New Study Says Masks Didn't Slow the Spread of COVID

The media is controlled by the elites. The media gets paid well to tell us lies. They are either activated government agents or morons who believe everything government is utopia. The way that how some of them smoothly have done a political slide from right to left is a red flag. And from being a Democrat to being Progressive Socialist and even a Communist. Survival comes from beliefs that are sensible that we all should have as part of our decision making.
Can a Republican whine without blaming the media for their problems? Show us the evidence of the media being paid to tell lies. Can you get your hands on a copy of the paycheck?
Can a Republican whine without blaming the media for their problems? Show us the evidence of the media being paid to tell lies. Can you get your hands on a copy of the paycheck?
Sorry. I complain to the source. That would be you. So.....STFU about wearing a mask before I .............terms of service don't allow me to continue this comment.........

So STFU if you want to wear 20 OF THEM GOAT AHEAD. Me. fuck the mask. That is where we are at now.
If it's not peer reviewed, it doesn't follow the scientific method, so it's not science. It's as simple as that. You all should have been taught this in about the eighth grade.
Dumb ass. The mask is to prevent you from spreading the disease to others.
NO!!! It doesn't. No seal means aerosolized particles follow air flow, right around that restriction and given the size of the filters holes it goes right through it.

How's that screen door on your submarine working to keep the water out?
No vaccine nor pill will stop the viral loads on tongues, throat and nose. These can be aerosolized and passed to others. There are no scientific studies depicting this aspect as it relates to mutations such as those found in Omicron, though O appears to have come from South Africans both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Coats in winter are empirical.
Masks for chicom-bio aren’t.
If it's not peer reviewed, it doesn't follow the scientific method, so it's not science. It's as simple as that. You all should have been taught this in about the eighth grade.
There is no scientific method in covid or vaccine science, since the scientific method requires doubt. Censoring and deplatforming dissent is as anti scientific method as it gets.

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech."
-Albert Einstein
And? Nice diversion from the actual study though.

And peer review is a scam.

... First, that peer-reviewed journals publish only trustworthy science; and second, that trustworthy science is published only in peer-reviewed journals
Scientists allowed these myths to spread because it was convenient for us. Peer-reviewed journals came into existence largely to keep government regulators off our backs. Scientists believe that we are the best judges of the validity of each other's work. That's very likely true, but it's a huge leap from that to "peer-reviewed journals publish only good science." The most selective journals still allow flawed studies—even really terribly flawed ones—to be published all the time. Earlier this month, for instance, the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences put out a paper claiming that mandated face coverings are “the determinant in shaping the trends of the pandemic.” PNAS is a very prestigious journal, and their website claims that they are an “authoritative source” that works “to publish only the highest quality scientific research.” However, this paper was quickly and thoroughly criticized on social media; by last Thursday, 45 researchers had signed a letter formally calling for its retraction.
Now the jig is up. Scientists are writing papers that they want to share as quickly as possible, without waiting the months or sometimes years it takes to go through journal peer review. So they're ditching the pretense that journals are a sure-fire quality control filter, and sharing their papers as self-published PDFs. This might be just the shakeup that peer review needs.
The idea that journals have a special way to tell what’s good science and what’s bad has always been an illusion. In fact, the peer review process at journals leaves much to be desired. When a paper goes through, only those reviewers invited by the editor can weigh in on its quality, and their comments almost never get shared with readers. Journal peer review typically means that authors get a small dose of vetting—a few drops of criticism—on the way to publication. In contrast, when a paper is posted as a preprint, the authors’ peers still review it, but their vetting isn’t forced through the tip of a pipette. Instead, a firehose of criticism gets turned on. Because a preprint is public, any scientist can review the paper, and their comments may be posted to it using annotation software such as, or shared on social media for all readers to consider. That tends to make for better science, in the end

Scientists who don't give a peer review that complies with the covid political narrative will be censored, suppressed, cancelled, deplatformed, or otherwise destroyed.

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech."
-Albert Einstein

Dumb ass. The mask is to prevent you from spreading the disease to others.
Do you have a problem reading? The mask does NOT prevent the spread nor does the jab for that matter. How many times do mask manufacturers, the CDC and the WHO have to tell you. This is common knowledge at this point. In your own state, they are saying that the vaccine isn't absolutely necessary if you've been infected which is a huge walk back by Inslee and his morons.
Masks don't offer 100% protection
If you would read post #89 you will discover that the mask failure rate is >90%. So I would say your statement would be more in tune if you had said, "Masks don't offer 10% protection" As such they are virtually USELESS.
I am laughing my ass off at the idiots that think masking is doing anything....

COVID virus- Dry state: 0.137 microns in size.
COVID virus- Wet state 1.675 microns in size.

In order for masks to be effective and filter out the virus they must be;
* Sealed to the face.
* Must be capable of filtering out the particle

The average face covering has 100 microns sized holes in it and has no seal. Without a seal the aerosolized particles will follow air flow around the restriction. Because the holes in this covering are 100 microns in size both wet and dry virus particles will pass. This offers no protections to the wearer.

The average hospital procedure mask has 50 microns sized holes and is unsealed. Again, the aerosolized particles will flow around the mask restriction. Because the filter holes will allow particles to pass through it offers no protections to the wearer.

The average N-95 mask has 2.5-5.0 microns sized holes in it. In this case it does seal if properly fitted and worn. Again, the filter is insufficient to stop particle passage. Recent studies out of Israel and the UK show that medical staff, fully covered and properly wearing PPE, became infected.

The CDC has been tracking masking since the beginning of the pandemic and the mask failure level has never gone below 90%. This means that masking is failing at the >90th percentile. The science and physical attributes say it cannot work. The data confirms that it does not work. Tell me why we are forcing this on our children and adults knowing that it does not work....

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As has been said from the beginning, masks are primarily protection for others. They DO offer reasonable protection for the wearer in that they are multilayered so that virus particles mixed with moisture get caught in the”mesh” reducing the viral load

And viral load is important in terms of infection

We have been having this discussion for going on two years now.

Just stop
As has been said from the beginning, masks are primarily protection for others. They DO offer reasonable protection for the wearer in that they are multilayered so that virus particles mixed with moisture get caught in the”mesh” reducing the viral load

And viral load is important in terms of infection

We have been having this discussion for going on two years now.

Just stop

Sure when you stop the mask shaming.
As has been said from the beginning, masks are primarily protection for others. They DO offer reasonable protection for the wearer in that they are multilayered so that virus particles mixed with moisture get caught in the”mesh” reducing the viral load

And viral load is important in terms of infection

We have been having this discussion for going on two years now.

Just stop
Moron... IF it can't stop it from coming in it can not stop it from going out.... Use your brain for something other than a closet.

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