New Trump-Russia emails could establish a 'devastating' legal entanglement for Paul Manafort


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
New Trump-Russia emails could establish a 'devastating' legal entanglement for Paul Manafort
Source: Washington Post
The ongoing investigation into whether President Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Moscow during the 2016 election gained new traction on Monday when The Washington Post reported that a foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopolous, sent at least six emails during the campaign offering to set up meetings with Russian leaders.

Papadopolous sent the first email to seven campaign advisers in March 2016 with the subject line "Meeting with Russian Leadership - Including Putin." His requests were reportedly met with hesitancy from multiple campaign officials, including retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, who voiced concerns about violating both US sanctions on Russia and the Logan Act, a law forbidding US citizens from negotiating with foreign governments without authorization.

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman and a current subject in the Russia investigation, also expressed concerns about the proposal and rejected Papadopoulos' request for a meeting between Trump and Russian officials in May 2016, according to The Post.

Read more: Here's why new Trump-Russia emails could be 'devastating'

Trump is going down!
The bad part is, this was some junior staffer. Once senior members were presented with the possibility of sending these e-mails, they shot the whole idea down in some pretty funny comments. Tucker Carlson went through the whole embarassing mess for Wapo.

So, a swing and a miss, again.
oh noooo new Russia devastating email omigodddddddddddddddddd :rolleyes-41:

New Trump-Russia emails could establish a 'devastating' legal entanglement for Paul Manafort
Source: Washington Post
The ongoing investigation into whether President Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Moscow during the 2016 election gained new traction on Monday when The Washington Post reported that a foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopolous, sent at least six emails during the campaign offering to set up meetings with Russian leaders.

Papadopolous sent the first email to seven campaign advisers in March 2016 with the subject line "Meeting with Russian Leadership - Including Putin." His requests were reportedly met with hesitancy from multiple campaign officials, including retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, who voiced concerns about violating both US sanctions on Russia and the Logan Act, a law forbidding US citizens from negotiating with foreign governments without authorization.

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman and a current subject in the Russia investigation, also expressed concerns about the proposal and rejected Papadopoulos' request for a meeting between Trump and Russian officials in May 2016, according to The Post.

Read more: Here's why new Trump-Russia emails could be 'devastating'

Trump is going down!
Manaford does not want to go to prison. He'll sing like a bird on Trump in a NY minute.

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