New Tucker texts released: "I hoped they'd hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it."

Anyone repeating this stuff is just falling for the corporate powers that be that everyone knew were going to go after Tucker the second he was fired.
So - do what your corporate masters tell you, believe all what they say... cause they are going to keep right on doing this till you believe it so they can put in someone else who will also obey their wishes like you.
I can just imagine that insane giggling that lil'tucker does when he was watching the video of that guy getting beat up.
Anti-fascists are young woke Americans. No wonder MAGAts are trying to make it difficult if not impossible for them to exercise their right to vote.
Its not the vote. Citizens have been turned. With the endless left wingers in every way including elected changing the United States into something else while spouting "Democracy" and the peasants voting for their eventual waterloo. There are people who recognize this. So, all of the social justice is used to blur the real reason of that goal. We came out of WW 2 the richest nation on the planet. With real foundation and for another quarter century continued to do so. Then it started to fall apart, and we have become the indebted society. And every year we depend on more and more debt. Manufacturing is important in a sovereign nation. However, that future is dim.
They should hate darkies tho.....since darkies are sub-human savages.....

we need to find a way to identify the good blacks when you see them.....if we can have them wear uniforms or something, it will make it easier to tell them apart from the bad blacks......

Like if you look at this can you tell which of these blacks is a bad thug black that we should fear vs the good black?? They all look dangerous and scary to how can we know?

View attachment 781835

But if we made them wear uniforms or something to make them less scary and dark...then we would know they are doctors....
View attachment 781836
Good Lord a-mercy! :oops:
"That's not how white men fight"

What a weird thing to say, a weird thought to even enter a person's mind.

What kind of person even thinks that, let alone says it?
The white man that fights and knows how white men fight. Apparently not you.

White men and old school black men and everybody. If you can't give them a head-up fade, you're not on our level.

Jumping people smaller than you with 4-5 people is what pussies do.

New texts released from the dominion case reveal that Tucker temporarily rooted for a mob of Trump supporters when three surrounded an anti-fa protester. He also expressed disappointment that they ganged up on him, saying, "That's not how white men fight."

In fairness in his next texts he says he regretted feeling that way and wanted to remember that was someone else's kid, but the texts nonetheless reveal that Tucker Carlson is:

1. A racist (uh duh)
2. Harboring a deep hatred for the far left (also not surprising but scary for a 'news' anchor to cheer on a kid's death. That shouldn't be normal.)
A deep hatred of the far-left.....well, I harbor the same sentiment towards the left. Everyone keeps avoiding describing what the far-left really is: It's Communism. It is and always has been the enemy of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Communists should all be rounded up and shipped off to North Korea or China. Let them live where they should be happy.

New texts released from the dominion case reveal that Tucker temporarily rooted for a mob of Trump supporters when three surrounded an anti-fa protester. He also expressed disappointment that they ganged up on him, saying, "That's not how white men fight."

In fairness in his next texts he says he regretted feeling that way and wanted to remember that was someone else's kid, but the texts nonetheless reveal that Tucker Carlson is:

1. A racist (uh duh)
2. Harboring a deep hatred for the far left (also not surprising but scary for a 'news' anchor to cheer on a kid's death. That shouldn't be normal.)

It's too bad they didn't take out the Aunt Teefah piece of shit.
They should hate darkies tho.....since darkies are sub-human savages.....

we need to find a way to identify the good blacks when you see them.....if we can have them wear uniforms or something, it will make it easier to tell them apart from the bad blacks......

Like if you look at this can you tell which of these blacks is a bad thug black that we should fear vs the good black?? They all look dangerous and scary to how can we know?

View attachment 781835

But if we made them wear uniforms or something to make them less scary and dark...then we would know they are doctors....
View attachment 781836
...Tucker? Is that you?

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