New video shows woman attacking teen she falsely accused of theft

You know, I've seen this story several times on the news. And, from what I've seen, this woman was totally in the wrong right from the get go. Why couldn't she do what most other people do when they lose their phone, and call her number to see if the phone the black teenager was holding rang? If it rang, she would know immediately that it was her phone, and if it didn't, she would know immediately that IT'S NOT HER PHONE.

I mean hell, there are lots of examples where even people who are in a comedy show decide to call their phone to see if they can find it. I know that the few times I didn't know where mine was, the solution was to call my number to try and see if I could hear it ringing. This woman attacking the teen was not only a poor decision on her part, but also sounds like it could have been racial profiling as well.

Why couldn't she simply go to the concierge (they were in a hotel, and I'm sure the concierge or clerk on duty would have allowed it), or find someone else who had a phone and use it to call her number to see where it was? Would have saved her a hell of a lot of time and embarrassment. Now? She's gonna have to deal with the fallout, and some of the things that the police are considering charging her with are assault, as well as attempted grand theft (the only reason it becomes grand theft instead of regular theft is because of the cost of those kind of cell phones). She's an idiot and deserves everything she gets charged with.

Like I said, if I lose my phone, I'm smart enough to call my own number and see if it rings somewhere I can hear it.

Thought it was also interesting that her phone was returned by an Uber driver she had used, and that is where she left her phone.

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Did she stomp on his head after the attack and all her buddies rifled through his pocksts to steal his phone and wallet?? If not, why are you posting this tame shit?


Whataboutism is fair play. You cant bitch about minor shit like this when your community is murdering people and knocking out random white people everyday. White racism is always sooo fucking tame in comparison to black racism, yet we are bombarded by cries about racist whites non stop. Im not having it, so dont expect me to play along nicely.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Attacking? I never saw anyone get attacked in that video. Attacking people is what the racist black community does.

THIS is an attack...


I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Did she stomp on his head after the attack and all her buddies rifled through his pockets to steal his phone and wallet?? If not, why are you posting this tame shit?

Ah so it is ok for a white woman to attack a 13yr old teenager over a cell phone that isn't hers.

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Did she stomp on his head after the attack and all her buddies rifled through his pockets to steal his phone and wallet?? If not, why are you posting this tame shit?

Ah so it is ok for a white woman to attack a 13yr old teenager over a cell phone that isn't hers.

No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Anyone else think her behavior was suspicious? Eyes really wide, talking fast, tackling someone who she erroneously thought had her phone yet never thought to backtrack and call the Uber driver to see if she had left it in the vehicle?

Also I find it extremely lame that the police are reporting that they are unable to locate/identify her when she's in a hotel, had taken a Uber there, the Uber driver returned there to return her phone, etc.

This is what happens with white racists. Even when proven wrong they can't stop being racist assholes. I mean how hard is it to simply state "I'm am so sorry, I made a mistake"?

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Anyone else think her behavior was suspicious? Eyes really wide, talking fast, tackling someone who she erroneously thought had her phone yet never thought to backtrack and call the Uber driver to see if she had left it in the vehicle?

Also I find it extremely lame that the police are reporting that they are unable to locate/identify her when she's in a hotel, had taken a Uber there, the Uber driver returned there to return her phone, etc.

This is what happens with white racists. Even when proven wrong they can't stop being racist assholes. I mean how hard is it to simply state "I'm am so sorry, I made a mistake"?

And she physically assaulted him although they referred to it as tackling him to make it sound less criminal presumably

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

Did she stomp on his head after the attack and all her buddies rifled through his pockets to steal his phone and wallet?? If not, why are you posting this tame shit?

Ah so it is ok for a white woman to attack a 13yr old teenager over a cell phone that isn't hers.

No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it?

That ladies and gentlemen pretty much says all that needs to be said. It is because of morons like this that racism thrives in this country.

Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately.

So what is the theme when young white people break the law?

We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT.

White kids steal shit alot as well, but you don't want to talk about that.

Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.
Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

Did we earn the reputation or were we given the reputation because of lying racist like you.

I wish the mother could have been there to lay hands on this stinking chick.

For one thing she was pushed to the ground when she approached them. But he could have just showed her the texts or the photos that were stored in the phone.
I've remembered years ago that I had pressed the wrong button on the elevator. I had went to the wrong floor. I was trying to open the door to the room that I thought that I was occupying. But two guys had opened up the door that were occupying that room. I was getting ready to hit these guys because I had thought that they had broken into my room. But I was about to start swinging at them without asking why they are in my room. But until one of the guy quickly shouted out the room number and the floor we were on. And that's when I had realized that I was at the wrong room.
But these Black guys saw that the White woman really believed that was her phone. They could have shown that it was her by going through the contacts with her just to defuse the situation. But instead they had pushed her away.
But by the way she had stood up to them showed that she hangs around with a lot of Black folks. Because most women that believes that narrative that Black men are wild savage animals. That they will be scared to tackle one of them down. But she wasn't scared of them because she saw them as her equal, which means she must have been in many relationships with Black guys. She probably had tackled down many of her ex-Black boyfriends for their cellphones in the past to find out the women that they were cheating with.


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