
Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

They hope to get $100 Million for a company they paid $1.2 Billion for.

If these people are so smart, if they have all the answers, if they have the right to tell us how to think, how to vote, what we should believe, who we should support....??

How come they're so stupid as to lose over ONE BILLION DOLLARS? :disbelief:

And BTW.... It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of scumbags

New York Times Set to Sell Globe for Fraction of Purchase

New York Times Co. (NYT), which is accepting bids for the Boston Globe today, is likely to fetch a price that’s about a 10th of what it paid in 1993, a sign of the industry’s deterioration over the past two decades.

The bids are set to be in the range of $100 million, according to three people who asked not to be identified because the matter is private. The potential buyers include Rick Daniels, a former president of the Globe, and former Time Inc. Chief Executive Officer Jack Griffin, in partnership with cousins Steven and Ben Taylor, whose family once owned the newspaper, the people said.

Maybe somebody should have told them that lying to their customer base day after day, year after year might tend to piss them off.

If they'd tell the truth once in a while......

Nah, couldn't do that. Then they wouldn't be libturds
Maybe somebody should have told them that lying to their customer base day after day, year after year might tend to piss them off.

If they'd tell the truth once in a while......

That has nothing to do with the hurt being inflicted on all newspapers. It ain't just the NYT this is happening to.
Maybe somebody should have told them that lying to their customer base day after day, year after year might tend to piss them off.

If they'd tell the truth once in a while......

That has nothing to do with the hurt being inflicted on all newspapers. It ain't just the NYT this is happening to.

Well, yeah g5 -- It is.

The Globe and papers like them. The Slimes is a different matter altogether.

The Wall Street Journal is doing fine. So is USA Today. So are a lot of other papers that don't constantly and continuously lie like dogs to their readers.

People get tired of being insulted and lied to by a one-sided rag.

If you ran a business, how long would you survive if you pissed off half the people you did business every single day? If you insulted them, if you told them they didn't matter, if you told them that you, and only you, knew what was best for them.

libturds want to blame the internet, smart phones, twitter and news-carrying ghosts for the demise of newspapers.

Bullshit. Ever heard of 'Digital Circulation'?

You just can't lie to your customers on a daily basis and get away with it. I don't care who you are.
Most news papers are failing.

but you're right, constant lying worked against them, so they doubled down on their lopsided bullshit, so now they go the way of the Big Gulp.

I could see liberal newspapers in liberal areas. But even in Texas, the Houston Chronicle is about as liberal as liberal can get. And their readership is Conservative by an almost 2 to 1 margin.

I guess you gotta understand 'The Tubes'.

What we called idiots in J-School.

First, getting a J degree in most schools is only slightly more difficult than getting a knitting degree.

Second, the number of people with J degrees FAR out-numbers the number of available jobs.

So to put yourself ahead of the pack, you have to go to a Premier J School. Preferably Columbia, Hawvawd or another Ivy League School where the 4 year tuition is more than a nice House in an upscale Suburb.

Then, you get a job in a market just outside of Des Moines reporting on Hog Futures. If you're lucky. And it might pay $25k a year in today's money.

After you get tired of reporting on Pork Bellies Futures and High School Sports, you apply at a Big, Eastern (or Western) Media Center.

If you're lucky -- Real lucky, they'll accept you as an Intern. If you're not, you get to move to a bigger market, like maybe outside Columbus Ohio. Again, reporting on Hog Futures and High School Sports. But at $30k a year instead of $25k.

By this time, 90% of the J-School Grads have moved on, into another field.

Back to the 'lucky' ones. Know what those 'Intern' jobs at the New Yawk Slimes and ABC, NBC and CBS pay?

Nothing. For around a year, maybe less maybe more, depending on whether you get a contract or not, you're working for free.

So tell me, people...... What kind of fukking MORON goes into a field like that?

You pay tens of thousands of dollars, sit in boring and often difficult classes (BTW, Columbia's "Core Curriculum" isn't a cake walk) for FOUR YEARS and then.....

Get a job in the boondocks reporting on Hog prices and, if you're lucky, get an unpaid job in New Yawk?

Only an idiot of the first order does that.

Or is that not quite on the money?

How about people with an agenda? I mean an, "I want to change the World" agenda.

The idiots? They're long gone. The females married some poor sap, got preggo, then fat, and is staying home watching Oprah. The males (the few) are either Interior Designers or got their Teaching certificates.

So what we're left with is -- Crusaders. All of them.

Can anyone here imagine a Conservative that would put him or herself through that kind of bullshit for a lousy, stinking $25k a year reporting on Hogs? Or working for free?

Know what I'd tell somebody that offered to pay me nothing to move to New Yawk and pay the stoopid cost of living on the off chance they give me a contract some day?

There you have it, boys and girls. THAT is why the entire DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is what it is.....
I haven't seen a printed newspaper in years that isn't a leftist rag.

The NY Slimes isn't fit to line the bottom of a birdcage though.
I haven't seen a printed newspaper in years that isn't a leftist rag.

The NY Slimes isn't fit to line the bottom of a birdcage though.

The Slimes is still the 'Paper of record' and once you get past its editorial page has some good reporting. They really do.

But the editors and the owners?

They're not even liberals, they're communist anti-America dimocrap scum of the highest order.

Some of the reporters at the Slimes do good work. But it seldom makes the Front Page or even the A Section at all.

Same with AP, UPI and Reuters. Some of them do decent work.

But the truth is, it's all still slanted by the editors.

The news that comes across 'The Wire' is unbelievable. I've seen it first hand.

Some of the Reporters actually do yeoman's work.

But here's why I still can't respect them -- They KNOW their stories are getting buried. Maybe they've been doing it a while and understand that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is what it is and they don't really like them.

But they stay on anyway.

Most news papers are failing.

but you're right, constant lying worked against them, so they doubled down on their lopsided bullshit, so now they go the way of the Big Gulp.

I could see liberal newspapers in liberal areas. But even in Texas, the Houston Chronicle is about as liberal as liberal can get. And their readership is Conservative by an almost 2 to 1 margin.

I guess you gotta understand 'The Tubes'.

What we called idiots in J-School.

First, getting a J degree in most schools is only slightly more difficult than getting a knitting degree.

Second, the number of people with J degrees FAR out-numbers the number of available jobs.

So to put yourself ahead of the pack, you have to go to a Premier J School. Preferably Columbia, Hawvawd or another Ivy League School where the 4 year tuition is more than a nice House in an upscale Suburb.

Then, you get a job in a market just outside of Des Moines reporting on Hog Futures. If you're lucky. And it might pay $25k a year in today's money.

After you get tired of reporting on Pork Bellies Futures and High School Sports, you apply at a Big, Eastern (or Western) Media Center.

If you're lucky -- Real lucky, they'll accept you as an Intern. If you're not, you get to move to a bigger market, like maybe outside Columbus Ohio. Again, reporting on Hog Futures and High School Sports. But at $30k a year instead of $25k.

By this time, 90% of the J-School Grads have moved on, into another field.

Back to the 'lucky' ones. Know what those 'Intern' jobs at the New Yawk Slimes and ABC, NBC and CBS pay?

Nothing. For around a year, maybe less maybe more, depending on whether you get a contract or not, you're working for free.

So tell me, people...... What kind of fukking MORON goes into a field like that?

You pay tens of thousands of dollars, sit in boring and often difficult classes (BTW, Columbia's "Core Curriculum" isn't a cake walk) for FOUR YEARS and then.....

Get a job in the boondocks reporting on Hog prices and, if you're lucky, get an unpaid job in New Yawk?

Only an idiot of the first order does that.

Or is that not quite on the money?

How about people with an agenda? I mean an, "I want to change the World" agenda.

The idiots? They're long gone. The females married some poor sap, got preggo, then fat, and is staying home watching Oprah. The males (the few) are either Interior Designers or got their Teaching certificates.

So what we're left with is -- Crusaders. All of them.

Can anyone here imagine a Conservative that would put him or herself through that kind of bullshit for a lousy, stinking $25k a year reporting on Hogs? Or working for free?

Know what I'd tell somebody that offered to pay me nothing to move to New Yawk and pay the stoopid cost of living on the off chance they give me a contract some day?

There you have it, boys and girls. THAT is why the entire DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is what it is.....

This reminds me of a recent story I heard about some little bed wetting lass who spent $160K on a 4 year degree in order to become a social worker. A job that maxes out around $30 unless you get promoted to administrative management, then you make $40-50K.

She was whining about how she still had to live w/ her parents, who also dumped a considerable amount into her "education".

Had she actually been educated instead of brainwashed she would have the critical thinking skills neccessary to determine that it was an unwise endeavor.
That rag is only good for fish wrap.
I hope they get nothing!
Damn commies!
Most news papers are failing.

but you're right, constant lying worked against them, so they doubled down on their lopsided bullshit, so now they go the way of the Big Gulp.
And yet Fox is a one sided lying organization and they do great. Odd...


They're so one sided....

They never allow stupid bed wetters to present the moonbat point of view or present counter arguements in favor of the leftist agenda.

The few bed wetters that are allowed to talk are mocked and ridiculed, while conservatives are held in great esteem by "journalists" at MSLSD.

Throughout recorded History, there has always been a group to support the people who held power.

Almost always Religion.

In Egypt, the Priests were 2nd only to Pharoah in terms of power. Same in Greece. Rome had Priests and Priestesses to support the Senate and later, the Dictatorial Caesars.

The Catholic Church supported Kings in France, England, Germany and throughout Western Europe for Centuries. Didn't the Pope actually crown Napoleon? No? The Pope was there; then ol 'Nappy pulled a fast one on him, but his coronation was still very much approved by the Church.

Anyway, my point is.....

Kings, Emperors, and Dictators of all stripes have always had something or someone to back their power -- To LEGITIMIZE their right to power, to convince the people that the Tyrant-In-Charge had the right, by the Grace of God, to hold power over them.

Which is why the Soviet Union failed. Too long to talk about.

So, what dimocraps are doing is really simple.... They're using the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM as a substitute for The Church.

Instead of the Pope crowning the King, they have the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM not only crowning him, but creating and sustaining him.

Republicans do not now, and have never had this advantage.

dimocraps do.

It makes it hard to defeat them for that reason. Very hard. And as Americans become more and more sheeple-like, as we get led around more and more by our noses, we lose more and more of our ability to freely choose.

dimocraps don't choose anything, they simply do what they're told by the King Makers in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

dimocraps are stupid. They are who they hate. They are what they hate.

If you're not bored to tears already, look up the term, "Tyranny of Choice".

It's a communist idea....... Of course.

To defeat dimocraps, we need to understand them.

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