probably DIE. Maybe Depends on the altitude. But, who has the data on plane crashes versus who was actually wearing a seatbelt. Find it.

Opinion: If the plane crashes, from high altitude, you probably die, regardless of seatbelt protection or NOT.

So, what do we learn:
Seatbelts have ZERO affect on death statistics from Plane Crashes from high altitude.
Or do seatbelts help from high altitude plane crashes?
Seatbelts on:

1) Planes.......WTF, the plane crashes, you probably DIE. Maybe Depends on the altitude. But, who has the data on plane crashes versus who was actually wearing a seatbelt. Find it.

Opinion: If the plane crashes, from high altitude, you probably die, regardless of seatbelt protection or NOT.

So, what do we learn:
Seatbelts have ZERO affect on death statistics from Plane Crashes from high altitude.
Or do seatbelts help from high altitude plane crashes?
Seatbelts on:

1) Planes.......WTF, the plane crashes, you probably DIE. Maybe Depends on the altitude. But, who has the data on plane crashes versus who was actually wearing a seatbelt. Find it.

Opinion: If the plane crashes, from high altitude, you probably die, regardless of seatbelt protection or NOT.

So, what do we learn:
Seatbelts have ZERO affect on death statistics from Plane Crashes from high altitude.
Or do seatbelts help from high altitude plane crashes?
So you don’t fly all around in the cabin
I am laughing my ass off at the idiots that think masking is doing anything....

COVID virus- Dry state: 0.137 microns in size.
COVID virus- Wet state 1.675 microns in size.

In order for masks to be effective and filter out the virus they must be;
* Sealed to the face.
* Must be capable of filtering out the particle

The average face covering has 100 microns sized holes in it and has no seal. Without a seal the aerosolized particles will follow air flow around the restriction. Because the holes in this covering are 100 microns in size both wet and dry virus particles will pass. This offers no protections to the wearer.

The average hospital procedure mask has 50 microns sized holes and is unsealed. Again, the aerosolized particles will flow around the mask restriction. Because the filter holes will allow particles to pass through it offers no protections to the wearer.

The average N-95 mask has 2.5-5.0 microns sized holes in it. In this case it does seal if properly fitted and worn. Again, the filter is insufficient to stop particle passage. Recent studies out of Israel and the UK show that medical staff, fully covered and properly wearing PPE, became infected.

The CDC has been tracking masking since the beginning of the pandemic and the mask failure level has never gone below 90%. This means that masking is failing at the >90th percentile. The science and physical attributes say it cannot work. The data confirms that it does not work. Tell me why we are forcing this on our children and adults knowing that it does not work....

University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png
That's awesome.
Seatbelts on planes are to STOP you from flying around the cabin during turbulence?
That's outstanding.
Great News.

We agree, but how about actual crashes from High Altitude?
Do seat belts still help?
You’ve limited seatbelts on planes to crashes only. They do help in case of turbulence.
Masks do nothing to prevent illness or death from chicom-bio.
Your analogy is fallacious.
Worse still is the number one mode of virus transmission is:

People who do not wear masks do not mess with their faces. People who wear masks are constantly messing with their faces. Florida has a low transmission rate while NY and other liberal lock down areas forcing mask are three times higher or more... And the libtards can't figure it out....
The media is controlled by the elites. The media gets paid well to tell us lies. They are either activated government agents or morons who believe everything government is utopia. The way that how some of them smoothly have done a political slide from right to left is a red flag. And from being a Democrat to being Progressive Socialist and even a Communist. Survival comes from beliefs that are sensible that we all should have as part of our decision making.

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