New York.. Time to Move Lady Liberty..

Maybe you need to read the indictment. The whole thing is about HOW Trump recorded a payment in a book no one but his own business usually sees anyway and the alleged INTENTIONS in his mind as to whether he hoped that it would somehow benefit him, as if every other businessman and politician in Washington hasn't done the same thing a thousand times. It was as a legal expense instead of a campaign payment.

Hide what? That some bimbo he may or may not have dated briefly saw an opportunity to extort him for some money because he was about to be famous?
I did. It's all spelled out pretty well. An attempt to hide payoff and disguise it as a campaign expense.

Congratulations Freaky!! After two plus years, you've FINALLY found your election fraud. :auiqs.jpg: was the 2016 election that was fraudulent.
Ummm….that is what she was paid off to say
Moron, that was two years earlier, and she was paid to settle out of court and drop her claim that she ever had any affair at all, not to deny it after telling the world of it anyway.

Trump probably had someone write it for her
Did Trump write this post and the last 250,000 stupid posts as well?
Comeuppance? For the "intent" of a ten year old clerical error? By a guy who already dots every i and crosses every t because he is audited every year?

Gee, I can't wait until we start digging into the comeuppance of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barry Obumma, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and about thirty others!
Awwww...go right ahead.
It's all spelled out pretty well. An attempt to hide payoff and disguise it as a campaign expense.

Really? To have a CRIME, you need a VICTIM. Who did the indictment claim was the VICTIM here, Jack? Who was the victim of Trump's payment being entered in his ledger as a legal expense? I suppose the State of New York in being deprived or going to the NYT sooner with a "Trump Affair Scandal" sooner?

And the indictment refers to an attempt to cover up another crime by doing this--- WHAT crime? Why doesn't the indictment say what that crime was, Jack? We supposed to guess?

And why are all 34 indictments nothing but a copy/paste of the same thing? That's called crime-stacking. It was a nothingburger. Where is this great, revelatory, secret new evidence Bragg promised?

And how did he hide any payment when it was spelled right out in the ledger down to the dollar? And how would that payment been "discovered" any sooner since it was nothing but a line entry in a privater ledger looked at by many authorities for many years as nothing?

And since when is Trump responsible for his business ledger? Can you came me any CEOs you know who personally control their business records in a billion dollar corporation when they have whole teams and departments of people doing the paperwork for them?

And finally, how are you going to prove the "intent" in Trump's mind to read his thoughts and know what he intended in an entry in a ten year old business ledger that his accountants handle?

The only FRAUD here, Jerky, beside yourself, is that while hundreds of thousands of all-time-high rapes, murders and assaults ravage on in NYC, this fraud DA, being paid by Soros and directed by the Biden DOJ is trying to get Trump for a crime that doesn't exist, hinges on his inner, mental "intent," and whose statute of limitations ran out long ago, trying to prosecute a supposed federal crime from a state office, that ITMT, all of your own talking head leftwing medias are likewise asking:


One again for the Stupid People like you, settling a dispute out of court IS NOT A CRIME, never is never has been, and recording the extortion payment to your attorney as a "legal expense," is nary a crime neither.

Hope you didn't hurt yourself in the fall.
Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..
They could move her to the Southern border where she could welcome all illegals with open arms. She used to be there to welcome legal immigrants to the country but the left refuse to differentiate between the two anymore, believing that an immigrant is an immigrant.
Really? To have a CRIME, you need a VICTIM. Who did the indictment claim was the VICTIM here, Jack? Who was the victim of Trump's payment being entered in his ledger as a legal expense? I suppose the State of New York in being deprived or going to the NYT sooner with a "Trump Affair Scandal" sooner?

And the indictment refers to an attempt to cover up another crime by doing this--- WHAT crime? Why doesn't the indictment say what that crime was, Jack? We supposed to guess?

And why are all 34 indictments nothing but a copy/paste of the same thing? That's called crime-stacking. It was a nothingburger. Where is this great, revelatory, secret new evidence Bragg promised?

And how did he hide any payment when it was spelled right out in the ledger down to the dollar? And how would that payment been "discovered" any sooner since it was nothing but a line entry in a privater ledger looked at by many authorities for many years as nothing?

And since when is Trump responsible for his business ledger? Can you came me any CEOs you know who personally control their business records in a billion dollar corporation when they have whole teams and departments of people doing the paperwork for them?

And finally, how are you going to prove the "intent" in Trump's mind to read his thoughts and know what he intended in an entry in a ten year old business ledger that his accountants handle?

The only FRAUD here, Jerky, beside yourself, is that while hundreds of thousands of all-time-high rapes, murders and assaults ravage on in NYC, this fraud DA, being paid by Soros and directed by the Biden DOJ is trying to get Trump for a crime that doesn't exist, hinges on his inner, mental "intent," and whose statute of limitations ran out long ago, trying to prosecute a supposed federal crime from a state office, that ITMT, all of your own talking head leftwing medias are likewise asking:


One again for the Stupid People like you, settling a dispute out of court IS NOT A CRIME, never is never has been, and recording the extortion payment to your attorney as a "legal expense," is nary a crime neither.

Hope you didn't hurt yourself in the fall.
He broke the law Freaky. The laws he violated are spelled out in the indictment.
You're getting awfully bent out of shape over this bottom of the rung indictment. We haven't even gotten to the ones that can actually land his ass in prison (GA, J6, MarALago docs).

I can only guess is because in your heart of hearts, you are coming to the same conclusion as most Republicans are this morning. They are completely screwed. Trump just cleared the Republican field for the nomination, but he has ZERO chance of winning the general election. I know it's early, but if not for a favorable Senate map in 2024, we could looking at a complete disaster for Republicans next year.
Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..

New York.. Time to Move Lady Liberty..

Save the taxpayers' money, she is already drowning while being deeply entrenched in quicksand.
Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..

Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..
Lady Liberty is officially considered as being on the property of New Jersey.
Why? Just because your savior finally got his comeuppance today? :auiqs.jpg:
He didnt though. This is going to be thrown out before it goes to trial. What Trump got was a bullshit charge based on politics. The system is no longer balanced and the left weilds their power like a weapon to silence their opponents. You know, the same thing that has happened to conservatives for years now? I suspect that this is the straw that broke the camels back.
He didnt though. This is going to be thrown out before it goes to trial. What Trump got was a bullshit charge based on politics. You know, the same thing that has happened to conservatives for years now. I suspect that this is the straw that broke the camels back.
So why all the whining then?

I mean, from everywhere....all a bunch of hyperbolic whining about how America is over, we need a civil war, etc, etc...

Why are conservatives such drama queens??
So why all the whining then?

I mean, from everywhere....all a bunch of hyperbolic whining about how America is over, we need a civil war, etc, etc...

Why are conservatives such drama queens??
Why wouldnt people complain about this? What the fuck are talking about? :cuckoo:
He didnt though. This is going to be thrown out before it goes to trial. What Trump got was a bullshit charge based on politics. The system is no longer balanced and the left weilds their power like a weapon to silence their opponents. You know, the same thing that has happened to conservatives for years now? I suspect that this is the straw that broke the camels back.
No. It won't. They'll probably set a trial date on December 4th....if Trump doesn't accept a plea deal first. :auiqs.jpg:
Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..

This was pretty fucking awesome...well played Mr Salaam.

Exonerated Central Park 5 member Yusef Salaam responds to Trump charges with full-page ad


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