New video shows woman attacking teen she falsely accused of theft

Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Ya gotta love how supersadbrother latches onto a story that is mild compared to what his brethren do on a daily basis.

What would they be racist?
No one got shot or beat up and he wants to make a federal case about it. If only he cared so much about his brothers being gunned down in the ghettos of America everyday.....

Ah BSracist, we know you think that white should be able to treat black folks any way they like to. You long for the Good Ole Days, don't you.

Nah....I long for the days that blacks stop committing crimes at ridiculous rates.

I long for the days when white folks like you will stop being racist trash and committing crimes.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.

Why not?
You rob and assault white people everyday.

Cocksucka I don't need to rob or assault anyone. Most white folks are robbed and assaulted by other whites moron.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.

That is because Black violence is understandable and justified by centuries of injustice, lack of opportunity, abuses, enforced poverty, etc.
All people react with crime and violence to that sort of mistreatment.
The Romans considered the northern Europeans to all be violent criminals, less than human,
But the fault was with the wealthy Romans who abused and enslaved the Germans, French, and Spanish.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Can you possibly get more racist?
I can get just as racist as sbb.

So a white woman falsely accuses a 13yr old of stealing her phone and then tackles him, but I am getting racist. Talk about a racist POS.
So you find an isolated case on a white woman screwing up while you ignore numerous instances of innocent people getting clubbed and mugged by spooks every day. No one gives a shit.

Of course racist trash like you doesn't give a shit, but nobody cares what asshole, racist like you think. If I serfed the internet everyday like you racist do I could find plenty of cases, but I have better ways to spend my life then trying to prove that white folks commit crimes.
You're too busy looking for isolated cases of butthurt to be concerned about thousands of Black children not getting a good education and running to get home before one of their cousins shoots them.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Ya gotta love how supersadbrother latches onto a story that is mild compared to what his brethren do on a daily basis.

What would they be racist?
No one got shot or beat up and he wants to make a federal case about it. If only he cared so much about his brothers being gunned down in the ghettos of America everyday.....

Ah BSracist, we know you think that white should be able to treat black folks any way they like to. You long for the Good Ole Days, don't you.

Nah....I long for the days that blacks stop committing crimes at ridiculous rates.

I long for the days when white folks like you will stop being racist trash and committing crimes.

Sorry I dont do either of those things.
I just like screwing with you since you're such a racist.....we'll just say you painted a target on your forehead.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Ya gotta love how supersadbrother latches onto a story that is mild compared to what his brethren do on a daily basis.

What would they be racist?
No one got shot or beat up and he wants to make a federal case about it. If only he cared so much about his brothers being gunned down in the ghettos of America everyday.....

Ah BSracist, we know you think that white should be able to treat black folks any way they like to. You long for the Good Ole Days, don't you.

Nah....I long for the days that blacks stop committing crimes at ridiculous rates.

I long for the days when white folks like you will stop being racist trash and committing crimes.
That isnt a thing.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.

That is because Black violence is understandable and justified by centuries of injustice, lack of opportunity, abuses, enforced poverty, etc.
All people react with crime and violence to that sort of mistreatment.
The Romans considered the northern Europeans to all be violent criminals, less than human,
But the fault was with the wealthy Romans who abused and enslaved the Germans, French, and Spanish.
No one but wackos like you believe this horseshit.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Can you possibly get more racist?
I can get just as racist as sbb.

So a white woman falsely accuses a 13yr old of stealing her phone and then tackles him, but I am getting racist. Talk about a racist POS.
So you find an isolated case on a white woman screwing up while you ignore numerous instances of innocent people getting clubbed and mugged by spooks every day. No one gives a shit.

Of course racist trash like you doesn't give a shit, but nobody cares what asshole, racist like you think. If I serfed the internet everyday like you racist do I could find plenty of cases, but I have better ways to spend my life then trying to prove that white folks commit crimes.
You're too busy looking for isolated cases of butthurt to be concerned about thousands of Black children not getting a good education and running to get home before one of their cousins shoots them.

Fool look in the mirror, all idiots like you do is whine about black crime as if whites don't commit crime. You have more to fear from a white man than you do any black person, but your racism blinds you to that fact.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Ya gotta love how supersadbrother latches onto a story that is mild compared to what his brethren do on a daily basis.

What would they be racist?
No one got shot or beat up and he wants to make a federal case about it. If only he cared so much about his brothers being gunned down in the ghettos of America everyday.....

Ah BSracist, we know you think that white should be able to treat black folks any way they like to. You long for the Good Ole Days, don't you.

Nah....I long for the days that blacks stop committing crimes at ridiculous rates.

I long for the days when white folks like you will stop being racist trash and committing crimes.

Sorry I dont do either of those things.
I just like screwing with you since you're such a racist.....we'll just say you painted a target on your forehead.

That's funny you need to screw with your butt buddies like BS Filter, you can't put a target on me and as far as a racist goes that is all you Trump Humpers are.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Ya gotta love how supersadbrother latches onto a story that is mild compared to what his brethren do on a daily basis.

What would they be racist?
No one got shot or beat up and he wants to make a federal case about it. If only he cared so much about his brothers being gunned down in the ghettos of America everyday.....

Ah BSracist, we know you think that white should be able to treat black folks any way they like to. You long for the Good Ole Days, don't you.

Nah....I long for the days that blacks stop committing crimes at ridiculous rates.

I long for the days when white folks like you will stop being racist trash and committing crimes.

Sorry I dont do either of those things.
I just like screwing with you since you're such a racist.....we'll just say you painted a target on your forehead.

That's funny you need to screw with your butt buddies like BS Filter, you can't put a target on me and as far as a racist goes that is all you Trump Humpers are.

You and your type are so inconsequential to my life that it's laughable.
Your complaints and worries mean absolutely nothing to me,as far as I'm concerned you could die tomorrow and I wouldnt give a flying fuck one way or another.
My life will continue to be successful regardless.
So in conclusion.....go die ya fucken spook.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
We hear tons of cowardly morons use that same worn out line. Why do black people always try so hard to convince everyone how "strong" they are? "Im a strong black woman"... no youre not, youre just loud , uncivilized and fat. :dunno:
I know all this because yes, I've hung out in the tiny, pretentious, closet-racist bicyclist community before.

Really? You've hung out in the bicycle community? If so, you would know that there are many different races and types that ride. I've ridden from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL, as well as have ridden from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI. How many miles do you have in your legs and under your ass? Me? I've got thousands of miles that I've ridden. Matter of fact, one of the reasons that the Navy saw fit to make me a Physical Readiness Trainer in the last years of my career was because they saw me ride a bike rather than drive a car. Even at 56, I can still cruise at 17 plus mph, with bursts up to 35 mph. How fast can you ride?
The dick comparisons begin. I though people out grew this nonsense
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
He called her a cracker. That justifies anything she might do to him. Theres no place in this country for hate speech like that
There is nothing wrong with using violence if you have a reason to believe you are being robbed and there is no alternative. But she should have known she was not being robbed and only had forgotten her phone in the Uber car. And she did not have to resort to violence because it happened in a hotel with lots of staff she could have relied upon to check out the facts.
No, she was wrong, but can you really blame her entirely for thinking the black kid stole it? Young black people and lawlessness is a common theme, unfortunately. We arent expected to pretend that the things we know about our world arent real, are we? Its not a fun fact, but the fact is, black kids steal shit.... A LOT. Noticing the obvious isnt racist, its simply what comes along with being a rational human being.

Your people earned that bad reputation fair and square, so dont get all mad at me for it.

That's it. Let blacks clean up their behavior before they play victims. In general, they are NOT victims, they are perpetrators.

When are you going to clean up your actions, how about starting with that racist attitude.
Noticing your communities criminal behavior isnt racism.

Amazing how you never notice yours.
What, some woman saying a naughty word? White racism is virtually never news worthy, but its also virtually the only racism you hear on the news. They bend over backwards to sweep black violence under the rug. The thing is, black violence is so common that it doesnt work. People still dont trust you guys, despite the media silence when it comes to your crime.

I guess the media isnt such a powerful thing after all. Not even they can erase your terrible reputation.
Always a day late and a dollar short.

Hategoingonagain, do you have anything to say about this woman attacking a 13yr old or is that ok in your dumb ass world.
Shit happens. No difference between this and some spawn of spear chuckers clubbing a 85 year old lady pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk.

Yea we know to racist this isn't a big deal, a white woman should be able to falsely accuse and attack and black person she wants to. Smfh.
Like I said, shit happens. You don't give a damn when some Black ignorant teenage thug clubs an 85 year old lady for no reason, so why should anyone care about this?

Speak for yourself racist scum, they were arrested, will be prosecuted and incarcerated. What would you like for me to do dumb ass.
I'd like you to get off your self-righteous high horse.

I'd like for you to change that racist ass attitude, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.
You act like a ghetto spook, that's what you deserve.

I am a strong, confident black man that doesn't bow down to coward ass folks like you and that is what you don't like.
We hear tons of cowardly morons use that same worn out line. Why do black people always try so hard to convince everyone how "strong" they are? "Im a strong black woman"... no youre not, youre just loud , uncivilized and fat. :dunno:

Sorry, but that is racist.
The use of the word "strong" is valid and appropriate because Blacks were beaten into submission so much in the past. I grew up in the 50's, so I saw more than enough of the disgusting way Blacks were forced into being so submissive and passive. It was not right then or now.
The Blacks in this video are not loud, uncivilized, or fat.
But the white girl is loud, uncivilized, and incredibly arrogant and offensive.

By the way, I am white, and have been racist many times, but I realize it is wrong and try to be less racist now.
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She made a mistake and her assaulting him puts her in a bad spot. I don’t give a damn about white or black, in this case the lady was wrong and will probably and rightly be charged with assault.

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