New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Besides not sure why you are posting here instead of Media or Race Relations, I'm not sure why you think the fact that he got Gold Teeth (a rather silly fad, but I'm old) really changes the fact that he was an unarmed kid (sorry, Energy Drinks still aren't weapons) who was shot by a wannabe thug.

Hitting someone in the nose with a full 22 oz energy drink is not unarmed.
But you would not admit that as you support goon squads attacking men and women that want to work armed with baseball bats.

Eh i handle those cans everyday, They are not as heavy as they used to be. The metal is thinner. Sure it hurts and you would have bruises if smacked with one, but Oh thats right Zimmerman didnt have any bruises on his face..

There is one right there that questions his inujuries.


You folks are about as dumb as a box of rocks. The kid was a thug.

Sad and senseless killing for sure and I am not giving Zimmerman a free pass. I believe this to be a form of manslaughter.

But it is not what the media portrayed it to be, you folks know it but are not man enough to admit you WERE CONNED.
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.
Quote someone here who said there were "NO injuries to Zimmerman."


"we saw the videos and there was no blood or any visible injuries to Zimmerman" by how many posters?

How many?

If that does not indicate that they are questioning his injuries then you do not pay attention very well.

Why do they keep bringing up the video if that is not the motive?

An interesting little factoid for those that say Zimmerman was beaten badly.................

Shaved heads are shiny, scab covered heads from injury aren't.
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.
Quote someone here who said there were "NO injuries to Zimmerman."


"we saw the videos and there was no blood or any visible injuries to Zimmerman" by how many posters?

How many?

If that does not indicate that they are questioning his injuries then you do not pay attention very well.

Why do they keep bringing up the video if that is not the motive?
No VISABLE injuries does not mean "NO injuries to Zimmerman."

Everyone read the police report.

"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.

They are moronic partisan hack race baitors and will say any stupid thing to avoid being wrong. Yet, wrong they are.
Whatever injuries he had, he was treated within minutes and cleared by EMS.

He *did* have injuries, of course.

Maybe some scratches. They did tussle, after all.

His attorney noting SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME is discounted by some. He continues to claim Zimmerman's head was pounded into the ground. Sanford Police have some explaining to do, as to why Zimmerman wasn't transported to a hospital for tests.
Whatever injuries he had, he was treated within minutes and cleared by EMS.

He *did* have injuries, of course.

Maybe some scratches. They did tussle, after all.

But they're not anywhere near the severity that Zimmerman claims.
Nope, No way.

His cracked-ass brother really fucked it for him. He had him near comatose and one sling away from wearing a diaper for the rest of his life.
Whatever injuries he had, he was treated within minutes and cleared by EMS.

He *did* have injuries, of course.

Maybe some scratches. They did tussle, after all.

His attorney noting SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME is discounted by some. He continues to claim Zimmerman's head was pounded into the ground. Sanford Police have some explaining to do, as to why Zimmerman wasn't transported to a hospital for tests.

Yeah, and when Kaiser Twit (KosherGirl) was claiming that he could have been "punch drunk", she didn't realize that is something that happens over YEARS of boxing, not immediate.

I don't think that shaken baby syndrome can be used either, because by the time a person is an adult, their brain and their skull fit together pretty well. Babies skulls and brains are still growing to fit each other and is therefore easy to have happen with babies.

Adults? Not so much.
Whatever injuries he had, he was treated within minutes and cleared by EMS.

He *did* have injuries, of course.

Maybe some scratches. They did tussle, after all.

His attorney noting SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME is discounted by some. He continues to claim Zimmerman's head was pounded into the ground. Sanford Police have some explaining to do, as to why Zimmerman wasn't transported to a hospital for tests.
Yup. As I noted earlier.

Someone sent me this, and I agree completely with the analysis.

Re: The laws and statues:

George Zimmerman admitted that he was following Trayvon after Trayvon ran. George Zimmerman ended up 200 yards away from his truck, even though he could have gone back to his truck while he was on the phone with LE and been back there before the end of the call. George Zimmerman declined to meet LE at the previously designated spot and instead told LE to call him so he could tell them where he was.

All the above facts make George Zimmerman the pursuer, the agitator, the aggressor. As the aggressor, he has to prove more than just fear for life or great bodily harm. He has to prove that what was happening to him was worthy of deadly force AND that he had exhausted all other means of escape.

His lawyers recognize it too, which is why you now see one of them trying to liken his client's injuries to that of a shaken baby.
Whatever injuries he had, he was treated within minutes and cleared by EMS.

He *did* have injuries, of course.

Maybe some scratches. They did tussle, after all.

His attorney noting SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME is discounted by some. He continues to claim Zimmerman's head was pounded into the ground. Sanford Police have some explaining to do, as to why Zimmerman wasn't transported to a hospital for tests.

Yeah, and when Kaiser Twit (KosherGirl) was claiming that he could have been "punch drunk", she didn't realize that is something that happens over YEARS of boxing, not immediate.

I don't think that shaken baby syndrome can be used either, because by the time a person is an adult, their brain and their skull fit together pretty well. Babies skulls and brains are still growing to fit each other and is therefore easy to have happen with babies.

Adults? Not so much.

I suffered only minor whiplash in a car wreck, and was FORCED to go to the ER for initial treatment. Yet, Zimmerman had his head bashed against a sidewalk/ground, but no trip that day to a hospital; next day he went to see his doctor. ODD.
It was followed up with this:

I hope all states that have these laws will review them to be sure that they are clear and easy to understand.

GZ is the aggressor, because he followed/chased/pursued/stalked Trayvon Martin in the dark, both by car and on foot.

Definition of AGGRESSOR
The party who first offers violence or offense. He who begins a quarrel or dispute, either by threatening or striking another.

AGGRESSOR | Definition of AGGRESSOR (Black's Law Dictionary)

This is the part of the SYG law that can potentially apply to GZ:

776.041 Use of force by aggressor. —The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:

(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or

(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:

(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

This is what great bodily harm means:

"Great Bodily Harm"
"The term `great bodily harm' as used in statute stating when an assault and battery becomes aggravated, is not susceptible of precise definition, but implies an injury of a graver and more serious character than ordinary battery. Herrington v. State, 352 P.2d 931, 933 (Okla. Cir.)."(15)

"Great bodily harm" means bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death, or which causes serious permanent disfigurement, or which causes a permanent or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ or other serious bodily injury."(16)

Illinois Statute §7-8. Force likely to cause death or great bodily harm

If GZ story is true, at best, his alleged injuries would constitute substantial bodily harm (and it's a serious stretch):

"Substantial Bodily Harm"
"'Substantial bodily harm' means bodily injury that causes a laceration that requires stitches; any fracture of a bone; a burn; a temporary loss of consciousness, sight or hearing; a concussion; or a loss or fracture of a tooth.(6)

Use-of-Force Definitions

SYG does not apply to GZ, even his attorney knows it. There is no separate self-defense law in FL, only SYG.
It's going to be hilarious watching you hacks sputter and stammer and suffer major butt hurt when Zimmerman is cleared of all charges.

Hey, if he stands trial and gets away with murder like Casey Anthony did, the courts and the juries have had their say and he walks.

I'm just pissed that he hasn't been arrested, booked and told he's going to stand trial YET.
It's going to be hilarious watching you hacks sputter and stammer and suffer major butt hurt when Zimmerman is cleared of all charges.

Hey, if he stands trial and gets away with murder like Casey Anthony did, the courts and the juries have had their say and he walks.

I'm just pissed that he hasn't been arrested, booked and told he's going to stand trial YET.

The reason he hasn't is that there is not enough (if any AT ALL) evidence to dispute his claim to self-defense. I'm glad I don't live in a country where if I'm attacked and forced to defend myself with my gun, I would have to rot in jail until the police could try to figure out if a crime has been committed or not.
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Yup, it's going to be sweeeeeeeeet!
The person who is in charge right now tends to throw the book at everyone.

She even wanted to charge a 12 year old as an adult.

It may not be as sweeeeeeeeet you hope, Mr. Pez Dispenser

Then why is he a free man still? What are they waiting for? Not enough names on Al Sharpton's petition? Not enough protests yet? Not enough damage to the City of Sanford? Not enough special prosecutors assigned to the case? Enlighten us oh wise one.
It's going to be hilarious watching you hacks sputter and stammer and suffer major butt hurt when Zimmerman is cleared of all charges.

Hey, if he stands trial and gets away with murder like Casey Anthony did, the courts and the juries have had their say and he walks.

I'm just pissed that he hasn't been arrested, booked and told he's going to stand trial YET.

The reason he hasn't is that there is not enough (if any AT ALL) evidence to dispute him claim to self-defense. I'm glad I don't live in a country where if I'm attacked and forced to defend myself with my gun, I would have to rot in jail until the police could try to figure out if a crime has been committed or not.

We both know that if Zimmerman had been black, and the kid had been white, he'd be sitting in jail right now, even if he did have a daddy who was a judge.
Yup, it's going to be sweeeeeeeeet!
The person who is in charge right now tends to throw the book at everyone.

She even wanted to charge a 12 year old as an adult.

It may not be as sweeeeeeeeet you hope, Mr. Pez Dispenser

Then why is he a free man still? What are they waiting for? Not enough names on Al Sharpton's petition? Not enough protests yet? Not enough damage to the City of Sanford? Not enough special prosecutors assigned to the case? Enlighten us oh wise one.
Another stupid reply from the brain damaged one.

The wheels of justice are not the microcosm of your life where all that matters is a how quickly you can remove the booger from your nose and eat it.

Grow up and understand the meaning of patience and how the judicial system works.

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