New York Gubernatorial Candidate Cynthia Nixon: "ICE are terrorists"

ICE are terrorists??

Well that's a load of horseshit. ICE is doing the job they are supposed to do which is to pick up illegals in this country. Make sure they make it to jail and to hearings.

Glad to have them.
Not surprising liberals view ICE as a terrorist organization when you take into consideration liberals have become defenders of MS-13, along with supporting child sex trafficking and kidnapping.
New York says it all. Kind of like a rabbit expressing its thoughts on string theroy. ICE and border patrol do an amazing job and recieve little to no credit.
Crazy Bernie declines to join call to abolish ICE.

What the fuck is wrong with this dude? He had a bullet proof voting record forever and the left solidly behind him and now at 127 years old he's turning into a pragmatist? We're fuuuuuucked
New York says it all. Kind of like a rabbit expressing its thoughts on string theroy. ICE and border patrol do an amazing job and recieve little to no credit.
They did vote for Hillary as president. Explains a lot.
"The Clinton family is a terrorist organization and should be abolished."
""Cynthia Nixon... she's calling ICE—patriotic men and women who raise their right hand to serve the country and keep our borders safe and secure from Narco-terrorists, traffickers, human traffickers, smugglers, child smugglers—she's calling them terrorists."" - Dan Bongino of the NRA
Well I have plenty of video footage of her insinuating that bad fashion and her girlfriend's X lovers were "terrorists" so lets not take her too seriously... lol .. Alas, I suppose it is quite serious though if she has a shot at this election..
"In recent days we have heard shameless attacks on our courageous law enforcement officers. Extremist Democrat politicians have called for the complete elimination of ICE. Leftwing Activists are trying to block ICE officers from doing their jobs and publicly posting their home addresses – putting these selfless public servants in harm’s way. These radical protesters want ANARCHY – but the only response they will find from our government is LAW AND ORDER!" - President Trump
"BREAKING: 630 women are being arrested right now in the Hart Senate Office building. They are chanting "Abolish ICE" as they fight to end family detention. They are all wearing the same foil blankets the refugee children used as blankets in one of the shelters."
"BREAKING: 630 women are being arrested right now in the Hart Senate Office building. They are chanting "Abolish ICE" as they fight to end family detention. They are all wearing the same foil blankets the refugee children used as blankets in one of the shelters."
Are these people so fucking stupid they don't know Obama separated and detainedchildren from their parents? Why does it matter now? You think Trump voters don't know what they're up to? For every pussy hat wearing SJW there are, there are 100,000 Trump voters charged up to vote again.
"BREAKING: 630 women are being arrested right now in the Hart Senate Office building. They are chanting "Abolish ICE" as they fight to end family detention. They are all wearing the same foil blankets the refugee children used as blankets in one of the shelters."
Are these people so fucking stupid they don't know Obama separated and detainedchildren from their parents? Why does it matter now? You think Trump voters don't know what they're up to? For every pussy hat wearing SJW there are, there are 100,000 Trump voters charged up to vote again.

actress Susan Sarandon was among the folks arrested. well well well, what a surprise!
Just more proof that the Dimocrat party is moving towards complete lawlessness when it comes to illegal immigration.
They have no respect for American citizenship.

If you vote for a Dimocrat at any level now, you are voting to dismantle our immigration laws, border security, and our bations sovereignty.

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