New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

NARA and PRA are only about them getting additional copies, not originals or presidential copies.
Why is everybody on your side playing stupid. The whole idea of the PRA is to preserve important (aka with historical value) presidential records.
Has Trump taken photocopies of the letter he got from Kim Jong Un, there would be no problem, Trump could call them personal documents. But Trump took the originals, which were historical presidential documents.
And the NARA realized that the Kim Jong Un letter was missing from the documents handed over to the National Archives and went looking for it.
Why is everybody on your side playing stupid. The whole idea of the PRA is to preserve important (aka with historical value) presidential records.
Has Trump taken photocopies of the letter he got from Kim Jong Un, there would be no problem, Trump could call them personal documents. But Trump took the originals, which were historical presidential documents.
And the NARA realized that the Kim Jong Un letter was missing from the documents handed over to the National Archives and went looking for it.
wow keeping a document from kim jong un. To a democrate that otta be about 50 years
That is true of "sitting presidents"

Ex-presidents have ZERO presidential authority over their records. The only authority they have is that granted by the Presidential Records act.

When president, the point is they get to give copies of classified docs to whomever they want, like ambassadors, general, labs, allies, etc.
None of those docs need to be returned when the president's term is over.
So then when president, they can give copies of all classified docs to themselves.
And they do NOT ever have to return them.
And in fact ALL presidents have always kept their personal copies of classified docs, for their memoirs, etc.
Any claim that ex-president "have zero authority over their records" clearly is lying.
Who else could possibly have authority over them?
Clearly not NARA, which is the joke at the end of the "Indiana Jones" movie, where the Ark of the Covenant become lost in a huge NARA warehouse.

And you totally have the Presidential Records Act backwards.
The point of the PRA is to ensure the FOIA gets future access for archival purposes.
The right of ex-presidents over their records came first and is inherent.
The slow progress towards Freedom of Information transparency is only a very recent attempt to allow us access to COPIES, NOT ORIGINALS. The ex-presidents have their own copies separate of NARA and PRA.
First of all, no AR-14 was ever produced.
You guys are talking about AR-15s or M-16s.
Second is that all police are issued an AR-15, but obvious captain Bryn, who shot Ashlie Babbitt, was plain clothes, not in uniform, so was not carrying his AR-15.
He shot her with a pistol.
Why is everybody on your side playing stupid. The whole idea of the PRA is to preserve important (aka with historical value) presidential records.
Has Trump taken photocopies of the letter he got from Kim Jong Un, there would be no problem, Trump could call them personal documents. But Trump took the originals, which were historical presidential documents.
And the NARA realized that the Kim Jong Un letter was missing from the documents handed over to the National Archives and went looking for it.

It is the PRA and NARA who are supposed to be getting copies only.
The originals require personal care, and traditionally go into the presidential library run BY the ex-president. NARA can not actually or legally take that over. All NARA can do is help ex-presidents do whatever they want.
There is absolutely authority by which anyone can over rule an ex-president on their documents.
He shot her with a pistol.

Yes, but we should also remember that at only 10' away, he could instead of a deliberately painful and deadly shot in the neck, yelled a warning, fired a warning shot, aimed at a limb, etc.
It was about the most disgusting thing I had ever seen.
Classification rules do NOT at all apply to presidents or anyone presidents give copies to, including themselves.
Presidents can have classified info printed in public newspapers if they so choose.
We were talking about automatic, not wilful declassification

Hmmn,, wrong. The minute he takes them out of the White House, they are no longer classified.
It is the PRA and NARA who are supposed to be getting copies only.
The originals require personal care, and traditionally go into the presidential library run BY the ex-president. NARA can not actually or legally take that over. All NARA can do is help ex-presidents do whatever they want.
There is absolutely authority by which anyone can over rule an ex-president on their documents.

Let me educate you. NARA runs the presidential libraries.

the National Archives and Records Administration
The Presidential Library system is composed of fourteen Presidential Libraries. These facilities are overseen by the Office of Presidential Libraries, in the National Archives and Records Administration.

The Library is then transferred to the Federal government and operated and maintained by NARA through its congressionally appropriated operating budget. Some staff and programs at Presidential Libraries are paid for with funds from associated private foundations organized to fund the construction of the Library.
Yes, but we should also remember that at only 10' away, he could instead of a deliberately painful and deadly shot in the neck, yelled a warning, fired a warning shot, aimed at a limb, etc.
It was about the most disgusting thing I had ever seen.
Actually to do so would be illegal.
Why is everybody on your side playing stupid. The whole idea of the PRA is to preserve important (aka with historical value) presidential records.
Has Trump taken photocopies of the letter he got from Kim Jong Un, there would be no problem, Trump could call them personal documents. But Trump took the originals, which were historical presidential documents.
And the NARA realized that the Kim Jong Un letter was missing from the documents handed over to the National Archives and went looking for it.
They arent playing stupid. They are stupid.
Trump isn't allowed to order the Prosecution of anyone as POTUS you retard.

Only dictators ignore that. Like your hero xiden, and more importantly the swamp.

Ok nutbag, time for a reality check:

Trump consistently had his crowds chanting about jailing Clinton. Nodding right along.

During debates he promised to get Clinton jailed if elected. You rw nutters had zero problems with that.

Biden and Clinton has consistently promised to not interfere in politically sensitive prosecutions.

To date, there is no evidence that Biden has interfered in any such investigations.

Trump appointed three Republican AG's who brought zero charges against Clinton. Trump DOJ IG report also found no evidence of obstruction criminality by Clinton and prior declination to prosecute for email mishandling to be reasonable and consistent with department practice.

And here is you, 4 years later still spreading same ol' long ago trashed bs.
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Ok nutbag, time for a reality check:

Trump consistently had his crowds chanting about jailing Clinton. Nodding right along.

During debates his promised to get Clinton jailed if elected.

Biden and Clinton has consistently promised to not interfere in politically sensitive prosecutions.

To date, there is no evidence that Biden has interfered in any such investigations.

Trump appointed three Republican AG's who brought zero charges against Clinton. Trump DOJ IG report also found no evidence of obstruction criminality by Clinton and prior declination to prosecute for email mishandling to be reasonable and consistent with department practice.

And here is you, 4 years later still spreading same ol' long ago trashed bs.
Not to mention Trump's AG's had 4 years to investigate Biden. Nothing.
What are you an IDIOT. The president takes the "football" out of the white house whenever he leaves the white house. And the nuclear codes don't become "no longer classified" when he does that.

"Them" means the papers, dumbass. It doesn't refer to the football.
That is true of "sitting presidents"

Ex-presidents have ZERO presidential authority over their records. The only authority they have is that granted by the Presidential Records act.
Trump was the sitting president when he took the documents, dumbass . The Presidential Records Act did not take away his authority to declassify documents.
Ok nutbag, time for a reality check:

Trump consistently had his crowds chanting about jailing Clinton. Nodding right along.

During debates he promised to get Clinton jailed if elected. You rw nutters had zero problems with that.

Biden and Clinton has consistently promised to not interfere in politically sensitive prosecutions.

To date, there is no evidence that Biden has interfered in any such investigations.

You just proved that you're a terminal moron.

Trump appointed three Republican AG's who brought zero charges against Clinton. Trump DOJ IG report also found no evidence of obstruction criminality by Clinton and prior declination to prosecute for email mishandling to be reasonable and consistent with department practice.

And here is you, 4 years later still spreading same ol' long ago trashed bs.
The failures if the Trump administration aren't being discussed here.

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