Why have the CFR Conspiracy Puppets Armed the Taliban Again?

Once again, I will reiterate that successful professionals(higher income) vote Republican by and large. Success and intelligence go hand and hand. Let that sink in just a bit or continue to be a lemming, your choice.
The reddest places in America are the dying, backwards ones. But you go ahead and keep pretending.
The reddest places in America are the dying, backwards ones. But you go ahead and keep pretending.

Sure, we are dying, which is why all the lefties are moving down to our little ole' dying, backward places. They are forced to live in trailers and endure toothless rednecks everywhere. Or maybe, they come down to visit and realize that our standard of living for the same income is LIGHT YEARS ahead of where they are coming from. Yeah, that couldn't be it. It also couldn't be the Democratic policies that were responsible for them leaving either. Astonishingly, many don't realize that even after moving. It is blind indoctrination at its finest.
Nobody's moving to those places, snowflake. They are moving to Democrat run counties and cities.

Wow, this is so funny and uninformed. We are inundated with those folks. I can't say I blame them, our weather is better, the area is much prettier, and less populated(yet) and the government doesn't tax you to death(yet).
Wow, this is so funny and uninformed. We are inundated with those folks. I can't say I blame them, our weather is better, the area is much prettier, and less populated(yet) and the government doesn't tax you to death(yet).
Look at the census data, snowflake. Have a nice Monday.
Look at the census data, snowflake. Have a nice Monday.

God, I pray you are correct. I would LOVE nothing more than for them to stop coming here, but the home prices and demand in my area don't lie.
Stupid wars end stupidly. If you think otherwise, you probably backed Dubya as feverishly as your stupid ass backed Trump.
Good Gawd.......

Stupid wars end when people brighten up chosing a better path, unless.......

the people are really really stupid like Biden and his moronic supporters who want to make a bad situation worse by ending it even more stupidily and destructively. JOE's stupid ending will see tens of thousands if not far more people needlessly murdered which will include people here as JOES stupidity just emboldened the terrorists to start terror attacking again.

Talk about STUPID.
I find it troubling ZOG is giving billions in weapons to their puppets, the Taliban (stone age savages), specifically gas guzzlers, automatic weapons, tons of ammo and piles of 100 dollar bills, while insisting on banning the very same things for law abiding, taxpaying American citizens.

It seems that they trust the sons of Israel from the Stone Age, the Pashtun tribes, ravaged in the mountains, more than they trust the "great American people" when handing over the most modern and deadly weapons...

One way or another, this is the new big geopolitical scam of the folks from the Council on Foreign Relations
The winner takes the spoils of war, what the Afghan Army left them.

You are so cynical and amoral that you don't even try to "look at your watch while unloading the coffins of fallen heroes" and try to express anything resembling the pain of loss.

Your feelings and facial muscles responsible for those emotions and their expressions have simply atrophied.
Alexandre Fedorovski
You can bet if Trump were still the CIC Bagram would have bombed to hell and back destroying all that equipment. Too bad we have an incompetent boob in the White House.
No, the general consensus of non-corrupted experts in military affairs and global politics agrees that this is not "incompetence."

This is yet another geopolitical conspiracy.

And the paragraphs of Article 115 of the Criminal Federal Code interpret such actions as "conspiracy" and"treason".
"Socialism" has no meaning to you people. It's a buzzword that can mean anything they want it to, like "freedom."
Yes, you are absolutely right. Both Democrats and Republicans "hypnotize" Americans by using the word "socialism," trying to elicit an automatic negative reaction to the term.

It would be the scariest thing in the world for them if people start getting to the bottom of the social and economic context of this concept: the prohibition of exploitation of man by man, the prohibition of the misappropriation of what he has produced with his body and mind, and SOCIAL equality.

Both Democrats and Republicans are liberals for whom the existing blatant inequality in America is a matter of course.
Stupid wars end stupidly. If you think otherwise, you probably backed Dubya as feverishly as your stupid ass backed Trump.
If you use a psychological test to measure the author's IQ by analyzing these lines, the conclusions can be more than unflattering: this is the level of a very poor second-grade elementary school student. Because there is no evidentiary basis whatsoever.
Technically, Xi's man left them, on orders of his bosses in Beijing.

View attachment 532642

SINCE he is exceptionally unhappy with them, he seems to have sent Biden and Harris silk shoelaces...

As a final warning...

You fucking Nazis need to stop spewing hate and start shooting. You cowardly fucks keep spewing treason, declaring war on America - you want a war cvnts, go for it.
Personally, I didn't understand anything. WHO should shoot at WHO? And why does it have to be done during intercourse?
"Socialism" has no meaning to you people. It's a buzzword that can mean anything they want it to, like "freedom."
Dude, i was 10 miles from East Germany where Socialism was the "in thing", where everyone was equal, equally poor and equally miserable. Those who lived "the socialist dream" were trying every day to scale over the wall facing barbed wire, machine guns and really big dogs, but they tried to get to the "freedom" of the capitalist West Germany where they could live a great life. so you can go fuck yourself you ignorant fool, trying to be all high and mighty....and stupid as hell...
I'm sure there was raping and killing done to the Native Americans by the Europeans that came here.
But it is the spoils of war, that you confirmed by what is happening in Afghanistan. Or is it that Muslims can do it, but not Europeans?
Dude, i was 10 miles from East Germany where Socialism was the "in thing", where everyone was equal, equally poor and equally miserable. Those who lived "the socialist dream" were trying every day to scale over the wall facing barbed wire, machine guns and really big dogs, but they tried to get to the "freedom" of the capitalist West Germany where they could live a great life. so you can go fuck yourself you ignorant fool, trying to be all high and mighty....and stupid as hell...
what you experienced was Stalinism, which is very different than socialist and/or communist ideals.

Traditional communist thought holds that the state will gradually "wither away", as the implementation of socialism reduces class distinction. However, Stalin argued that the proletarian state (as opposed to the bourgeois state) must become stronger before it can wither away. In Stalin's view, counter-revolutionary elements will attempt to derail the transition to full communism, and the state must be powerful enough to defeat them. For this reason, Communist regimes influenced by Stalin have been widely described as totalitarian.[21]

this was given the russian label "socialism in one country".
what you experienced was Stalinism, which is very different than socialist and/or communist ideals.

Traditional communist thought holds that the state will gradually "wither away", as the implementation of socialism reduces class distinction. However, Stalin argued that the proletarian state (as opposed to the bourgeois state) must become stronger before it can wither away. In Stalin's view, counter-revolutionary elements will attempt to derail the transition to full communism, and the state must be powerful enough to defeat them. For this reason, Communist regimes influenced by Stalin have been widely described as totalitarian.[21]

this was given the russian label "socialism in one country".
You are such a moron....And i know you learned all about how great Socialism is from your public education indoctrinators..Oh by the way, when the wall collapsed you know what the East Germans did? They became Capitalists....Funny how that works...

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (German: Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands, SED), often known in English as the East German Communist Party, was the governing Marxist–Leninist political party of the German Democratic Republic (GDR; East Germany) from the country's foundation in October 1949 until its dissolution after the Peaceful Revolution in 1989.
Dissolved: 16 December 1989
Founded: 21 April 1946
Ideology: Communism, Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism (until 1953)
Youth wing: Free German Youth

Socialist Unity Party of Germany - Wikipedia



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