New Taliban Videos Show the Huge Success of Biden's Foreign Policy

But what we do know is (you will struggle at this point because it's now called fact), Biden came along and pulled the troops out and left the equipment.

It wasn't our equipment at that point, it was equipment that had been sold or given the Afghan Military.

Which chose not to fight.
Nope. That was all given over to them. And they switched sides.

Which is why you don't outsource a war to shady contractors.
Nope, what wasn't given to them totalled $7bn.

Try to provide a link that all equipment was donated, you won't find one.
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Checkout post #148, the link is there pointing out the $7bn that numb nuts left in Afghanistan because his puppet controllers fucked up the withdrawal.
And if you actually READ the article, you would have seen this.

The equipment included aircraft, vehicles, weapons, ammunition and communications hardware that was given to the now-defunct U.S.-backed Afghan government, CNN said, citing a March report to Congress by the DOD that has not yet been made public.

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