New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

I don't know much but VP Mike Pence got things figured out as to how a Grown Man like himself should treat 'strange' women . Just study Pence strategies and tactics , add a few of your own and everything should be ok ,
Oh how the left howled when they found out Pence amputated their favorite method of character assassination.
I don't know much but VP Mike Pence got things figured out as to how a Grown Man like himself should treat 'strange' women . Just study Pence strategies and tactics , add a few of your own and everything should be ok ,
Oh how the left howled when they found out Pence amputated their favorite method of character assassination.

Yeah they always try to get people by false accusation. When they attack, you know there is no chance an actual rape did occur.

Because the actual rapists and murderers, they want to go free.
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist

Racist says what?
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...
Why am I not surprised? Given Trumps record of denigrating women, this is exactly what I would expect. I want to hear from the female Trump supporters on this board .What do you think of this? How do you justify it?

New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Right-wing pundit and recently announced Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver has said that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the “‘right’ to leave the home and go to work.” He has claimed that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason “why we don’t want to be around you in a business.” And he has told women that they should carry themselves as “handmaidens” and “be submissive.”

Bottom line: New Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver claims that women are not equal to men, and argues that women would be better off acting like “handmaidens” rather than “queens,” telling women they should be “quiet, humble, and “submissive.”

Watch the video clip!!
Some liberals hold similar views about men

But either way the world still turns
Women arent equal to men in many ways. And vice versa.
Equality among people is something made up by complete losers so they dont feel like complete losers.

Harley is correct that men and women are never equal and should never be consider equal.

Sorry but it is true...

so they should be considered 2/3 of a male?

should they lose their vote?
right to run for office?
ALL rights?
should they be allowed to own property?

not all men are equal , either.

some men are BIGGER
some men are TALLER
some are SMARTER

Here we go with " Racist " for stating women and men are not equal...

Did I write anyone should lose their rights?

Nope, but as usual the left will scream that is what I meant...

Fact is no one is equal to the next person and to think you should be, well most of you are delusional as can be...

It's not racist, it's misogynistic. Exactly the same as racism in that it involves discrimination and bias against equal rights for an indentifiable group based on their supposed "inferiority" to men. The only difference between misogyny and racism, is that the basis for discrimination is sex, not race.

You are not equal to a man and a man is not equal to you... Got it!

You can not swing a damn hammer, carry massive amount of weight or do the physical sports of men and men can not birth a damn child, so get a good damn clue and realize no one is equal to the next person in life.

Someone will always be better, stronger, smarter and faster than you and saying everyone should be treated equal is a loser admitting they know they are not equal but can not accept the damn reality!

What utter bullshit. You're rationalizing depriving others of opportunity on the basis of race, sex and lot of other reasons having no basis in fact, or biology. It is you who is afraid of facing women or racial minorities on an equal playing field because you feel inferior already.

Are the people who are smarter or stronger than me? Yes, or course there are. Does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to compete on a level playing field in jobs for which I'm qualified and capable of doing?

As a woman who has spent my life in business, insurance, and law, and who was one of the first female bank managers in Canada, the hardest part of that job for me was having to get past people's preconceived ideas of what a woman is capable of doing. One real estate agent actually said to me "Why do you have this job instead of a man?", and my response was "Because I'm good at it".

I have a friend whose mother was the first female executive of the Law Society of Upper Canada. I believe she was elected Secretary. I feel privileged to have known her because she had to be so much better than any man to have overcome their biases and achieved that position.
So women are like children? I wonder if the women in your life- if there are any -know about your misogynist views.
------------------------------------- MANY are like children same as many liberals male and female . MANY liberals are like childdren . Heck , just read this BOARD . Heck , just read your own posts to see what I mean about childlike views and reasoning P.P.. .
I find it interesting that so many of you conservative guys are so threatened by the idea that woman can be equal to men. That speaks volumes about your confidence in your own masculinity
------------------------------------------------ not threatened but EQUALITY between male and female just isn't true even in simple things that can be measured like physical ability to rescue people from burning buildings or in fighting or in battle PP .
When women start having to register for the draft, and start filling 50 percent of the body bags... Get back to us...

When men smarten up and quite starting stupid and useless wars, neither the draft, nor the body bags will be needed.
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...

I especially liked the part where he said "if you're called a racist it must be because you're a racist", yet somehow that same logic does not apply to him.

What a hoot.
Women arent equal to men in many ways. And vice versa.
Equality among people is something made up by complete losers so they dont feel like complete losers.

Harley is correct that men and women are never equal and should never be consider equal.

Sorry but it is true...
Women arent equal to men in many ways. And vice versa.
Equality among people is something made up by complete losers so they dont feel like complete losers.

Harley is correct that men and women are never equal and should never be consider equal.

Sorry but it is true...
I would day that women are different with different strengths and weaknesses

but in the eyes of God they have equal value
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.
Harley is correct that men and women are never equal and should never be consider equal.

Sorry but it is true...

so they should be considered 2/3 of a male?

should they lose their vote?
right to run for office?
ALL rights?
should they be allowed to own property?

not all men are equal , either.

some men are BIGGER
some men are TALLER
some are SMARTER

Here we go with " Racist " for stating women and men are not equal...

Did I write anyone should lose their rights?

Nope, but as usual the left will scream that is what I meant...

Fact is no one is equal to the next person and to think you should be, well most of you are delusional as can be...

It's not racist, it's misogynistic. Exactly the same as racism in that it involves discrimination and bias against equal rights for an indentifiable group based on their supposed "inferiority" to men. The only difference between misogyny and racism, is that the basis for discrimination is sex, not race.

You are not equal to a man and a man is not equal to you... Got it!

You can not swing a damn hammer, carry massive amount of weight or do the physical sports of men and men can not birth a damn child, so get a good damn clue and realize no one is equal to the next person in life.

Someone will always be better, stronger, smarter and faster than you and saying everyone should be treated equal is a loser admitting they know they are not equal but can not accept the damn reality!

What utter bullshit. You're rationalizing depriving others of opportunity on the basis of race, sex and lot of other reasons having no basis in fact, or biology. It is you who is afraid of facing women or racial minorities on an equal playing field because you feel inferior already.

Are the people who are smarter or stronger than me? Yes, or course there are. Does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to compete on a level playing field in jobs for which I'm qualified and capable of doing?

As a woman who has spent my life in business, insurance, and law, and who was one of the first female bank managers in Canada, the hardest part of that job for me was having to get past people's preconceived ideas of what a woman is capable of doing. One real estate agent actually said to me "Why do you have this job instead of a man?", and my response was "Because I'm good at it".

I have a friend whose mother was the first female executive of the Law Society of Upper Canada. I believe she was elected Secretary. I feel privileged to have known her because she had to be so much better than any man to have overcome their biases and achieved that position.
------------------------------------- MANY are like children same as many liberals male and female . MANY liberals are like childdren . Heck , just read this BOARD . Heck , just read your own posts to see what I mean about childlike views and reasoning P.P.. .
I find it interesting that so many of you conservative guys are so threatened by the idea that woman can be equal to men. That speaks volumes about your confidence in your own masculinity
------------------------------------------------ not threatened but EQUALITY between male and female just isn't true even in simple things that can be measured like physical ability to rescue people from burning buildings or in fighting or in battle PP .
When women start having to register for the draft, and start filling 50 percent of the body bags... Get back to us...

When men smarten up and quite starting stupid and useless wars, neither the draft, nor the body bags will be needed.

Wow, what a load of shit if I ever read it!

No, you are not equal to the next person and never will be and demanding a level playing field is saying you are weak and can not face the same challenges as the next person who is excelling at the same thing you failed at!

Also women have been as brutal as men when it came to wars and if you proclaim that is a lie then you failed history because Queen Mary, Catherine the Great and Elizabeth I were to name a few that were war loving freaks!

So do not act like you or your sexist never enjoy the love of war and death!

Isn't funny how you know you are inferior as a human you claim my comments are based on racism but they are not and in fact many black men are better than me in sports, many asian men are better than me in mathematics, many Hispanic men are better than me at fixing cars, so race has nothing to do with my open but you see racism in your dreams!

So demanding a level field is a loser admitting they can never become as good as they proclaim they are equal to!

Women like you are lesser to great minds like Condoleezza Rice, Michelle Obama or even Hillary Clinton!

You are weak like Trump wives and believe society should bend the rules of life to make you feel better about yourself!
Y'know, I have no idea if this guy has actually said any of the things your looney-left publication claims he did - but I do know this: He's black.

So if you're attacking him or denouncing what he has said, you're a racist.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...

I especially liked the part where he said "if you're called a racist it must be because you're a racist", yet somehow that same logic does not apply to him.

What a hoot.
Your calling me a racist when I call that jackass out on his knuckle dragging misogyny - because he happens to be black is beyond stupid
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...

I especially liked the part where he said "if you're called a racist it must be because you're a racist", yet somehow that same logic does not apply to him.

What a hoot.
Your calling me a racist when I call that jackass out on his knuckle dragging misogyny - because he happens to be black is beyond stupid
“ If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist” -Progressive Patriot.
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls. I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”. Nobody could tell me that women aren’t as smart, strong or capable as men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her.

Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance.

The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks.

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

Such aggression is the root of crime, wars, greed, and other societal ills for which men are responsible for. There are far more men in prisons for dangerous and antisocial behaviour than women.
Are you suggesting that women should be relegated to the role of handmaiden or wet nurse?

Meanwhile, women should be penalized because men set up a system where they were excluded from the draft and only recently became allowed to serve in combat ?

It is a deep shame on our society that we now send women into war.

Only savages send women and children into combat, putting them in harm's way.

Real men have a deep instinct and duty to protect women and children.
Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy [sic] are a racist

Any more, it seems that being called a “racist” only means nothing more nor less than that one is winning an argument with a LIbEral.

Why am I not surprised? Given Trumps record of denigrating women, this is exactly what I would expect. I want to hear from the female Trump supporters on this board .What do you think of this? How do you justify it?

New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Right-wing pundit and recently announced Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver has said that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the “‘right’ to leave the home and go to work.” He has claimed that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason “why we don’t want to be around you in a business.” And he has told women that they should carry themselves as “handmaidens” and “be submissive.”

Bottom line: New Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver claims that women are not equal to men, and argues that women would be better off acting like “handmaidens” rather than “queens,” telling women they should be “quiet, humble, and “submissive.”

Watch the video clip!!

He can think that all he wants. He can tell people what he thinks all he wants. The constitution gives him the right to tell everyone what a total jerk he is.

The reality is that we live in a society that some men can't compete with women and they are having a hard time with it.

We women are the majority sex in this nation. We aren't going to allow jerks like that man and trump take what we have fought so hard for, for so long.

They can sit around and bash women all they want. We women will continue to make progress in our struggle for equality in our world and there's absolutely nothing that man or any man can do to stop us.
Why am I not surprised? Given Trumps record of denigrating women, this is exactly what I would expect. I want to hear from the female Trump supporters on this board .What do you think of this? How do you justify it?

New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Right-wing pundit and recently announced Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver has said that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the “‘right’ to leave the home and go to work.” He has claimed that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason “why we don’t want to be around you in a business.” And he has told women that they should carry themselves as “handmaidens” and “be submissive.”

Bottom line: New Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver claims that women are not equal to men, and argues that women would be better off acting like “handmaidens” rather than “queens,” telling women they should be “quiet, humble, and “submissive.”

Watch the video clip!!

Melissa Etheridge wrote a song that sums up what these stupid old men are facing if they try to take our rights from us:


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