New Twitter files drop Dec 16th…FBI directly contacted Twitter and told them who to ban…emails to prove it,

Just scroll down on Matt Taaibi’s feed. Its all there.

The FBI telling Twitter who to ban is a clear 1A violation. They met weekly.

Jen Psaki said the WH met regularly with social media Execs.


This pod discusses is pretty well.

Direct link to the thread....







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Who the hell said FBI doesn't co-ordinate with social media? Why wouldn't they?

FBI sent the list, Twitter reviewed and agreed.

You have no wiggle room, cult fuck.


You know it. Why do you always fucking move the goalposts. Before you said it was ok for Twitter to ban anyone unilaterally. Now you are saying it is ok for the FBI to tell Twitter to ban people.

Trump cant even block people on Twitter.

A court in New York found that when President Trump blocks people on Twitter, he violates the First Amendment because he is discriminating against certain viewpoints and preventing them from participating in debate on his Twitter page.

Now you are telling me it is ok for the FBI to tell Twitter who to ban?

You left wing lying assholes are too much for me.
Who the hell said FBI doesn't co-ordinate with social media? Why wouldn't they?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The government can't censor free speech, and it is likewise illegal for the government to collude with a private company to do something that the government cannot do itself.
Matt Taibbi just makes stupid stuff up. None of the messages say what he claims they say.

So why is he doing it? Because he's a partisan hack, and he gets paid well to create propaganda.

The goal here is to justify the ongoing consevative censorship crusade, as currently highlighted by "I'M BANNING EVERY LIBERAL FOR BEING A LIBERAL" Elon Musk, or by "I'LL MAKE IT A FEDERAL CRIME TO FACT CHECK" Donald Trump.

Needless to say, many conservatives are thrilled to see Taibbi lie, because their lives are dedicated to censorship. That's how fascists roll.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The government can't censor free speech, and it is likewise illegal for the government to collude with a private company to do something that the government cannot do itself.

That poster knows. They are just an unprincipled asshole who always moves the goalposts.

Go back and look at some of the posts that poster has made.

They are always wrong on nearly every issue.

Just scroll down on Matt Taaibi’s feed. Its all there.

The FBI telling Twitter who to ban is a clear 1A violation. They met weekly.

Jen Psaki said the WH met regularly with social media Execs.


This pod discusses is pretty well.

This is the other shoe that was waiting to drop. Any American with a logical mind already knows the FBI has been converted to a Democrat Party Secret Police force. This is just more irrefutable proof. Wray and all the Democrat operatives running the FBI need to be fired and then investigated.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The government can't censor free speech, and it is likewise illegal for the government to collude with a private company to do something that the government cannot do itself.
Wtf does a REQUEST for co-operation with a PRIVATE COMPANY have to do with freedom of speech?

Nothing. They got kicked off from a private company's forum for policy violations.
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Matt Taibbi just makes stupid stuff up. None of the messages say what he claims they say.

So why is he doing it? Because he's a partisan hack, and he gets paid well to create propaganda.

The goal here is to justify the ongoing consevative censorship crusade, as currently highlighted by "I'M BANNING EVERY LIBERAL FOR BEING A LIBERAL" Elon Musk, or by "I'LL MAKE IT A FEDERAL CRIME TO FACT CHECK" Donald Trump.

Needless to say, many conservatives are thrilled to see Taibbi lie, because their lives are dedicated to censorship. That's how fascists roll.

You really are a tool.
You really are a tool.
How's this latest conspiracy whining working out for you?

As well as all of your other conspiracy blubbering? That bad?

Sucks to be you. You'll always be a fascist lackey, down on your knees begging your masters for new lies. You'll never know what it's like to breathe the free air.
How's this latest conspiracy whining working out for you?

As well as all of your other conspiracy blubbering? That bad?

Sucks to be you. You'll always be a fascist lackey, down on your knees begging your masters for new lies. You'll never know what it's like to breathe the free air.

You are a Fascist. You openly admit you like this government in bed with social media companies stuff. As I said, you are a Fascist.
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Just scroll down on Matt Taaibi’s feed. Its all there.

The FBI telling Twitter who to ban is a clear 1A violation. They met weekly.

Jen Psaki said the WH met regularly with social media Execs.


This pod discusses is pretty well.

Biggest govt scandal involving conspiracy, targeting of, and violating 2nd amendment rights through censorship in US history...and leftist fake news, Democrat ass-covering media will hardly cover it at all!

The FBI's criminal, Constitution-violating, 'Gestapo' resume continues to undeniably grow longer and longer and longer....

It is WAY past time Wray is perp-walked out of FBI HQ with every leader / Director and Lt Director in tow, at least with arms filled with personal belonging on the way out the door after being FIRED.

Every agent's records should be reviewed, all new Section heads / Directors hired after strenuous checks to weed out the criminally partisan, and a new head of the FBI - from outside the FBI - should be appointed.

There also should be a non-partisan individual or committee (that includes at least 1 non-Democrat appointed Judge) appointed over the FBI that the FBI has to go to and ask 'Mother May I' before doing ANYTHING for at least 2 years / until it can prove it can be trusted, is no longer a criminal agency, and is no longer a threat to our Democracy.

Either that or shut the whole thing down.

Also, since the FBI has violated the Constitition, violated laws, defrauded the FISA Court, violated the Patriot Act, and illegally spied on US citizens NO LESS THAN 12 TIMES since Mueller was Director, the Patriot Act should be rescinded / shut down until the US govt can prove it will harshly punish violators and tge Patriot Act can be carried out / executed without further violations from now on ... in order to protect the Constitutional Rights of Americans.

Matt Taibbi just makes stupid stuff up. None of the messages say what he claims they say.

So why is he doing it? Because he's a partisan hack, and he gets paid well to create propaganda.

The goal here is to justify the ongoing consevative censorship crusade, as currently highlighted by "I'M BANNING EVERY LIBERAL FOR BEING A LIBERAL" Elon Musk, or by "I'LL MAKE IT A FEDERAL CRIME TO FACT CHECK" Donald Trump.

Needless to say, many conservatives are thrilled to see Taibbi lie, because their lives are dedicated to censorship. That's how fascists roll.
Taibbi was chosen to release the files under Elon's authority. He's not a liar.
The FBI tells you to ban someone?

Of course you are going to.

The left are such disingenuous liars. The FBI is the SS for the left.

The FBI is a government entity and they cannot ban speech.
1A violation….thats like day 1 of Constitutonal law.
We see here a whole thread illustrating the infallibility of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" law.

No conservatives are criticizing Musk's current censorship crusade.

No conservatives are criticzing Trump for his pledge to criminalize fact-checking.

No conservative criticized the ongoing book-burning crusade and threat to jail teachers and librarians based on the groomer big lie. Instead, they're all still willingly spread the lie and demanding more censorship.

No conservatives ever criticize the ongoing conservative censorship crusade. They love censoring, and they want to see more conservative censorship.


Because that's how fascists roll.

And because most conservatives know they can't win any debate with a liberal on any topic, so they see censorship as their only viable option.

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