New video of Arbery swearing at cops, almost got tased

And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked
You're truly fucking deranged, comrade.

Getting out of the truck and positioning himself directly in Arbery's path while brandishing a shotgun while yelling at him to stop is the very definition of trying to detain him.
Asking him to stop because of a robbery they witnessed is not against the law

True.....and in fact you may ax anyone to stop for any reason whatsoever under the sun and it is still not illegal.

Yet we see liberals, negroes and other stoopids aka democrats that make these outlandish claims anytime a criminal black happens to get his just reward from a armed citizen.

Do you ever tire of this racist babble, what a pile of horseshit.
Trayvon Martin Part II.
But without a racist black president whipping up racial dividion from the white house

You mean the racist white president that is whipping up racial division from the WH.
I mean obama who drove a wedge between the races during his time in office

What a bunch of BS, the racist came out of the woodwork when Pres. Obama was campaigning. That wedge was there long before Pres. Obama came on the scene and if was folks with your mindset that put it there.
Any hard feelings on both sides were magnified by obama and his consort

there were many but one of the earliest after taking office was his smearing of the boston police as racist

Can you post his quote of calling the Boston Police racist. I'll wait for it.
It was Cambridge police and he did
Trayvon Martin Part II.
But without a racist black president whipping up racial dividion from the white house

You mean the racist white president that is whipping up racial division from the WH.
I mean obama who drove a wedge between the races during his time in office

What a bunch of BS, the racist came out of the woodwork when Pres. Obama was campaigning. That wedge was there long before Pres. Obama came on the scene and if was folks with your mindset that put it there.
Any hard feelings on both sides were magnified by obama and his consort

there were many but one of the earliest after taking office was his smearing of the boston police as racist

Can you post his quote of calling the Boston Police racist. I'll wait for it.
Obama indicted all police forces in America including Boston

and misjudged a white police officer so badly that he was forced to invite the officer to the white house as a sign of truce.
Trayvon Martin Part II.
But without a racist black president whipping up racial dividion from the white house

You mean the racist white president that is whipping up racial division from the WH.
I mean obama who drove a wedge between the races during his time in office

What a bunch of BS, the racist came out of the woodwork when Pres. Obama was campaigning. That wedge was there long before Pres. Obama came on the scene and if was folks with your mindset that put it there.
Any hard feelings on both sides were magnified by obama and his consort

there were many but one of the earliest after taking office was his smearing of the boston police as racist

Can you post his quote of calling the Boston Police racist. I'll wait for it.
It was Cambridge police and he did

Post the quote.
Trayvon Martin Part II.
But without a racist black president whipping up racial dividion from the white house

You mean the racist white president that is whipping up racial division from the WH.
I mean obama who drove a wedge between the races during his time in office

What a bunch of BS, the racist came out of the woodwork when Pres. Obama was campaigning. That wedge was there long before Pres. Obama came on the scene and if was folks with your mindset that put it there.
Any hard feelings on both sides were magnified by obama and his consort

there were many but one of the earliest after taking office was his smearing of the boston police as racist

Can you post his quote of calling the Boston Police racist. I'll wait for it.
It was Cambridge police and he did

Post the quote.
Listen to the video

its obama in his own words
Trayvon Martin Part II.
But without a racist black president whipping up racial dividion from the white house

You mean the racist white president that is whipping up racial division from the WH.
I mean obama who drove a wedge between the races during his time in office

What a bunch of BS, the racist came out of the woodwork when Pres. Obama was campaigning. That wedge was there long before Pres. Obama came on the scene and if was folks with your mindset that put it there.
Any hard feelings on both sides were magnified by obama and his consort

there were many but one of the earliest after taking office was his smearing of the boston police as racist

Can you post his quote of calling the Boston Police racist. I'll wait for it.
It was Cambridge police and he did

Post the quote.
Listen to the video

its obama in his own words

The correct answer is: No I can't.
He was hanging out in a known drug trafficking area.

And that gives the cops the right to violate his civil rights?
Remember when he was the "peaceful jogger"? Boy, that narrative sure fell apart.

Not really. He was committed no crime. He was minding his own business in a park. A cop decided to search him "just because" and when he got irate about it, another cop tried to use a taser on him (which malfunctioned).

If anyone looks worse for this, it's law enforcement.

You'd have to wonder what these cops would have tried to pull if they weren't required to wear body cams.

So why did he get all bent out of shape if he wasnt doing anything?

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Bullshit. Cops rousting a black man for no reason. Harassment. Plain and simple.

Tasing somebody for swearing at them?

You didnt watch the video.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Bullshit. Cops rousting a black man for no reason. Harassment. Plain and simple.

Tasing somebody for swearing at them?

Oh please, the cops had every right to ask him questions. They told him it was a known drug area. They said they could smell pot coming from the car. There is a kids playground in the same park. No parent wants marijuana fumes covering the playground. The cop said it's very uncommon for someone to park their car that far back off the road. There was absolutely no issue with the cops simply doing their job and asking questions. I've said all along the McMichaels were wrong for what they did and they'll answer for it in court. With that said, let's not pretend Ahmaud was some saint. He was way out of line and aggressive with those police officers and deserved to get tased.
"They said they could smell pot coming from the car."

They also said they tried to taze him because he wouldn't take his hands out of his car, which is a bald-faced lie.

Are you referring to the dude parked in a known drug trafficking area?
If so you're flat out wrong.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Bullshit. Cops rousting a black man for no reason. Harassment. Plain and simple.

Tasing somebody for swearing at them?

Oh please, the cops had every right to ask him questions. They told him it was a known drug area. They said they could smell pot coming from the car. There is a kids playground in the same park. No parent wants marijuana fumes covering the playground. The cop said it's very uncommon for someone to park their car that far back off the road. There was absolutely no issue with the cops simply doing their job and asking questions. I've said all along the McMichaels were wrong for what they did and they'll answer for it in court. With that said, let's not pretend Ahmaud was some saint. He was way out of line and aggressive with those police officers and deserved to get tased.
"They said they could smell pot coming from the car."

They also said they tried to taze him because he wouldn't take his hands out of his car, which is a bald-faced lie.

Are you referring to the dude parked in a known drug trafficking area?
If so you're flat out wrong.
Nope, not wrong. It couldn't be more clear. He's clearly backing away from the vehicle when the tac officer tried to taze him.

Whereas the police report states...

Arbery did not take his hands out of his vehicle; therefore, Tac Ofc. Haney attempted to deploy his taser to protect himself and I from the possibility of death or seriously bodily harm. His taser malfunctioned. We ordered Arbery to get onto the ground and he got down on his knees.
You know if that was a black republican you would be so happy! Lol your protecting your modern day slaves, sick! Absolutely sick

If it were a black republican, he'd say to the cops... "Yup, officer, them other negroes sure be shiftless."
He said that and that the police in America are racists who mistreat poor innocent blacks like the nutty professor at harvard

Those cops did act stupidly. They knew that this professor was in his own home, and they arrested him anyway.

So why did he get all bent out of shape if he wasnt doing anything?

You mean why did he get all bent out of shape because the cops treated him like a criminal?
He was hanging out in a known drug trafficking area.

And that gives the cops the right to violate his civil rights?
Remember when he was the "peaceful jogger"? Boy, that narrative sure fell apart.

Not really. He was committed no crime. He was minding his own business in a park. A cop decided to search him "just because" and when he got irate about it, another cop tried to use a taser on him (which malfunctioned).

If anyone looks worse for this, it's law enforcement.

You'd have to wonder what these cops would have tried to pull if they weren't required to wear body cams.

So why did he get all bent out of shape if he wasnt doing anything?

Was he arrested?
Those cops did act stupidly. They knew that this professor was in his own home, and they arrested him anyway.
The professor was arrested for belligerence and noncooperation with police who were just doing their job

He had no key and no documentation linking him to that house
Except for the headlines, I have not been following this story.

I knew from the beginning that the media would present a biased report of the situation.

Most Americans, of course, wisely keep their mouths shut when it comes to cases such as these. And, of course, they discount much of the media's "reporting," knowing that many of today's "journalists" are actually advocates for certain causes.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Bullshit. Cops rousting a black man for no reason. Harassment. Plain and simple.

Tasing somebody for swearing at them?

Oh please, the cops had every right to ask him questions. They told him it was a known drug area. They said they could smell pot coming from the car. There is a kids playground in the same park. No parent wants marijuana fumes covering the playground. The cop said it's very uncommon for someone to park their car that far back off the road. There was absolutely no issue with the cops simply doing their job and asking questions. I've said all along the McMichaels were wrong for what they did and they'll answer for it in court. With that said, let's not pretend Ahmaud was some saint. He was way out of line and aggressive with those police officers and deserved to get tased.
"They said they could smell pot coming from the car."

They also said they tried to taze him because he wouldn't take his hands out of his car, which is a bald-faced lie.

Are you referring to the dude parked in a known drug trafficking area?
If so you're flat out wrong.
Nope, not wrong. It couldn't be more clear. He's clearly backing away from the vehicle when the tac officer tried to taze him.

Whereas the police report states...

Arbery did not take his hands out of his vehicle; therefore, Tac Ofc. Haney attempted to deploy his taser to protect himself and I from the possibility of death or seriously bodily harm. His taser malfunctioned. We ordered Arbery to get onto the ground and he got down on his knees.

He said keep your hands out of your pockets.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Bullshit. Cops rousting a black man for no reason. Harassment. Plain and simple.

Tasing somebody for swearing at them?

Oh please, the cops had every right to ask him questions. They told him it was a known drug area. They said they could smell pot coming from the car. There is a kids playground in the same park. No parent wants marijuana fumes covering the playground. The cop said it's very uncommon for someone to park their car that far back off the road. There was absolutely no issue with the cops simply doing their job and asking questions. I've said all along the McMichaels were wrong for what they did and they'll answer for it in court. With that said, let's not pretend Ahmaud was some saint. He was way out of line and aggressive with those police officers and deserved to get tased.
"They said they could smell pot coming from the car."

They also said they tried to taze him because he wouldn't take his hands out of his car, which is a bald-faced lie.

Are you referring to the dude parked in a known drug trafficking area?
If so you're flat out wrong.
Nope, not wrong. It couldn't be more clear. He's clearly backing away from the vehicle when the tac officer tried to taze him.

Whereas the police report states...

Arbery did not take his hands out of his vehicle; therefore, Tac Ofc. Haney attempted to deploy his taser to protect himself and I from the possibility of death or seriously bodily harm. His taser malfunctioned. We ordered Arbery to get onto the ground and he got down on his knees.

He said keep your hands out of your pockets.
I quoted the police report.

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