New study shows no other group is unhappier than liberal men

As if we needed a study to tell us that. How could anyone who publicly loathes themselves so blatantly be happy?
"conservative women are particularly blissful: 40% say they are very happy. That makes them slightly happier than conservative men and significantly happier than liberal women. The unhappiest are liberal men; only a fifth consider themselves very happy"

It makes sense when you see what liberal women tend to look like.

Don't know about overall population, but on the internets nobody outdoes rightwingers on being miserable, hateful assholes.

Case in point:
They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

This post has many votes of aproval, so don't tell me he is just talking for himself.

You're confusing truth for hateful assholes. See PROGS prefer dicks than assholes, and I'll explain the differences.

An asshole is like George Patton and Donald Trump. They speak words folks like yourself can't handle. These types get shit done in the right way and could give a fuck about your feelings.

Dicks are like Obama and most PROGS. They speak in careful terms consistent with BS narrations & unspoken agendas, while they don't want to insult the vegetables. These types do stupid shit insulting common sense, nature & humanity.

There's a reason PROGS have swapped out their brains for feelings, you're in training.

Well thats the thing, miserable assholes do not think themselves to be miserable assholes.

They think of themselves as forthright truth tellers slighted by all that infamous liberal slant of reality.

I gave you a direct example. Here it is again:

They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

You can't comment on such miserable assholism, all you can do is deflect to some fantasies about how liberals supposedly can't handle all the pathetic, emberassing, self-serving lies Trump spread around. :rolleyes:
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New study shows no other group is unhappier than liberal men

The solution is obvious: line up all the liberals to first get their Covid shots, then stand them up for their lobotomies.

A desiccated liberal is a safe and content liberal.
Don't know about overall population, but on the internets nobody outdoes rightwingers on being miserable, hateful assholes.

Case in point:
They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

This post has many votes of aproval, so don't tell me he is just talking for himself.

You're confusing truth for hateful assholes. See PROGS prefer dicks than assholes, and I'll explain the differences.

An asshole is like George Patton and Donald Trump. They speak words folks like yourself can't handle. These types get shit done in the right way and could give a fuck about your feelings.

Dicks are like Obama and most PROGS. They speak in careful terms consistent with BS narrations & unspoken agendas, while they don't want to insult the vegetables. These types do stupid shit insulting common sense, nature & humanity.

There's a reason PROGS have swapped out their brains for feelings, you're in training.

Well thats the thing, miserable assholes do not think themselves to be miserable assholes.

They think of themselves as forthright truth tellers mistreated by all that infamous liberal slant of reality.

I gave you a direct example. Here it is again:

They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

You can't comment on it, all you can do is deflect to some fantasies about how I supposedly can't handle all the pathetic, emberassing, self-serving lies Trump spread around. :rolleyes:

Gosh you're upset huh? But you'll sit their and say Republicans are misérable. But let's pretend that statement represents all conservatives, because your feelings.

Look what's going on in this country, your PROGs have led us down the path to shit, because logic and common sense have given way to your MISERABLE narratives undercutting society and economy. So by that measure he has a point, life would be better without PROG methods. You realize you fuckers carried out the recipe to demise the USA? Course not. You realize you PROGS are on the same path that history has shown over and over again you're methods are wicked? Of course not, you're PROG.

But pretend it's we conservatives who are the reason your PROGS fight over who deserves most of the attention, such as women Vs turn-genders in sports, and a fucking congress and VP who speak emotionally free of brains, history, math, logic, science and conscious. PROGS no longer believe in normal behavior, they're "progressing" instead, and the best way to do that is via a puppet leadership with dementia. All while you fuckers pretend you're intellects, because you've been indoctrinated.

So much for I can't comment on it, PROGS are NEVER right, just talk talk talk, blah blah blah pussified smack. So yeah, I'm an asshole. You're just a dick.
Don't know about overall population, but on the internets nobody outdoes rightwingers on being miserable, hateful assholes.

Case in point:
They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

This post has many votes of aproval, so don't tell me he is just talking for himself.

You're confusing truth for hateful assholes. See PROGS prefer dicks than assholes, and I'll explain the differences.

An asshole is like George Patton and Donald Trump. They speak words folks like yourself can't handle. These types get shit done in the right way and could give a fuck about your feelings.

Dicks are like Obama and most PROGS. They speak in careful terms consistent with BS narrations & unspoken agendas, while they don't want to insult the vegetables. These types do stupid shit insulting common sense, nature & humanity.

There's a reason PROGS have swapped out their brains for feelings, you're in training.

Well thats the thing, miserable assholes do not think themselves to be miserable assholes.

They think of themselves as forthright truth tellers mistreated by all that infamous liberal slant of reality.

I gave you a direct example. Here it is again:

They should kill themselves. Then everyone would be happier.

You can't comment on it, all you can do is deflect to some fantasies about how I supposedly can't handle all the pathetic, emberassing, self-serving lies Trump spread around. :rolleyes:

Gosh you're upset huh?

Nuh, just calling it what it is.

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