New Trump ad hits Biden square in the jaw


I hear Biden supports the xenaphobia move NOW lol

Biden has ads too

"Klain now says his comments, which were made at a biosecurity summit, referred solely to the administration’s difficulties in producing enough of an H1N1 vaccine to meet public demand. The Obama team, he says, quickly adapted to the situation, making choices that were starkly different from those the Trump administration would make 11 years later, such as quickly distributing emergency equipment from the federal stockpile, deferring to public health experts and having them take the lead on messaging."

So, a disingenuous ad that distorts the truth from Team Trump. Imagine my surprise.
Do they include hair sniffing and groping of little girls?
Wow, that didn't take long. You folks just don't seem to be able to fathom how ridiculous you look following this line of criticism.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct



I hear Biden supports the xenaphobia move NOW lol

Biden has ads too

Do they include hair sniffing and groping of little girls?

You made up the groping thing..



I hear Biden supports the xenaphobia move NOW lol

It would be good if we did not know he did not shut down travel from Europe, where most of the east coast cases came from. Did nothing for the people at the nursing home in Washington, actually brought back sick and well on same plane from the quarantined cruise ship, and then had them met in San Diego with unbriefed, unprotected personnel to spread it at the base, the San Diego area and back to the health team's home communities where they had been assembled from. Not to forget telling the states they were on their own, it would be over before you know it, gone by May, we are best prepared in the world and it will not be serious, can be treated by taking antiseptics and using Ultraviolet light, constantly whining about the bad press he is generating by opening his mouth, trying to turn briefings into campaign event instead of public service briefings and a whole host of things and policies that have made us the number #1 coronavirus hotspot on on the planet with about 5 times the cases and 2 or 3 times the death toll of any other country on earth.


I hear Biden supports the xenaphobia move NOW lol

Problem was, Trump declared Mission Accomplished once he banned Chinese travel

Then he entered the Great Pause. One month when he did nothing. A month when he encouraged public interaction. A month he held huge campaign rallies. A month he did nothing to increase test capabilities and PPP.

A month when the TRUMPvirus took hold in this country
Problem was, Trump declared Mission Accomplished once he banned Chinese travel
He stopped Coronavirus dead in its tracks by the ban. No one ever got it again.

So he went golfing in February.

And also, he didn't ban Chinese travel. US citizens could still come into the US from China.

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