New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Why am I not surprised? Given Trumps record of denigrating women, this is exactly what I would expect. I want to hear from the female Trump supporters on this board .What do you think of this? How do you justify it?

New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Right-wing pundit and recently announced Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver has said that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the “‘right’ to leave the home and go to work.” He has claimed that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason “why we don’t want to be around you in a business.” And he has told women that they should carry themselves as “handmaidens” and “be submissive.”

Bottom line: New Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver claims that women are not equal to men, and argues that women would be better off acting like “handmaidens” rather than “queens,” telling women they should be “quiet, humble, and “submissive.”

Watch the video clip!!

He can think that all he wants. He can tell people what he thinks all he wants. The constitution gives him the right to tell everyone what a total jerk he is.

The reality is that we live in a society that some men can't compete with women and they are having a hard time with it.

We women are the majority sex in this nation. We aren't going to allow jerks like that man and trump take what we have fought so hard for, for so long.

They can sit around and bash women all they want. We women will continue to make progress in our struggle for equality in our world and there's absolutely nothing that man or any man can do to stop us.
------------------------------------------------------ not about bashing or equality even , to me its simply about putting some 'femi nazi ' women on notice that they are FOS Dana .
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I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls. I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”. Nobody could tell me that women aren’t as smart, strong or capable as men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her.

Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance.

The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks..

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

Such aggression is the root of crime, wars, greed, and other societal ills for which men are responsible for. There are far more men in prisons for dangerous and antisocial behaviour than women.

The average man is physically much superior to woman in almost every way that matters.

To state anything else is simply put a lie. Which is why you had to have a wall of text to cover the fact up.
... They can sit around and bash women all they want. We women will continue to make progress in our struggle for equality in our world and there's absolutely nothing that man or any man can do to stop us.

Mister Colt, Mr Remington, and I disagree with the bolder portion of your comments.
Meanwhile, women should be penalized because men set up a system where they were excluded from the draft and only recently became allowed to serve in combat ?

It is a deep shame on our society that we now send women into war.

Only savages send women and children into combat, putting them in harm's way.

Real men have a deep instinct and duty to protect women and children.

Generally speaking, when women and children are in harm's way, it is men who put them there. It is men who form the armies and make war on one another. When families have issues of physical or sexual abuse or assault, those crimes are committed by men, and all too often, men who are part of their immediately families.
That is pretty warped reasoning. He says sexist shit. I attack him for that. That makes me a racist because he is black? Get a fucking grip Bubba.

Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...

I especially liked the part where he said "if you're called a racist it must be because you're a racist", yet somehow that same logic does not apply to him.

What a hoot.
Your calling me a racist when I call that jackass out on his knuckle dragging misogyny - because he happens to be black is beyond stupid

Nah. You're just a racist.
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls. I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”. Nobody could tell me that women aren’t as smart, strong or capable as men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her.

Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance.

The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks..

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

Such aggression is the root of crime, wars, greed, and other societal ills for which men are responsible for. There are far more men in prisons for dangerous and antisocial behaviour than women.

The average man is physically much superior to woman in almost every way that matters.

To state anything else is simply put a lie. Which is why you had to have a wall of text to cover the fact up.
So what ? The issue is equality . Should the be treated differently socially and legally ? Do you agree with that jackass who says the society was damaged when women became allowed to work outside of the home. ? Yes or no! Do you agrees that sexual harassment is the fault of women simply because of their presence in the workplace? Yes or no!
Oh no no no, cupcake. I and millions of others spent 8 years being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies. I have therefore adopted the left's qualifications for racism. If the subject in question is a black conservative, and you disagree with them, you're a fucking racist.

Own it.
Totally fucking moronic. It is a non sequitur logical fallacy . You were not called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. If you were call a racist it must be because yoy are a racist
Have you gone back, and reread this post of yours; and realized just how retarded it was? Just askin’...

I especially liked the part where he said "if you're called a racist it must be because you're a racist", yet somehow that same logic does not apply to him.

What a hoot.
Your calling me a racist when I call that jackass out on his knuckle dragging misogyny - because he happens to be black is beyond stupid

Nah. You're just a racist.
You're just a pathetic jackass
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls.

Your anecdotal situation is just that. If you want to truly gauge swimming performance, review where the best of the best meet up: The Olympics.

List of Olympic records in swimming - Wikipedia

And would you look at that? Not a single woman is faster than a man in the same event.

I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”.

Again with the anecdotes.

The 40 smartest people of all time - 88% men.
30 Smartest People Alive Today - 87% men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her. Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance. The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks.

Now you're just getting silly. Outliers do not change the prevailing standards. For every " 6'1" 230 lbs of muscle" female there's 10 males with the same characteristics. If your claim about lower body strength were true, this would also be reflected in the Olypmics. It's not:

List of Olympic records in athletics - Wikipedia

If men and women are oh so equal, then why are the PFT standards for them different in the military? Army Basic Training PFT

Men tend to die younger because they assume riskier jobs. 93% of workplace deaths are men: Gender Pay Gap? What About The Workplace Death Gap? | Investor's Business Daily

I don't see many women working in foundries or scaling skyscrapers - do you?

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

It most certainly does. Would you like to know why? Because there are only 2 ways in this world to convince someone to do something: Reason and force. When reason fails, force is the only other option. And if that option is a contest between men and women - women lose, horribly.

Why you feminazis insist on being something you're not really boggles my mind. Women are built to bear and rear children, something men absolutely cannot do. It should be celebrated, as you propagate the human race, but you look upon it with disdain. You blame men for all the ills in the world yet seek to emulate them. How does that even remotely make sense?

And spare me the "women are more docile than men, so there'd be less conflict" diatribe. I've seen, more times than I can count, what happens among groups of women that have beef with eachother. Women are far more petty and tribal than any man I've ever known. More than once I've peeled one woman off another when the cat claws come out, so don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
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Do you agrees that sexual harassment is the fault of women simply because of their presence in the workplace? Yes or no!

Try being a young woman in the construction arena

It's like feeding time @ the zoo

but this brings us to>

Generally speaking, when women and children are in harm's way, it is men who put them there

I can recall one incident where, i was standing next to another my age who lamented one particular young testosterone poisoned lad's oogling with a 'we got daughters kid' sneer

ya, that's how we're wired

no, we ain't apologizing for it

Meanwhile, women should be penalized because men set up a system where they were excluded from the draft and only recently became allowed to serve in combat ?

It is a deep shame on our society that we now send women into war.

Only savages send women and children into combat, putting them in harm's way.

Real men have a deep instinct and duty to protect women and children.

Generally speaking, when women and children are in harm's way, it is men who put them there. It is men who form the armies and make war on one another. When families have issues of physical or sexual abuse or assault, those crimes are committed by men, and all too often, men who are part of their immediately families.
--------------------------------------------- I just advocate for woman to take care of themselves if they are so EQUAL but foot loose and fancy free . I described a woman in a previous post that is EQUAL but she fears Rapists because she fears them because in her heart , she knows that she isn't Free or EQUAL . Of course and generally speaking I do advocate that a Man take care of HIS family , wife and kids because they are HIS DLady .
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I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls.

Your anecdotal situation is just that. If you want to truly gauge swimming performance, review where the best of the best meet up: The Olympics.

List of Olympic records in swimming - Wikipedia

And would you look at that? Not a single woman is faster than a man in the same event.

I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”.

Again with the anecdotes.

The 40 smartest people of all time - 88% men.
30 Smartest People Alive Today - 87% men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her. Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance. The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks.

Now you're just getting silly. Outliers do not change the prevailing standards. For every " 6'1" 230 lbs of muscle" female there's 10 males with the same characteristics. If your claim about lower body strength were true, this would also be reflected in the Olypmics. It's not:

List of Olympic records in athletics - Wikipedia

If men and women are oh so equal, then why are the PFT standards for them different in the military? Army Basic Training PFT

Men tend to die younger because they assume riskier jobs. 93% of workplace deaths are men: Gender Pay Gap? What About The Workplace Death Gap? | Investor's Business Daily

I don't see many women working in foundries or scaling skyscrapers - do you?

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

It most certainly does. Would you like to know why? Because there are only 2 ways in this world to convince someone to do something: Reason and force. When reason fails, force is the only other option. And if that option is a contest between men and women - women lose, horribly.

Why you feminazis insist on being something you're not really boggles my mind. Women are built to bear and rear children, something men absolutely cannot do. It should be celebrated, as you propagate the human race, but you look upon it with disdain. You blame men for all the ills in the world yet seek to emulate them. How does that even remotely make sense?

And spare me the "women are more docile than men, so there'd be less conflict" diatribe. I've seen, more times than I can count, what happens among groups of women that have beef with eachother. Women are far more petty and tribal than any man I've ever known. More than once I've peeled one woman off another when the cat claws come out, so don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

You must hang out with a low class of people. The powerful men and women I know NEVER resort to violence. Only those who are weak or corrupt do that.
take care of your self . Quit looking for MEN to take care of you DLady ,
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls.

Your anecdotal situation is just that. If you want to truly gauge swimming performance, review where the best of the best meet up: The Olympics.

List of Olympic records in swimming - Wikipedia

And would you look at that? Not a single woman is faster than a man in the same event.

I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”.

Again with the anecdotes.

The 40 smartest people of all time - 88% men.
30 Smartest People Alive Today - 87% men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her. Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance. The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks.

Now you're just getting silly. Outliers do not change the prevailing standards. For every " 6'1" 230 lbs of muscle" female there's 10 males with the same characteristics. If your claim about lower body strength were true, this would also be reflected in the Olypmics. It's not:

List of Olympic records in athletics - Wikipedia

If men and women are oh so equal, then why are the PFT standards for them different in the military? Army Basic Training PFT

Men tend to die younger because they assume riskier jobs. 93% of workplace deaths are men: Gender Pay Gap? What About The Workplace Death Gap? | Investor's Business Daily

I don't see many women working in foundries or scaling skyscrapers - do you?

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

It most certainly does. Would you like to know why? Because there are only 2 ways in this world to convince someone to do something: Reason and force. When reason fails, force is the only other option. And if that option is a contest between men and women - women lose, horribly.

Why you feminazis insist on being something you're not really boggles my mind. Women are built to bear and rear children, something men absolutely cannot do. It should be celebrated, as you propagate the human race, but you look upon it with disdain. You blame men for all the ills in the world yet seek to emulate them. How does that even remotely make sense?

And spare me the "women are more docile than men, so there'd be less conflict" diatribe. I've seen, more times than I can count, what happens among groups of women that have beef with eachother. Women are far more petty and tribal than any man I've ever known. More than once I've peeled one woman off another when the cat claws come out, so don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

You must hang out with a low class of people. The powerful men and women I know NEVER resort to violence. Only those who are weak or corrupt do that.

Oh shut the hell up you blathering idiot.

Violence created the freest nation the world has ever seen.
Violence ended slavery.
Violence defeated the Nazis.

This is reality, cupcake. Your fantasy world of hugs and kisses doesn't exist.
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls.

Your anecdotal situation is just that. If you want to truly gauge swimming performance, review where the best of the best meet up: The Olympics.

List of Olympic records in swimming - Wikipedia

And would you look at that? Not a single woman is faster than a man in the same event.

I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”.

Again with the anecdotes.

The 40 smartest people of all time - 88% men.
30 Smartest People Alive Today - 87% men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her. Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance. The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks.

Now you're just getting silly. Outliers do not change the prevailing standards. For every " 6'1" 230 lbs of muscle" female there's 10 males with the same characteristics. If your claim about lower body strength were true, this would also be reflected in the Olypmics. It's not:

List of Olympic records in athletics - Wikipedia

If men and women are oh so equal, then why are the PFT standards for them different in the military? Army Basic Training PFT

Men tend to die younger because they assume riskier jobs. 93% of workplace deaths are men: Gender Pay Gap? What About The Workplace Death Gap? | Investor's Business Daily

I don't see many women working in foundries or scaling skyscrapers - do you?

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

It most certainly does. Would you like to know why? Because there are only 2 ways in this world to convince someone to do something: Reason and force. When reason fails, force is the only other option. And if that option is a contest between men and women - women lose, horribly.

Why you feminazis insist on being something you're not really boggles my mind. Women are built to bear and rear children, something men absolutely cannot do. It should be celebrated, as you propagate the human race, but you look upon it with disdain. You blame men for all the ills in the world yet seek to emulate them. How does that even remotely make sense?

And spare me the "women are more docile than men, so there'd be less conflict" diatribe. I've seen, more times than I can count, what happens among groups of women that have beef with eachother. Women are far more petty and tribal than any man I've ever known. More than once I've peeled one woman off another when the cat claws come out, so don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

You must hang out with a low class of people. The powerful men and women I know NEVER resort to violence. Only those who are weak or corrupt do that.

Oh shut the hell up you blathering idiot.

Violence created the freest nation the world has ever seen.
Violence ended slavery.
Violence defeated the Nazis.

This is reality, cupcake. Your fantasy world of hugs and kisses doesn't exist.
------------------------------------------------ good post and totally true in your post 175 so thankyou SBill ,
Why am I not surprised? Given Trumps record of denigrating women, this is exactly what I would expect. I want to hear from the female Trump supporters on this board .What do you think of this? How do you justify it?

New Trump Advisory Board Member: ‘Men And Women Are Not Equal’

Right-wing pundit and recently announced Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver has said that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the “‘right’ to leave the home and go to work.” He has claimed that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason “why we don’t want to be around you in a business.” And he has told women that they should carry themselves as “handmaidens” and “be submissive.”

Bottom line: New Trump advisory board member Clarence Mason Weaver claims that women are not equal to men, and argues that women would be better off acting like “handmaidens” rather than “queens,” telling women they should be “quiet, humble, and “submissive.”

Watch the video clip!!
/—-/ Libs taught us that criticizing a Black is racist. You should be ashamed.
I had a great advantage as in the 60’s I was playing tennis as a 7 year old and there weren’t many guys so played against a lot of 8,9,10 year old girls. Thus I never viewed them as anything but equals as the age difference made it very competitive
I began to realize by age 10 myself that other boys did not think like me but that advantage I acquired early on has allowed me to always be comfortable around women and they with me and it went well.

I grew up on a swimming team where all the fastest swimmers were girls. I won all of the “Top grades in the class awards in Public school”. Nobody could tell me that women aren’t as smart, strong or capable as men.

Everyone, male or female, has strengths and weaknesses. Physical strength is based on size and frame. I have a female friend who used to work as a bouncer in a bar - 6’ 1”, 230 lbs of muscle. It took 3 guys to get her off the last guy who decided to try her.

Generally speaking, women are physically smaller than men but they are in many ways, stronger than men. They have more lower body strength than men, who have stronger upper bodies. Women live longer which suggests greater physical strength and endurance.

The death rate for young men is much higher which suggests that young women are smarter and more practical than men and take fewer dangerous or foolish risks..

I notice those claiming male superiority are doing so on the basis of physical strength and aggression. That doesn’t make men superior. I would consider excess aggression as a negative male trait which makes many men inferior to women.

Such aggression is the root of crime, wars, greed, and other societal ills for which men are responsible for. There are far more men in prisons for dangerous and antisocial behaviour than women.

The average man is physically much superior to woman in almost every way that matters.

To state anything else is simply put a lie. Which is why you had to have a wall of text to cover the fact up.
So what ? The issue is equality . Should the be treated differently socially and legally ? Do you agree with that jackass who says the society was damaged when women became allowed to work outside of the home. ? Yes or no! Do you agrees that sexual harassment is the fault of women simply because of their presence in the workplace? Yes or no!

The problem is not that women are working, the problem is that they are not fulfilling their primary responsibility of making children. The other problem is that they are in net using wast amounts of tax dollars produced by males. The independent female turns out to be a myth in general.

Turns out the idea to attempt to make women worse version of males is utterly idiotic.
Women should be submissive? How exactly? Women were forced to leave the home because it was either that or not eat. In most cases it takes two full time incomes just to get by and without the ability to save. A woman's place is now the workplace. Get over it. America became greater when this happened. If a male has issues with it the male needs to go somewhere without women. Then there are those who complain about women not wanting kids and choosing work instead. Even bigger losers they are.
Meanwhile, women should be penalized because men set up a system where they were excluded from the draft and only recently became allowed to serve in combat ?

It is a deep shame on our society that we now send women into war.

Only savages send women and children into combat, putting them in harm's way.

Real men have a deep instinct and duty to protect women and children.

Generally speaking, when women and children are in harm's way, it is men who put them there. It is men who form the armies and make war on one another. When families have issues of physical or sexual abuse or assault, those crimes are committed by men, and all too often, men who are part of their immediately families.

Oh my... not only are you a Canadian, but now... also a feminist.

Batshit insane individual, find a board for people with mental issues, this one is for Americans.

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