New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I don't know anyone who walks over 1.6 miles (28 blocks) round trip in the rain just for tea & skittles.

Maybe he was in training or maybe he was doing other things.
There's a 7 Eleven less than 3/4 of a mile down the road. Yes.

And teenage kids go out all the time to get out of the house, for all kinds of reasons, in any weather.

Were you ever a teenager?

I googled the 7-11 & it is 0.8 miles from where Martin was staying. That is 1.6 miles there in back in the rain. According to locals there is a large population of homeless squatters in the vacant lot between 7-11 & Martins place. There is major crime at that 7-11 & in the neighborhood due to this large group of homeless people.
Last I recall, the mileage was .6 something, but that's going by memory, and the person who relayed it as boots on the ground measurement, not google calculations, which we all know are not perfectly precise.


What the heck does your random vacant lot/homeless tangent have to do anything with Trayvon?

You weren't trying to make unfounded implications, were you?

Naw. You wouldn't do that.
As I recall, the phone records indicated he was on the phone with his girlfriend for something like 6 1/2 hours that day.

Obviously very much in love - or at least had great feelings for her.

Walking time on the phone, away from the house, with your chick - yeah, what teenager has done that before?

Certainly no teenager up to any good. I bet that little slut touched that boy's penis a time or two. Maybe they were even having sex. Or worse.....oral sex. And the father and mother obviously had no problem with it at all. What kind of parenting is that? The sick bastards probably went out and bought the kids lube. No condoms, of course. Not like they care if they get pregnant. That's just more food stamp money they can claim off the backs of hard working honest people. The parents probably sat there and watched them have sex, and then joined in and made it a family orgy like the twisted fucks they are. And furthermore Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes.

So Martin got what was coming to him. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain, and caught Martin trying to sell drugs in his neighborhood. Some people might not like it. But I bet there won't be anymore drug dealers running that particular street any time soon.
As I recall, the phone records indicated he was on the phone with his girlfriend for something like 6 1/2 hours that day.

Obviously very much in love - or at least had great feelings for her.

Walking time on the phone, away from the house, with your chick - yeah, what teenager has done that before?

Certainly no teenager up to any good. I bet that little slut touched that boy's penis a time or two. Maybe they were even having sex. Or worse.....oral sex. And the father and mother obviously had no problem with it at all. What kind of parenting is that? The sick bastards probably went out and bought the kids lube. No condoms, of course. Not like they care if they get pregnant. That's just more food stamp money they can claim off the backs of hard working honest people. The parents probably sat there and watched them have sex, and then joined in and made it a family orgy like the twisted fucks they are. And furthermore Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes.

So Martin got what was coming to him. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain, and caught Martin trying to sell drugs in his neighborhood. Some people might not like it. But I bet there won't be anymore drug dealers running that particular street any time soon.
Working on your next screenplay, I see.

View attachment 18205How come the media does not post this most current photo of Trayvon Martin?
What message do these youth propose sending to the community with the gold teeth?

Besides not sure why you are posting here instead of Media or Race Relations, I'm not sure why you think the fact that he got Gold Teeth (a rather silly fad, but I'm old) really changes the fact that he was an unarmed kid (sorry, Energy Drinks still aren't weapons) who was shot by a wannabe thug.

Hitting someone in the nose with a full 22 oz energy drink is not unarmed.
But you would not admit that as you support goon squads attacking men and women that want to work armed with baseball bats.

Ummm, yeah. Because we all know what the alternative is... fighting for the right to work in a death trap...

You whined bout that scab driver who got shot, but not about the 16 miners who got buried alive when they threw out the union and all the safety rules.
I noticed another woman on 911 tape who said she saw the guy in the white shirt on top of & attacking another guy.

Who was wearing a white shirt?
No one.

Maybe not pure white, but Zimmerman WAS wearing a light grey t-shirt under his red and black jacket, and there was no blood on either his jacket OR his t-shirt in the police video.

In dim lighting, a light grey t-shirt could be construed as white.
I googled the 7-11 & it is 0.8 miles from where Martin was staying. That is 1.6 miles there in back in the rain. According to locals there is a large population of homeless squatters in the vacant lot between 7-11 & Martins place. There is major crime at that 7-11 & in the neighborhood due to this large group of homeless people.
Last I recall, the mileage was .6 something, but that's going by memory, and the person who relayed it as boots on the ground measurement, not google calculations, which we all know are not perfectly precise.


What the heck does your random vacant lot/homeless tangent have to do anything with Trayvon?

You weren't trying to make unfounded implications, were you?

Naw. You wouldn't do that.

A racist will do anything..

How true. That is why Spike Lee had to pay a large sum of money. It is also why the New Black Panther is in jail for putting a bounty on Zimmerman. NBC had to fire their racist director who had the anchors lie to the viewers trying to incite a race riot. MSNBC has done this many times before, but this time they Finlay took heat for it. The racist have been beating & robbing whites in the name of Trayvon & are now in jail.

Keep on with the lies & hopefully you will be behind bars next. I laugh at you idiots many times a day. I can't wait until Zimmerman sues all these TV people & race baiter's for huge piles of cash. Libel & slander are still the law in Florida & the USA.:D
besides not sure why you are posting here instead of media or race relations, i'm not sure why you think the fact that he got gold teeth (a rather silly fad, but i'm old) really changes the fact that he was an unarmed kid (sorry, energy drinks still aren't weapons) who was shot by a wannabe thug.

hitting someone in the nose with a full 22 oz energy drink is not unarmed.
But you would not admit that as you support goon squads attacking men and women that want to work armed with baseball bats.

ummm, yeah. Because we all know what the alternative is... Fighting for the right to work in a death trap...

You whined bout that scab driver who got shot, but not about the 16 miners who got buried alive when they threw out the union and all the safety rules.

Who was wearing a white shirt?
No one.

Maybe not pure white, but Zimmerman WAS wearing a light grey t-shirt under his red and black jacket, and there was no blood on either his jacket OR his t-shirt in the police video.

In dim lighting, a light grey t-shirt could be construed as white.

Read the incident report:
"Zimmerman treated at scene with first aid"
Why does someone get treated with first aid?
A man that wants to work is a "scab" according to Joe.
Unions: culture of mediocrity and violence.

NO, a man who crosses a picket line is a scab.

He's someone working against his own interest and all of ours...

Point is, as I said, you whine about the scab who got shot, but what about the Sabo Mine? Where they fired the UNion workers, safety violations increased faster than the inspectors could follow them, and lo and behold, eventually 16 people got buried alive.

That's what it was in the oldy days before unions, except sometimes they used Children to boot..
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.

Maybe not pure white, but Zimmerman WAS wearing a light grey t-shirt under his red and black jacket, and there was no blood on either his jacket OR his t-shirt in the police video.

In dim lighting, a light grey t-shirt could be construed as white.

Read the incident report:
"Zimmerman treated at scene with first aid"
Why does someone get treated with first aid?

I was responding that someone said no one was wearing a white t-shirt. Zimmerman was wearing a light grey shirt that could be construed as white in dim lighting.

And..........if he was beaten as badly as he stated, the EMS should have showed up for him and taken him to the hospital.

Also, did you see the video? If you're in a severe fight, you're gonna get blood all over you (yours as well as theirs), and Zimmerman didn't have any on him. What did the cops do, stop off at his house so he could change clothes too?

A light grey sweatshirt shows blood really well. Trust me.
A man that wants to work is a "scab" according to Joe.
Unions: culture of mediocrity and violence.

NO, a man who crosses a picket line is a scab.

He's someone working against his own interest and all of ours...

Point is, as I said, you whine about the scab who got shot, but what about the Sabo Mine? Where they fired the UNion workers, safety violations increased faster than the inspectors could follow them, and lo and behold, eventually 16 people got buried alive.

That's what it was in the oldy days before unions, except sometimes they used Children to boot..

Safety regs were ignored at Sago, as were workers' lives safety. Had the unions not been forced out, perhaps SAFETY would have been an issue. The inspectors might HAVE to take the time to initiate them. I care about them, and have no respect for scabs.
A man that wants to work is a "scab" according to Joe.
Unions: culture of mediocrity and violence.

NO, a man who crosses a picket line is a scab.

He's someone working against his own interest and all of ours...

Point is, as I said, you whine about the scab who got shot, but what about the Sabo Mine? Where they fired the UNion workers, safety violations increased faster than the inspectors could follow them, and lo and behold, eventually 16 people got buried alive.

That's what it was in the oldy days before unions, except sometimes they used Children to boot..

Oh I know Joe, a man that is working for the interest of feeding his family does not matter to you and your mob.
Mob rule is what it is all about with you and your thug buddies.

What is amazing is that YOU did not complain about someone getting shot in the back.

You and your thug buddies bitch and moan like sissies about greed and what do you do? You shoot a man in the back because OF YOUR GREED.
It takes a sick bastard to kill someone that is trying to feed his own family in the back.
An evern sicker one to condone it.
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.
Quote someone here who said there were "NO injuries to Zimmerman."

Maybe not pure white, but Zimmerman WAS wearing a light grey t-shirt under his red and black jacket, and there was no blood on either his jacket OR his t-shirt in the police video.

In dim lighting, a light grey t-shirt could be construed as white.

Read the incident report:
"Zimmerman treated at scene with first aid"
Why does someone get treated with first aid?

I was responding that someone said no one was wearing a white t-shirt. Zimmerman was wearing a light grey shirt that could be construed as white in dim lighting.

And..........if he was beaten as badly as he stated, the EMS should have showed up for him and taken him to the hospital.

Also, did you see the video? If you're in a severe fight, you're gonna get blood all over you (yours as well as theirs), and Zimmerman didn't have any on him. What did the cops do, stop off at his house so he could change clothes too?

A light grey sweatshirt shows blood really well. Trust me.

"EMS should have showed up for him and taken him to the hospital"

Well, the EMS DID SHOW UP and treated him. Sanford Fire Department.
Why take someone to the hospital with a broken nose and lacerations to the back of the head? For what reason when the EMS treats it at the scene?
Are you claiming that the EMS that treated Zimmerman at the scene are liars?
Will you claim when the EMS trip report is entered into evidence before the grand jury stating that Zimmerman was treated for a broken nose and lacerations to the back of the head that the document was fabricated?
Will you claim that the witnesses that have given statements to police that Martin attacked Zimmerman, had him down and smashed a can in his face are liars?
What exactly are you claiming? The incident report speaks for itself. EMS treated Zimmerman at the scene.
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.

If he was beaten as badly as he claimed, he should have been taken to the hospital.

Light injuries can be treated by officers, but for the extent of damage Zimmerman claims, he should have been treated by the EMS personnel.

But, he wasn't as his injuries weren't severe enough to warrant serious medical aid, and EMS was told to go back.
"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and given first aid by the SFD (Sanford Fire Department)"

Why does the fire department EMTs give first aid if he did not need it?

Amazing how many naive and gullible dumb asses we have here.

They ignore evidence and that IS evidence Zimmerman needed first aid treatment.

But you clueless fools keep claiming that there were NO injuries to Zimmerman.
Quote someone here who said there were "NO injuries to Zimmerman."


"we saw the videos and there was no blood or any visible injuries to Zimmerman" by how many posters?

How many?

If that does not indicate that they are questioning his injuries then you do not pay attention very well.

Why do they keep bringing up the video if that is not the motive?

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