New Trump Ad Slams Biden: 'Surrender In Chief'

Donald Trump is running an ad slamming Biden for "surrendering". All that will do is remind people who it really was who "surrendered" to the Taliban. Biden simply carried out Trump's "surrender". I guess the ad is already out of date since Biden took out the ISIS-K leader yesterday. That's a real kick ass move. No surrender there at all.

Once again, Republicans don't even wait for the American bodies to get cold, or the families to grieve before they try to make political hay out of their deaths.
We could be paying a dollar less in gasoline and less in electricity prices and less in food prices just to start. We so bad needing one of your Islamic friends with a nuke or bio or chemical weapon detonating over your cities. If our currency does a rapid decline we are all in deep shit.
Did Trump know he was going to lose his reelection? Did he want to hamstring his Democratic successor?

CNN reports, "Robert Crews, a historian at Stanford University specializing in Afghanistan and central Asia, said he believes the Trump administration's deal with the Taliban last year played a role in the group's takeover of the country.

"The agreement struck last year laid out a 14-month timetable for the withdrawal of "all military forces of the United States, its allies and coalition partners." The US agreed to withdraw troops and release some 5,000 Taliban prisoners, while the Taliban agreed to take steps to prevent any group or individual, including al Qaeda, from using Afghanistan to threaten the security of the US or its allies."

The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan to about 2,500 by Friday, a drawdown that may have violated a last-minute congressional prohibition.

The reduction could complicate matters for the incoming Biden administration, which must determine how to handle a Trump administration commitment to the Taliban to remove all U.S. military, intelligence and contractor personnel from Afghanistan by May as a move to spur peace negotiations. Those talks are in an early stage.

Pentagon says US has dropped to 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan to about 2,500 by Friday, a drawdown that may have violated a last-minute congressional prohibition.

The article is dated Jan. 15, 2021. Trump is still President.
FACT A: Nearly two weeks ago the Afghan army collapsed without firing a shot. The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul while acquiring billions of dollars of American military equipment. The current chaos surrounding the Kabul airport ensued.

FACT B: According to most media sources, our President is to blame.

To blame our President, the media leaves out a lot crucial information. Instead of reminding viewers that the current chaos was a consequence of the Afghan army's sudden surrender, they concentrate on the current chaos and present sad stories about the Afghan people who are still living in the Middle ages.

Although the dominant forces in medieval Afghanistan are pure evil -- the Taliban, Haqqani Network, ISIS, ISIS-K, al Qaeda, and others -- this is rarely mentioned, although we got our fill of ISIS-K yesterday after they murdered thirteen Americans and 170 Afghans.

Despite that environment, some media geniuses insist after 20 years, 6,294 dead American troops and contractors, and $2 trillion that we should stay in Afghanistan because of imagined terrorist fears. Because of our heightened security due to 9/11, no terrorist organization has attacked America in 20 years, and they have only done it twice in our history. A group of jihadist terrorists attacked New York’s World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.

When insisting that we stay in Afghanistan for these perceived threats, none of this information is recalled by the media.

The media is also remiss in keeping Americans updated on the successes of the Biden operation while under extremely hazardous conditions.

NPR made this report in mid-July. "During the 20-year war in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan citizens served as interpreters, provided intelligence and assisted the U.S. and its coalition partners as drivers, security guards and in other roles.

"Roughly 18,000 Afghan nationals, along with tens of thousands of their family members, have applied for special immigrant visas to the U.S.

"Under the effort, called Operation Allies Refuge, as many as 70,000 Afghans will be flown out of Afghanistan to one or more third countries while they await visa processing."

105,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since mid-Aug. Renewed evacuation efforts ramped up a day before the militant group entered the Afghan capital on Aug. 15. Since the end of July, about 110,600 have been evacuated.

Approximately 4,500 of those people are Americans. Do the math. The rest are Afghans.

Only 500 Americans who wish to leave are left.

You won't hear any of this on the six o'clock news.
No surprise here since dotards are going out of fashion.
Washington Examiner

Most voters don't want Biden or Trump to run in 2024, poll finds​

The majority of registered voters do not want the next presidential election to be a rematch of the 2020 contest, according to a new poll conducted by Echelon Insights/Washington Examiner.

Only about a third of registered voters would like either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump to run again in 2024, according to the poll of 1,016 registered voters. On Trump, 59% said no to a third campaign, while 33% said yes, and 8% were unsure. For Biden, 51% said no to a reelection bid, while 34% said yes, and 15% were unsure.

Biden has been battered in recent days over a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and, already the oldest president to serve, would turn 82 shortly after Election Day. In the survey, 52% strongly or somewhat approved of the way he was performing as president, while 46% strongly or somewhat disapproved, though he was underwater on both immigration and foreign policy and at just 50% on the economy.
Enter a third-party candidate with a much better chance to gain enough votes to shake thing up… way more than Paul and his charts, won’t be comparable. I’m not saying a third-party candidate with strong popular backing is going to win in 2024, but can make a very good impression. 2028 is very possible for a win with the right candidate. Trying to look ahead to imagine what things will be like seven years from now is not even doable, but it makes me more certain that election outcomes will change significantly before then, one way or the other.
Enter a third-party candidate with a much better chance to gain enough votes to shake thing up… way more than Paul and his charts, won’t be comparable. I’m not saying a third-party candidate with strong popular backing is going to win in 2024, but can make a very good impression. 2028 is very possible for a win with the right candidate. Trying to look ahead to imagine what things will be like seven years from now is not even doable, but it makes me more certain that election outcomes will change significantly before then, one way or the other.
I highly think Republicans should vote third party from now on in every election
I highly think Republicans should vote third party from now on in every election
Now Lesh, you cannot cut in front of the line with wishful thinking. You first need to look at your own side, okay now, envision a ridged, split down the middle somewhere. Here, since I do try to be a nice poster, this is a good sound effect for that visual: Kaboom!! Following, a lot of smoke and mirrors brought out to deflect any truth about why the party split in half. I have a good guess who might get the projected blame! Lol
Now Lesh, you cannot cut in front of the line with wishful thinking. You first need to look at your own side, okay now, envision a ridged, split down the middle somewhere. Here, since I do try to be a nice poster, this is a good sound effect for that visual: Kaboom!! Following, a lot of smoke and mirrors brought out to deflect any truth about why the party split in half. I have a good guess who might get the projected blame! Lol
A more likely scenario could be a Republican landslide in the mid-terms, giving some Dems enough political cover to vote to remove Biden.
Now Lesh, you cannot cut in front of the line with wishful thinking. You first need to look at your own side, okay now, envision a ridged, split down the middle somewhere. Here, since I do try to be a nice poster, this is a good sound effect for that visual: Kaboom!! Following, a lot of smoke and mirrors brought out to deflect any truth about why the party split in half. I have a good guess who might get the projected blame! Lol
Yea. I tried. But there was nothing worth reading in that screed.

please tell me you cant be that ignorant??

he pulled them out and had to send them back in dumbass,,
But how many could he have pulled out? Biden was only left with 2500 military in Afghanistan by Trump,

for all bases there,

And for all the Afghan helpers and families with visas to get out of Afghanistan....maybe 150,000 of them and maybe another 10,000 American citizens left there... all needing to get out.... How could just 2500 or less military left there, get them all out???

Were we relying on the Afghan government, who gave up and ran to help with the exit and the evacuation of the 150,000 plus?

Or with Trump there was no plan to get them out, and that's why only 2500 military was left after Trump's last troop pull out, in December 2020?

And Biden? He knew we had only 2500 military there.... Not nearly enough for a mass evacuation of 150,000 plus people.... Did he also just plan to leave them there?

Or did he think the Afghan Army and govt would hold up, and be their helpers ...but misjudged them, completely? :dunno:

I think it's wrong for all the partisanship attacks on Biden at this time, while we are still in this operation...and the American Patriots bodies, aren't even buried yet...

It was NEVER like this...even 9/11 with Bush, who half the country believed he did not win the 2000 election, everyone came together, for a month or two, to support him.... Then it turned to politics and finger pointing and hatred showed its face.... But there was a grace period.... Sheesh.

We do need hearings to find out everything... !!!!!m

But lets finish the mission, first.
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Explain the difference
OMG stop talking about this subject you are clearly poorly informed. I know people who work at companies who manufacture night vision for the military. Even Americans are not allowed to purchase that advanced tech. There was a report yesterday on the inventory of military grade night vision gifted to the Afghanistan army, then seized by the Taliban and terrorists. The goggles are several thousand dollars each and the scopes are $10's of thousands each. This isn't the crap you can buy a Bass Pro Shop. :eusa_hand:
OMG stop talking about this subject you are clearly poorly informed. I know people who work at companies who manufacture night vision for the military. Even Americans are not allowed to purchase that advanced tech. There was a report yesterday on the inventory of military grade night vision gifted to the Afghanistan army, then seized by the Taliban and terrorists. The goggles are several thousand dollars each and the scopes are $10's of thousands each. This isn't the crap you can buy a Bass Pro Shop. :eusa_hand:
And it's a threat to the US how?
And it's a threat to the US how?
(face palm) it will find its way into the hands of the Chinese and Russians who will reverse engineer it. Which was the main point of the news piece on this which you obviously missed. Never mind their use of the tech in KILLING people. Wait...Joe Biden is that you??
But how many could he have pulled out? Biden was only left with 2500 military in Afghanistan by Trump,

for all bases there,

And for all the Afghan helpers and families with visas to get out of Afghanistan....maybe 150,000 of them and maybe another 10,000 American citizens left there... all needing to get out.... How could just 2500 or less military left there, get them all out???

Were we relying on the Afghan government, who gave up and ran to help with the exit and the evacuation of the 150,000 plus?

Or with Trump there was no plan to get them out, and that's why only 2500 military was left after Trump's last troop pull out, in December 2020?

And Biden? He knew we had only 2500 military there.... Not nearly enough for a mass evacuation of 150,000 plus people.... Did he also just plan to leave them there?

Or did he think the Afghan Army and govt would hold up, and be their helpers ...but misjudged them, completely? :dunno:

I think it's wrong for all the partisanship attacks on Biden at this time, while we are still in this operation...and the American Patriots bodies, aren't even buried yet...

It was NEVER like this...even 9/11 with Bush, who half the country believed he did not win the 2000 election, everyone came together, for a month or two, to support him.... Then it turned to politics and finger pointing and hatred showed its face.... But there was a grace period.... Sheesh.

We do need hearings to find out everything... !!!!!m

But lets finish the mission, first.
he has sent 6K back in to evacuate now,, so he could have done the same thing months ago,,

face it,, he fucked up really bad and its hilarious watch morons like you make excuses,, well it would be hilarious except for the fact many americans stand to be killed or become hostages,,
Of fuck off. Every time American citizens died in riots or were killed by police or were killed by other "whites" you ficking two faced hacks can't post your vitriol fast enough.

Biden fucked up and Americans died as a result. Those are the facts. Deal with it or cry, idgaf
Trump & his stooges couldn't wait to step over the bodies of the soldiers killed in that attack so they could release a political ad. Trump once again shows us what a no good craven self serving bastard he really is.

There's your boy. And you & your cult support it.
Trump & his stooges couldn't wait to step over the bodies of the soldiers killed in that attack so they could release a political ad. Trump once again shows us what a no good craven self serving bastard he really is.

There's your boy. And you & your cult support it.
I'm too drunk to comment. If fuck you seems appropriate that's my response

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