New video shows woman attacking teen she falsely accused of theft

Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
He called her a cracker. That justifies anything she might do to him. Theres no place in this country for hate speech like that

The word "cracker" is racist but accurate and appropriate.
It accurately describes exactly what she was.

"Cracker," the old standby of Anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the United States itself. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those inhabiting the frontier regions of Maryland, Virginia and Georgia. It is suspected that it was a shortened version of "whip-cracker," since the manual labor they did involved driving livestock with a whip (not to mention the other brutal arenas where those skills were employed.) Over the course of time it came to represent a person of lower caste or criminal disposition, (in some instances, was used in reference to bandits and other lawless folk.)

It refers to a person of low emotional fiber that takes out their anger and frustration by cracking the whip on unfortunate innocents.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
He called her a cracker. That justifies anything she might do to him. Theres no place in this country for hate speech like that

The word "cracker" is racist but accurate and appropriate.
It accurately describes exactly what she was.

"Cracker," the old standby of Anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the United States itself. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those inhabiting the frontier regions of Maryland, Virginia and Georgia. It is suspected that it was a shortened version of "whip-cracker," since the manual labor they did involved driving livestock with a whip (not to mention the other brutal arenas where those skills were employed.) Over the course of time it came to represent a person of lower caste or criminal disposition, (in some instances, was used in reference to bandits and other lawless folk.)

It refers to a person of low emotional fiber that takes out their anger and frustration by cracking the whip on unfortunate innocents.
Nobody cares.

The point was.....
Whenever an African assaults a white person the immediate black defense is, "He called me a niggardly." That's ALWAYS how they justify ASSAULT.
So I naturally assume if she attacked him it was because of his racist mouth

Pretty clever, right?
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
We hear tons of cowardly morons use that same worn out line. Why do black people always try so hard to convince everyone how "strong" they are? "Im a strong black woman"... no youre not, youre just loud , uncivilized and fat. :dunno:

Sorry, but that is racist.
The use of the word "strong" is valid and appropriate because Blacks were beaten into submission so much in the past. I grew up in the 50's, so I saw more than enough of the disgusting way Blacks were forced into being so submissive and passive. It was not right then or now.
The Blacks in this video are not loud, uncivilized, or fat.
But the white girl is loud, uncivilized, and incredibly arrogant and offensive.

By the way, I am white, and have been racist many times, but I realize it is wrong and try to be less racist now.
We dont live in those times. No one is beaten into submission anymore, yet i constantly hear them say that tired line as if they are in a Malcolm X movie or something. Its very amusing. Its always someone super weak minded talking about how strong they are. :laugh:
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
He called her a cracker. That justifies anything she might do to him. Theres no place in this country for hate speech like that

The word "cracker" is racist but accurate and appropriate.
It accurately describes exactly what she was.

"Cracker," the old standby of Anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the United States itself. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those inhabiting the frontier regions of Maryland, Virginia and Georgia. It is suspected that it was a shortened version of "whip-cracker," since the manual labor they did involved driving livestock with a whip (not to mention the other brutal arenas where those skills were employed.) Over the course of time it came to represent a person of lower caste or criminal disposition, (in some instances, was used in reference to bandits and other lawless folk.)

It refers to a person of low emotional fiber that takes out their anger and frustration by cracking the whip on unfortunate innocents.
Nobody cares.

The point was.....
Whenever an African assaults a white person the immediate black defense is, "He called me a niggardly." That's ALWAYS how they justify ASSAULT.
So I naturally assume if she attacked him it was because of his racist mouth

Pretty clever, right?

I guess it's true when they say, "a lie doesn't care who tells it". That fights your lying ass to the T.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
We hear tons of cowardly morons use that same worn out line. Why do black people always try so hard to convince everyone how "strong" they are? "Im a strong black woman"... no youre not, youre just loud , uncivilized and fat. :dunno:

Sorry, but that is racist.
The use of the word "strong" is valid and appropriate because Blacks were beaten into submission so much in the past. I grew up in the 50's, so I saw more than enough of the disgusting way Blacks were forced into being so submissive and passive. It was not right then or now.
The Blacks in this video are not loud, uncivilized, or fat.
But the white girl is loud, uncivilized, and incredibly arrogant and offensive.

By the way, I am white, and have been racist many times, but I realize it is wrong and try to be less racist now.
We dont live in those times. No one is beaten into submission anymore, yet i constantly hear them say that tired line as if they are in a Malcolm X movie or something. Its very amusing. Its always someone super weak minded talking about how strong they are. :laugh:

Sounds like you are describing yourself, Fuckboy.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
We hear tons of cowardly morons use that same worn out line. Why do black people always try so hard to convince everyone how "strong" they are? "Im a strong black woman"... no youre not, youre just loud , uncivilized and fat. :dunno:

Sorry, but that is racist.
The use of the word "strong" is valid and appropriate because Blacks were beaten into submission so much in the past. I grew up in the 50's, so I saw more than enough of the disgusting way Blacks were forced into being so submissive and passive. It was not right then or now.
The Blacks in this video are not loud, uncivilized, or fat.
But the white girl is loud, uncivilized, and incredibly arrogant and offensive.

By the way, I am white, and have been racist many times, but I realize it is wrong and try to be less racist now.
We dont live in those times. No one is beaten into submission anymore, yet i constantly hear them say that tired line as if they are in a Malcolm X movie or something. Its very amusing. Its always someone super weak minded talking about how strong they are. :laugh:


She will think twice before she falsely accuses someone else.

She will think twice before she falsely accuses someone else.
Another African gleeful over an overreaction to satisfy the African mob.

Next time those damn white folks womt be so quick to call out Africans for their petty crimes

Racist cocksucka nobody black committed a crime.

"Teens" it's always "teens"
She comes across as such an entitled princess. Much like the Central Park unleashed dog woman.
Thread locked while I clean up this mess and will try to reopen it.
This is about as disgusting of a thread that I've seen, and not because of the OP

Deleted 30 posts, gave 2 warnings and one ban.
Stay on the topic going forward and away from racists comment LIKE what I saw in this thread.
Last edited:
Well, the woman who accused the teen of stealing her phone is now in jail in CA without bail, awaiting extradition to NY.

Personally? I hope she gets the book thrown at her. Why? Because hard is it to ask the concierge, the desk attendant, or even some random stranger to borrow their phone? She would have saved herself a lot of hassle and heartache if she would have called her own number to see if the phone the teen had rang. I mean, that would have been the simplest solution. If she called and the phone the teen had rang? She would have had proof that he'd taken it. If not? She would know the phone wasn't hers. And, maybe if she had done that, the Uber driver whose car it had been left in might have picked up and delivered her phone back to her quicker. Now? She's facing jail time, and is being castigated by the public at large for being so stupid.
Well, the woman who accused the teen of stealing her phone is now in jail in CA without bail, awaiting extradition to NY.

Personally? I hope she gets the book thrown at her. Why? Because hard is it to ask the concierge, the desk attendant, or even some random stranger to borrow their phone? She would have saved herself a lot of hassle and heartache if she would have called her own number to see if the phone the teen had rang. I mean, that would have been the simplest solution. If she called and the phone the teen had rang? She would have had proof that he'd taken it. If not? She would know the phone wasn't hers. And, maybe if she had done that, the Uber driver whose car it had been left in might have picked up and delivered her phone back to her quicker. Now? She's facing jail time, and is being castigated by the public at large for being so stupid.

A little bit of a scuffle in a hotel where no one is hurt, and people are extradited from California, expensive trials, detectives, etc., are charged to the taxpayer-- while at the same time, numerous shootings are done every day in New York and the police couldn't be bothered.

They really have their priorities in order.

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