New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty

I wonder, can I get a cheap flight to NYC and a five star hotel cheap in Manhattan now?
You can't get a cheap 5 star hotel room. The city has confiscated the hotel rooms for the homeless.
Damn. I was so looking forward to the Waldorf penthouse.
Even Trumps fled NYC
They're going on sale in 2022 ....if we're around that long ...civilization that is
They company doing it big problems
The lower floors will be run by HiltoncvsstarbucksmcDo for the peasants


You asserted that every Democratic city was a "totalitarian society" and now you're a goalpost mover.

So what is your lame ass point?
I haven't changed a thing, and actually I said Havana was a totalitarian mess and you still can't tell the
difference between NY and Havana, Cuba (not that there is much difference in principle).
Since March half a million productive people have moved from New York. The dregs, the criminals are left behind to prey upon one another. The city is dying.

Bah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA
Wow, what a convincing counterargument!

Its all the response that is needed.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel like a witty, erudite, independent thinker.

Just makes me right.
Uh huh. Another comforting fiction. It means you don't have to address the point at all. Handy, that.

Fiction would be your stupid first post.
NO U is not a rational argument, but it's all you've got.
Skyscrapers empty and soup kitchens full? They'll eventually call that the DiBlasio effect.

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